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I have a play:1 that runs all day, then when i press the play/pause button it will stop. Then if i press play a few ours later nothing happens, then i go to the app and when the button it press it comes up with “Unable to Connect” i then have to load up the app and press play through there. 

What source are you trying to ‘continue/unpause’?

it sounds as though the speaker is losing its connection to the source in some way after being ‘paused/stopped’. Seems unusual that this is only occurring in this one circumstance, which makes me wonder if the source of the data is going to ‘sleep’ and not immediately available when you press the ‘resume/unpause’ button on the speaker, or the ‘play’ button in the controller. If it happened at other times, too, I’d suggest the Sonos was subject to wifi interference .

Hi @JackRoss188 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

If ​​​@Airgetlam’s suggestion of reducing interference hasn’t helped then I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.