Please go back to the last app, the update sucks SO bad!

Userlevel 5
Is there any way to revert back to the last app before the recent update? This latest update is just plain stupid.

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397 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +6
Dear oh dear Jgatie, friendly banter - it’s just banter! Our opinions on this differ but it’s an app. It’s JUST an app. I have nothing against you personally, but just go back and re-read what you posted. It’s stuffed full of the very vitriol you accuse others of. Don’t be so aggressive all of the time. Lighten up already.

andrew, you and others have made it your mission to shut me up. You succeeded. Then, because I no longer respond in a way you can criticize, you take it upon yourself to speak for me, just so that you can put forth a critique to an imagined response that I have not given (and will not ever give). Now you downplay that ploy with "it's just banter" and dismiss it as my delusions?

I repeat: No. You may not speak for me. This game is over. Go criticize the poster who is picking on John B for being helpful.
I have had a living room surround sound that includes my two Sonos 1, Soundbar, and Sub for 11 months now with no problems and since this update my Sonos 1 speakers and Sub cut in and out every 4-5 minutes!!! I don't want to watch tv in my living room anymore because it annoys the crap out of me. Please fix ASAP!!
Userlevel 2
Still no response from Sonos regarding this crappy app! Looks like the writing is on the wall. This is the way companies respond when they are going down. By the time they figure out they need to make a change it will be too late to recover.

From a few days ago, in the main 8.0 app announcement thread:

Hi everyone, we appreciate the feedback all around.

The team is listening and working to incorporate your feedback into the new app. You'll see some changes coming to the next versions of the app. They're looking into the brightness of the app and working on ways to balance the contrast. They're also looking into ways to improve the general flow of the app, and streamline navigation.

Thanks for sharing and please let us know what you think as the app develops.

I saw this in an email today. I look forward to the new update, and truly hope they are paying attention. I've gone to using Sonopad on my iPad, which is a superior app in every way. My partner just picked it up and started using it straight away, she still struggles with the official app several months on - as in, she simply doesn't want to use the system because just is too confusing.

I hope they can get the UI working well again, I can see the potential, but it simply is not there at the moment. The post about demonstrating how to change rooms simply highlights the poor design - the fact it needs a post to demonstrate speaks for itself. There are simply too many steps for tasks that used to be single presses.

Anyway, as I said, I look forward to the update, here's to hoping Sonos can redeem the "easy to use" reputation.

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Now you downplay that ploy with "it's just banter" and dismiss it as my delusions?

Did I say you were delusional?

andrew, you and others have made it your mission to shut me up. You succeeded.

Oh, by that do you mean you have been spoken to by the mods ?? — I have never told you to shut up, and I don’t have that power, but they do. I see one of your other nasty aggressive threads was shut down though.

Jgatie, I repeat — it is JUST an app. Stop the harsh words, the unpleasant tone, the aggressive stance. Before you get this thread shut down too.

Andrew, I repeat. Do not assume you can speak for me. Thanks!
Userlevel 6
Badge +1
I cannot bear change for change's sake.

Welcome to the club! 😉
Userlevel 2
really disappointed with the new sonos i have to press seviral things before i can do what i want to do.
not Impressed at all
i feel it’s ruined what was once such a simple system
Userlevel 2
Badge +3
Having scrolled through most of the comments, I was intrigued to hear that there's an alternative to using the Sonos Controller. Sonopad .... how many others have looked at this as a viable alternative I wonder?
I cannot bear change for change's sake.

Welcome to the club! ;)
Perhaps you missed the deliberate irony.
It appears that Sonos updates are focused with a specific "persona" in mind, and if you fit that persona the app works well. Unfortunately, previous versions of the app were great for someone who fit a "persona" that Sonos is no longer focused upon (unfortunately including me), and appear to not be able to multiple skin/platform the app to more than one persona. With all that as a given, their actions (since v5.0) of continuing down the path while asking for patience for undefined future modifications that might ameliorate the newly created issues is consistent with what I think I see going on. So the focus becomes what to do (Sonopad, stay at current version, or other options, like my question below).

I missed the v5.0 upgrade, then after seeing the app in action decided to stick at v4.2. The good news is v4.2 works great for me, the bad news is that will last only as long as my phone/computer/ipad running 4.2 will last. So to get as much life out of the Sonos components I bought, I'm trying to sort my next step.

(My beg for help!) - My android phone died for calling purposes, but the old phone still works as a v4.2 controller (for now). So for my new phone (especially when the old phone dies), is there an option of a) copying a file from the old to the new phone (and if so, what file), b) downloading a 4.2 file from a site like APKMirror (unfortunately APKMirror only goes back to 5.2), or c) ???. I've done the offline-online dance to reattach components, assume the same approach would work for a new file.

Many thanks!
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
I’m a 4.2 lover here. Many people have dismissed me as them thinking now that the 5.0-7.0 interface was so terrific (they are in denial that no one liked the 5.0 interface when it came out.

I have to say though. I see potential..and I said potential... for the 8.0 interface to be the best ever. Yes it is bad right now. They tried to make it too much like Apple Music and Spotify and not focused on the browsing and multiroom. With tweaks to the tab bar and flow (yes probably a little less white too) this thing can be good. And yes from someone who really liked 4.2 better then that.

Ps. Best interface ever is still the desktop interface (if it had universal search) Tablets in landscape should mimic that view. Landscape view has been bad since 5.0 and I don’t think has ever gotten any better.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
M_3. Give 8.x a try when it comes out in next few weeks or so. Sonos has hinted enough that I think it will be really good.
Userlevel 6
Badge +1
I cannot bear change for change's sake.
Welcome to the club! ;)
Perhaps you missed the deliberate irony.

Well yeah, with loving change for the sake change being such a fringe position, it's easily misunderstood.

I've got great news for you though. There are a bunch of sonos alternatives out there for you to try out.

Wouldn't wait too long though, cause judging from the reactions on this forum, there might be quite some people on ebay trying to sell there sonos gear as well.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
In your limited viewpoint.
Userlevel 4
Badge +3
Having scrolled through most of the comments, I was intrigued to hear that there's an alternative to using the Sonos Controller. Sonopad .... how many others have looked at this as a viable alternative I wonder?
I have used it for a long’s good if you accept its limitations.....but they are small compared to the benefits.....far superior to the official app....
Cross posted from another thread - I made the mistske of telling Google Store to update the Sonos app. Once the app updated it self and all my speakers were upgraded, I found the new UI to be terrible and not have dark backgrounds, among many other issues. I uninstalled the 8.0 app and found an apk mirror for Sonos 7.4, I reverted back to 7.4 for android to get the original, useful UI back that also has the wonderful dark backgrounds and a host of other things. No issues so far... :)

I did the same, how did you get past the start up screen insisting you update?

Userlevel 7
Badge +22
If your at the startup screen asking you to update you most likely have no choice as it has already stated the sequence in attempting update.
Is there any way to revert back to the last app before the recent update? This latest update is just plain stupid. I absolutely despise the new app. It is so ugly I removed an android tablet in my kitchen and replaced it with a windows tablet. The app takes more time to get to what you want. For example: got to favorites, show all favorites, pick your media, back out to the tab again, rooms etc.. App is horrible
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
Hi everyone. The team has been hard at work incorporating your feedback to the Sonos app and as of today, 8.3 is now available. For details on what's changed, take a look here.
Userlevel 3
As an early complainer of the new white, bright UI, I saw there was an update today that supposedly addresses it. While I am away from my Sonos equipment and hence cannot launch the app, I did want to stop in and say thanks for finally getting around to it. I see rooms has been "improved" so once I get home, I'll be able to see it. But, thanks. 🙂
Think of it as a step in the right direction. I suspect that Sonos has more to come, as they continue to iterate on the software. But I also echo your thanks to them 🙂