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Is there any way to revert back to the last app before the recent update? This latest update is just plain stupid.
Who thinks that the postings don't have Sonos' ear? I was under impression they said they were sending all feedback to the development team.
Who thinks that the postings don't have Sonos' ear? I was under impression they said they were sending all feedback to the development team.

It's a convenient way for them not to face the fact that the real reason the clamoring has calmed down could be people are getting used to the changes and now find them not as bad as they did at first. Thing is, only one side predicted this result, the others predicted furor lasting for months upon months, followed by Sonos' imminent demise as thousands flocked to other systems.

As if those who screamed from the rooftops that they hate the new app would leave in silence without announcing why.

Anybody seen those posts of people actually leaving for a competitor?

I've seen them jgatie. But there still here.
Hi everyone, we appreciate the feedback all around. Please refrain from insulting or attacking other users, even if you disagree with their sentiments. Everyone should feel welcome to share here.

The team is listening and building on the foundation of the new app. You'll see some changes coming soon. They're looking into the brightness of the app and the team is working on ways to balance the colors. They're also looking into ways to improve the general flow of the app, and streamline navigation.

Thanks for sharing your feedback and please let us know what you think as the app develops.
Who thinks that the postings don't have Sonos' ear? I was under impression they said they were sending all feedback to the development team.

It's a convenient way for them not to face the fact that the real reason the clamoring has calmed down could be people are getting used to the changes and now find them not as bad as they did at first. Thing is, only one side predicted this result, the others predicted furor lasting for months upon months, followed by Sonos' imminent demise as thousands flocked to other systems.

As if those who screamed from the rooftops that they hate the new app would leave in silence without announcing why.

Anybody seen those posts of people actually leaving for a competitor?


Thanks for the update Ryan!
The team is listening and building on the foundation of the new app. You'll see some changes coming soon. They're looking into the brightness of the app and the team is working on ways to balance the colors. They're also looking into ways to improve the general flow of the app, and streamline navigation.

Thank you for responding. I realize things are probably very hectic with the new hardware, new software and the holiday buying season. However, more official updates should alleviate some of the upset on the forum.
It's a convenient way for them not to face the fact that the real reason the clamoring has calmed down could be people are getting used to the changes and now find them not as bad as they did at first. Thing is, only one side predicted this result, the others predicted furor lasting for months upon months, followed by Sonos' imminent demise as thousands flocked to other systems.

Or it could be that many have expressed their displeasure and moved on, or just given up. And, they are probably tired of being insulted by other forum members.

It's a convenient way for them not to face the fact that the real reason the clamoring has calmed down could be people are getting used to the changes and now find them not as bad as they did at first. Thing is, only one side predicted this result, the others predicted furor lasting for months upon months, followed by Sonos' imminent demise as thousands flocked to other systems.

As if those who screamed from the rooftops that they hate the new app would leave in silence without announcing why.

Anybody seen those posts of people actually leaving for a competitor?


Why must you use such overblown inflated language ??

..... furor lasting for months and months

...... thousands flocked to other systems

....... screamed from the rooftops

If you have a point it is diminished by exaggeration.

Why does it matter to you that others don’t like the app? You have provided many posts explaining your reasoning why they may not like it, and in some cases you may be right. But so what? Explaining away the reasons why people don’t like, doesn’t change the fact that the don’t like it. They, like you have paid their money, and they have a right not to like it. They don’t even have to provide reasons, If they choose. Give them that space and stop trying to change their mind. Pushing the ‘muscle memory’ stick for the nth time doesn’t suddenly make you right and them wrong.

I do agree that muscle memory does make the layout worse. Especially as I tend to use my Sonos a lot when people are over at my house ... and let me say after a few drinks that muscle memory mistake thing really kicks in!


Why is anyone who is reasonably patient a "fanboy". I've expressed what I don't like about the current version and that's that. I don't have to dwell on it awaiting the next revision.

Chris, you and jgatie would do well to consider this logic for those of us who think the current app is crap.

I have expressed that I don't like the new app and given my reasons (I think twice in total). I am not going to dwell on it and keep posting over and over my frustration and dislike of the new app. Does my lack of posting mean I have adjusted and now warmed to it? No not at all. I still think it's worst version to date. But I have neither the time nor desire to constantly post about it. But please don't take this as a sign that I and others like me therefore must have adjusted to the app and no longer dislike it.

It seems that if people constantly post their dislike, rants and moans, they are criticised for banging on about it. But if they post once and leave it at that, then their silence that follows must mean they have changed their mind. So how do we let our continued dislike of the app be known without regularly posting our negative views on it?

And jgatie, let the muscle memory thing go. I was able to use this app from day 1. Months on and I can still use it and still dislike it for the many reasons I and others have given. Absolutely nothing to do with just taking time to remember where everything is.

I think it's crap. And I'm not alone.

Why does it matter to you that others don’t like the app? You have provided many posts explaining your reasoning why they may not like it, and in some cases you may be right. But so what? Explaining away the reasons why people don’t like, doesn’t change the fact that the don’t like it. They, like you have paid their money, and they have a right not to like it. They don’t even have to provide reasons, If they choose. Give them that space and stop trying to change their mind. Pushing the ‘muscle memory’ stick for the nth time doesn’t suddenly make you right and them wrong.


It doesn't matter to me. So why in the H-E-double hockey sticks does it matter that I disagree with you? See, if you look back on my posts, originally I merely offered up the possibility that it was familiarity and muscle memory, and called for a rational response to the release by offering feedback instead of hyperbole. It was I who was attacked for that. So stop giving me grief for responding in a similar tone. It was you folks who didn't respect my opinion first, not the other way around. You people set the tone, not me. And you complaining about overblown inflated language when someone on your side described the new app as like an abusive relationship is rich!!! That's right, they described the new app as an abusive relationship, and I'm using overblown language? Criticize that post and I will start to take you seriously.

So to close, if you like, I will post my very first posts on version 8.0 and the responses as proof. But I imagine you aren't going to like. ;)

Oh and by the way, I've paid my money too, and I have just as much a right to express my opinion about the app. Only one person is explicitly calling for people to withhold their opinion and stop posting on the subject, and it isn't me.
I don't think I ever myself inferred that others silence meant they had adjusted and like the new version. I'm silent a lot about it - that doesn't mean I like the app.

The more that express their critique and criticism and/or praises the better for Sonos to be informed.

I just now stated yea the Muscle Memory thing is real (it is... and yes people do slowly adjust over time). I would be critical in that aspect in that Sonos shouldn't keep going and making drastic changes where people actually have to adjust. I don't let most visitors use my Sonos app any more because of changes Sonos has made in the past year to the app (I used to freely encourage people to use the Sonos app). There are way to many ways to mess up the queue or stop the music in the current version. The last version and the current released version are tailored to an individual playing music (as I noticed it is exactly the same as the Spotify App meant for an individual user) ... in its current form (and past form) it has issues when it comes to multi-user / multi-room. I didn't like the prior version ... I don't like the new version ... but it ain't life or death its a music app.

Most of you guys will probably be happy when they tweek the current version. I know I probably will not because I'm most certain there will still be no queue lock / party mode and I will still limit those who use the app. I think the only thing I have done of recent critical of others was point people who were making multiple threads to this thread - as it is the one Sonos is monitoring and would be of more value vs. clogging up board with multiple threads on same issue.
I'm at a loss as to why this glaring farce of an app was ever let through testing..Beta or otherwise. I don't think I've come across any media online where people actually like the new version..Is anyone at Sonos Hq listening to their customer base??
Is anyone at Sonos Hq listening to their customer base??

There is a post from a guy at Sonos HQ on this very page.
I know ... and then we get called fanboys for pointing those kinda things out.
I know ... and then we get called fanboys for pointing those kinda things out.

Meh. Getting called a fanboy comes with the territory. It's a lame schoolboy argument, and I chalk it up as points on my side.

It doesn't matter to me. So why in the H-E-double hockey sticks does it matter that I disagree with you?


It was you folks who didn't respect my opinion first......


Oh and by the way, I've paid my money too, and I have just as much a right to express my opinion about the app.

I keep saying it again and again, everyone's experience -- whatever it is, good or bad -- is valid for them. Your experience is valid for you.

So really I don't have an issue with your differing opinion of the app. I've read many dozens of opinions and everyone has a different take on it. I don't challenge their opinion and I don't challenge yours.

The only issue I have with some of your postings is that you seek to explain away other peoples' dislike. You are trying to persuade them that the cause of their dislike lies with them -- that it is all down to muscle memory, and therefore it is the fault of the user. You're almost blind to the possibility that the cause of their dislike may lie with the app.

So you may be right that V8 is better than what came before. I may be right that it isn't. No-one's opinion is wrong. I humbly suggest that by trying to justify the reasons why others dislike the app, you are suggesting their opinions are fundamentally wrong. Or at least you don't entertain the notion that the problem may lie with Sonos and not the users.

I gave the opinion that one's dislike may be partially or even wholly due to very real phenomena, with a historical precedent right here at Sonos. I gave examples of that phenomena in the past, offering proof for my opinion in the form of other's posts and how their pedulum swing change of opinion for the 5.0 app seemingly occurred without a coresponding change in design or function.

And note that when others produced evidence that their opinion of 5.0 has never wavered, I gave them their due. I also stopped picking on specific people, because I really felt bad embarrassing one in particular, and instead posted in general terms when there were many more I could have called out and better supported my point.

For that I was attacked, yet I'm the one intolerant of others opinion? Looks more like I hit too close to home.

As to me not entertaining the notion that Sonos is at fault, I guess you don't recall my scathing analysis of Sonos' performance lately. Figures. Most only read what they want to hear. Guess I should have compared it to an abusive relationship* in order for it to be memorable. But then I'd have to hand in my Fanboy card. :8

* Notice you conveniently snipped the abusive relationship stuff from my post when you quoted. Any comments? 😉
New app sucks and requires far more clicks to change rooms. Its so unintuitive. I greatly preferred the old navigation.
Let’s mention the too much white space having too few rooms per page.
I gave the opinion that one's dislike may be partially or even wholly due to very real phenomena, with a historical precedent right here at Sonos.

So what’s your point? If 10 people come along and say they hate the app and you come along and say hang on guys there is a phenomena at work here — does that mean they were wrong to hate it or that they should now hate it less ? Or maybe, irrespective of the phenomena, their experience of hating it is still very real for them and won’t be changed now matter how many times you use the words muscle memory ??


So what’s your point? If 10 people come along and say they hate the app and you come along and say hang on guys there is a phenomena at work here — does that mean they were wrong to hate it or that they should now hate it less ? Or maybe, irrespective of the phenomena, their experience of hating it is still very real for them and won’t be changed now matter how many times you use the words muscle memory ??


See, I never made that type of judgment. You did. I offered my opinion and brought some amount of evidence to back it up. How other's hate (or lack thereof) is affected by that opinion is on them, not me. The well being of their opinions or feelings is simply not my concern, so I couldn't care less what is "real" or not for them, though it is interesting that my posts seem to strike a giant nerve with some. I will admit to finding it ironic that one so concerned with the validation of others opinions, no matter how out there (abusive relationships anyone?), seems to relish in beating up mine on an almost minute by minute basis. I guess it is easy to pick on the fanboy. 😉
The well being of their opinions or feelings is simply not my concern, so I couldn't care less what is "real" or not for them, though it is interesting that my posts seem to strike a giant nerve with some. I will admit to finding it ironic that one so concerned with the validation of others opinions, no matter how out there (abusive relationships anyone?), seems to relish in beating up mine on an almost minute by minute basis. I guess it is easy to pick on the fanboy. ;)

Or maybe it's simply a case of people being fed-up with critique being systematically ridiculed and trivialized.

Your reply in this thread is a perfect example. You turned

"Sonos is an interesting position in that regard. They can listen to their customers and get back to the excellent user experience of the early days, or lose the loyalty and word of mouth that got them were they are today. Up to them to decide."


"See, the thing with "or the bunny gets it" threats is the bunny never actually gets it!. It just hangs around until the next time the easily indignant get their feathers in a ruffle over the next bunch of UI changes. "

At no point didn't even dawn on you that this was not me threatening to sell my system or anything like that, but that I was referring to people postponing expansions, not showing their friends how easy it is to use the system, or actively advocating for purchasing the system. All of which will hurt sales a lot more than a customer leaving for a competitor. But no, this was me threatening to kill the bunny :8

And this is typical of the way you 'communicate' on this forum as andrewmk pointed out a couple of posts ago.. You care so little about what others have to say that you need inflate and exaggerate what they have been posting, just so you can ridicule their point, and that time and time again. Because dissent is clearly not allowed around here.