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ever since I updates my sonos software to the latest version whenever I want to play 1 song from my library it keeps adding the entire album that song belongs to to my playlist. But I don't want that, I just want it to play that 1 song and stop just like it did with the older version of the software I used before.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?
Hit the three dots "info and options" and select play next
I know that can be done, but just dubble clicking a song is much faster, and it was able to do that before.
Sorry, they changed it in order to mimic other single user interfaces like iTunes and Spotify. Not popular with a lot of users.
Unfortunately Sonos has not had enough negative feedback for them to indicate they might do anything about it so a lot of users will continue to be unhappy.
I've got the feeling no amount of negative feedback would reverse the reasoning at the level this change was made. This has high level marketing push decision written all over it.
I am among those who don't like the change, but in the grand scheme of things it isn't a big deal, especially when you get more used to it. New users won't find it a problem, having never known differently. As @jgatie says, no chance of Sonos reversing this.
It's kind of a big deal to go from clicking on something to instead have to hit 3 tiny dots to open another menu and potentially have to click "more" to open yet another menu... it is just irritating enough to make people who were barely comfortable using the system to stop using it completely. On the other hand it makes a great sales tool for Amazon. They can do a demo that shows somebody digging though Sonos menus trying to play a single track and accidently loading a whole album while another person just asks Alexa to play the same track and it starts right up.

I wonder if part of the Echo development partnership agreement requires Sonos to make the Sonos app more frustrating to use so there will be more demand for voice control?
Well that one can be added to the world's stock of conspiracy theories. You are of course entitled to your view.
I agree. Tapping on a single song means i want to play that song and not every song in the folder. Kinda makes me want to scrap the whole Sonos system. I definetly wont spend another dime on anything related to Sonos again.
I agree. Tapping on a single song means i want to play that song and not every song in the folder. Kinda makes me want to scrap the whole Sonos system. I definetly wont spend another dime on anything related to Sonos again.

Wow, now that is strong! Can't say i liked the change but now used to it I can't say it matters either now #firstworldproblems