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The controller installed on my PC is not recognizing any SONOS components! The handset controller and the controller on my android phone are working fine. I have checked the firewall and un-ticked the boxes as recommended. Ricky Hay
Hello Richard, It sounds like something install and running on the PC is still blocking your SONOS from speaking to the PC. This does not seem to be a network issue since the Android Phone seems to work fine with the System. What internet security or firewall software running is running on the PC? What is the operating system is running on the PC ? The PC is connecting to correct network? Is there an virtualbox, virtual machines, or VPN connections being used on that PC?
I am experiencing the same issue. Phone works fine. PC wont find Components. Windows XP. McAfee Virus No VPN. I have admin rights, but the PC is under a managed IT settings as its the same lappy i use for work.
Hello User837421, Do you have an iDevice, Android Device, or another PC you can try and run the Sonos Controller from? If so please try to install the controller on that device and see if that associates. Is there a firewall installed by your IT department. Please make sure these specific ports are open on the firewall to allow the Sonos through. I will attach a link to the Sonos Answer that covers those ports. Once your IT opens them please try to run the Sonos Controller again.
Hi I am having the same issues. I have a desktop client on my desktop PC, and Sonos app on both iPhone and iPad which work fine, however having issues installing onto laptop. What I get is the prompt to pair, I click the v+ and mute key and the client appears to look as if its processing then I get " your sonos component could not be found", ive tried the pairing process from my bridge, playbar and play3 with the same result. I have tried to uninstall the SW. I have no firewall.
User837421 here again. As it works fine from my android phone, it is definitely my PC. Although it says the ports are not blocked, I can only assume at this point it is some part of the "IT policy" that is blocking it. Unfortunately, I am limited to using my phone only as unless there was a straightforward solution I dont have time to spend hours trying to get this to work. I am happy enough with the software on the phone at this point (thanks beta)
Would someone be able to advise on my issue please? Cheers
I have the same issue, it use to work and stopped.
I have a brand new system and have the same issue with regard to operating the system from our Macbook and Ipad, after working well it cant be re-engaged after a period of non use. Initially tried firewall settings which made no difference and then reinstall. However the solution which has now worked twice was simply to turn off power to the bridge (and router) and then power up again and it re-engaged. However no idea why this is the case and it is a ridiculous solution for such an expensive and sophisticated piece of kit.
Same issue here. What's going on ?
my new issue is since the latest Sonos update, the Sonos controller that wasn't working wont even load, it indicates an update is required and to visit the Sonos site. I download the latest and install it and still get the same error. Ive tried to remove and re install.... same issue.
I have solved my problem ! I don't know why this works, but I changed the channel my wireless router was working on (from channel 1 to 11) and everything is now working fine.
Hi George - I have the exact same problem; have you managed to resolve - it's driving me bonkers and having spent an hour on hold last night for them not to answer didn't help! I bought my gear last week, it worked for 2 days, added another component and now the controller will not connect to anything...please help!
I am having the same issue
I am having the same problem. Brand new SONOS Connect - and the PC Controller software cannot "find" the device. Launching SONOS app on iPad allowed setup of the device to be completed - but PC Controller still can't see it - and apparently that's the only way I can complete the configuration (point at music library on NAS, etc). Initial response mentioned "virtual networks" - I definitely have VM software (VirtualBox) on this machine, but am network savvy, and can't find any reason / explanation why VM networks would interfere. Please advise. So far, my initial experience with SONOS is far from stellar, despite the fanatic recommendations from friends and co-workers. FAQs and knowledgebase not proving helpful yet.
I am having the same issue, except my Windows controller works and my iPad and iPod controllers cannot connect to any components.
The Sonos software cannot make the initial connection if the computer has multiple network connections. This means that you cannot have two network cables, cable and wireless or virtual networks enabled during the setup. To solve the problem just go into the network configuration and temporarily disable all network adapters besides the one connected to the same network as your Sonos system. After your computer has found your Sonos system you can enable the other connections again. I wish Sonos would put this in their FAQ as it's a common problem.
This is the first time I have seen this mentioned. I have been bashing my head on this one. Disabling the "other" network fixed the issue. Thanks Dan.
I had a similar issue with VirtualBox installed, and it took quite some work with Sonos support to get it sorted out. It seems that the Sonos PC Controller software gets confused by the Virtual Network Adapter that VirtualBox installs. Solution is to disable the VirtualBox adapter whilst the Sonos PC Controller establishes a connection to the Sonos component(s). Once they have connected, the VirtualBox adapter can be re-enabled. I too am network-savvy and cannot understand why this should be a problem.
I had a similar issue with VirtualBox installed, and it took quite some work with Sonos support to get it sorted out. It seems that the Sonos PC Controller software gets confused by the Virtual Network Adapter that VirtualBox installs. Solution is to disable the VirtualBox adapter whilst the Sonos PC Controller establishes a connection to the Sonos component(s). Once they have connected, the VirtualBox adapter can be re-enabled. I too am network-savvy and cannot understand why this should be a problem.

It was VirtualBox for me as well.
I am having the same issue. Installed 3 Sonos components, all directly cat6 wired onto a Cisco gigabit switch. Installed controller on Tablet Android 4.1.2 (OK), iPhone iOS7 (OK), PC Windows 7 Home x64 (OK), Windows 7 Business x64 (Not OK)...

So I am having issues on one PC.

- I connect the PC directly wired using an ethernet cable onto one of the Sonos components

- Start the controller -> No device found

- Next:

   - Disable any VM network defined onto the PC

   - Disable Windows Firewall

   - Disable Anti-Virus software

   - Quit any other resident communication software like Lync, Skype, ...

- Start the controller again -> No device found

I know it must be something specific on this PC, but I am out of clues... Could it be a port conflict that is being used for the device discovery?

I am out of clues here...

Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance!

Peter H.
Do you have more than one network adapter (physical or virtual) on the PC that won't connect? As noted above, the Sonos controller can't handle more than one network adapter when it's doing the initial setup. One a connection is configured, extra adapters can be re-enabled
Hi Peter,

I know it's a pain, but it might be worth trying uninstalling (rather than just disabling) the 'other' adapters. I know when I was trying to debug this with Sonos Support, they had me uninstall VirtualBox...
Your Sonos device has to be connected to a router if i'm not mistaken. You cant direct connect it to your pc. I was having similar issues to yours uninstalled av etc. When i disabled VirtualBOx's adpater and logmein adapter it worked.
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the update !

I'll try that later on (Uninstall VMWare network adapters) and will let you know...

Hi Stacy,

Your Sonos device can act like a switch/hub.

The connection I described is such (all cabled):

Internet<->Cisco Gigabit Switch<->Sonos Devices<->PC


Peter H.
Hi Peter,

Can you please try connecting the computer directly to the Cisco switch, to eliminate one possible problem source.

Does the computer discover your Sonos devices as network devices? You may have to alter your network settings for this particular network to allow discovery of network devices.
