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Old app now blocked

I should have followed my own advice closer.  Yesterday I noticed steaming services were getting blocked if you hadn't updated.  There was no way to manage the services in the old app without updating.  And once you updated the app it required a system update.

So in the course of trying to get SiriusXM removed and re-added I inadvertently allowed a system update to push down.  And just like I warned others,  the system update blocked access for the old app to control the system. And not just from the device I was using at the time - any device running the old version displays an error in the banner stating this version of the application can no longer control the system.  Can't roll back system update that I'm aware of so now I'm stuck with very limited capabilites in the new app. 

They just hate customers so badly they are going out of their way to force the new app on us. 

10 replies

Yup this is BS. At least the desktop app and SonoPhone still work for now, well until they are shut off at the end of the year. 

Userlevel 7
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Yup this is BS. At least the desktop app and SonoPhone still work for now, well until they are shut off at the end of the year. 

Hey @Bumper, in a moment of courage (okay, it was sheer stupidity) I updated to the v16.3 firmware. And my Android controller is wrecked ...

It can no longer run the v16.1 app (tried re-installing) …


Wait for it … and the new app simply crashes on start (ditto, tried re-installing) ...



Userlevel 6
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@Bumper @press250: You two seem to know a whole lot more about the inner workings of the Sonos system than 99 out of 100 ‘normies’ comme moi. If Sonos has got you flummoxed, I hate to think where that leaves the rest of us.

I’ve still got access to my Sonos playlists and basic controls like volume, EQ, speaker grouping. But each time I open the app, I’ve got my fingers crossed, expecting to get a big bad unwelcome surprise.

I cannot imagine what in heck Sonos management and IT people are thinking. Nor do I understand why they have gone silent, offering no meaningful advice or information about what Sonos intends to fix and when.

It doesn’t appear anyone is listening to user concerns; and if they are, they just… do…not… care.

Yup this is BS. At least the desktop app and SonoPhone still work for now, well until they are shut off at the end of the year. 

Hey @Bumper, in a moment of courage (okay, it was sheer stupidity) I updated to the v16.3 firmware. And my Android controller is wrecked ...

It can no longer run the v16.1 app (tried re-installing) …


Wait for it … and the new app simply crashes on start (ditto, tried re-installing) ...



I don’t know how they release a firmware update that Borks the app on Android  and bans the old app by mistake. Refuse to believe they are this bad, must have been on purpose. Not even joking. Holy F. 

Userlevel 7
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I don’t know how they release a firmware update that Borks the app on Android  and bans the old app by mistake. Refuse to believe they are this bad, must have been on purpose. Not even joking. Holy F. 

I continue to believe that its sheer incompetence, fwiw. My money is on a failure of sequencing: the v16.3 firmware was supposed to be released coincident with the broadly telegraphed app update, but the former was accidently released before the latter. At least that is what I’m hoping, as I’ve got a useless Android tablet on my hands right now.

I’ve got a fairly developed idea of what has transpired over the past two months. No way to test my thesis, so I’ll just say it redefines “Amateur Hour” by leaps and bounds.

Userlevel 7
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@Bumper @press250: You two seem to know a whole lot more about the inner workings of the Sonos system than 99 out of 100 ‘normies’ comme moi. If Sonos has got you flummoxed, I hate to think where that leaves the rest of us.

Hi @chambolle, per my note to you in another thread: DO NOT update anything right now.

My cleverness briefly morphed into stupidity when I installed today’s v16.3 firmware update, and my Android tablet suffered mightily as a result.

Userlevel 6
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@press250: I’m trying to play music this afternoon and notice the app keeps crashing when I try to search one of my linked streaming services for an artist, track or album name. This is a new problem… and of course because everything is so screwed up I really can’t know if it’s my one-off problem or a new mess Sonos has made.

I’m not about to expend lots of time and frustrating effort trying to figure it out either. Just keep limping along in hopes that someday — who knows when — Sonos will stop ‘testing’ and ‘improving’ and ‘updating’ so things can be counted on to simply work properly again.


Userlevel 6
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Oh boy… this is new. I went to double-check that I have ‘automatic updates’ turned off in the ‘manage your system / system updates tab. The automatic update option is greyed out.

What the heck? I also got up the courage to check for updates and it tried to get me to do a system update, which I quickly declined.

‘It’s always something!’ 

   Roseanne Roseannadanna

I got screwed this morning with the banner notification. I've spent a bit of time today on the new app, time to research alternative apps as it's still a steaming pile. 

Userlevel 3
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Found this today. Unacceptable.
