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I recently moved to a new location in the country and currently we have no internet. My sonos system now requiring me to update the software to even use the system. I took my router, on which the controller is installed, to the office but it won't update the software without the sonos system present. So now my sonos system is useless. How can I update my software or use my sonos system without an internet connection? I have two Player 5's, two Player 3's and a sound bar. Spend a lot of money on a system that I now cannot use.
If you had no internet, how can the system have known there was an update pending? I can only assume that one of your controllers did take an update (maybe a phone did it over the cell network?), and now it is requiring that the players it is connected to get a matching update. I don't know how you can get out of this state (*) except by temporarily relocating your Sonos gear to a location that has internet, upgrade them all, turn off all auto-updates (on Sonos and your app store) then move them back to the internet-lacking location.

(*) If the "updated" controller app is on an iPhone you could uninstall the Sonos app and install SonoPhone, and use that instead. Like all 3rd party apps, it doesn't can what version the players are.