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Just paid £400 for my first sonos kit - MOVE

Straight away built in obsolescence with the SONOS2 app and can't run it on my two fully working mobiles!

Borrowed wife's mobile to activate it - painful!

Found my media server SONOS whines at adding and playing 50% of tracks. Didn't waste time investigating. 

Switched to.Bluetooth. could cast and stream from my 10+year old Sony phone OK.  Downloaded an Internet radio player to same 10+year old Sony - loads of android apps available installed and worked - there you go.SONOS developers it can be done for older.phones you.just chose not to.

Then read.all the user posts conforming their various hardware all become obsolete at differing intervals 

My MOVE is going straight back for refund. Never again will I purchase SONOS 


Audio not overly impressive either - loud yes, but not worthy of £400 and the fear that whatever OS limitation I overcome today - it can be torn down at any time.




Initial mobile used was later Samsung Galaxy S5 - the mega old Sony is just something I use to demonstrate what SHOULD be possible

Bluetooth hardware been around for ages - it's do with the app that's written to sit.on and that is where obsolescence is built in!

Also, Zero effort in the accompanying leaflet as well "install SONOS app from Google store"

couldn't even be bothered to discriminate between SONOS1 and SONOS2 apps - which you're not gonna see.the later via an unsupported OS - but who cares if the customer has to d**k around 


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Return it.  No company wants customers like you.

@POO The S2 app is called the Sonos app. The S1 app is called Sonos S1 Controller. When Sonos tells you to install "the Sonos app” where's the confusion?

The requirements for Sonos are stated clearly on the Sonos website: Vereisten Sonos-app | Sonos. I’d have to agree with you that Sonos follow Google and Apple quite closely in stopping support for older OS's, but at least they are open about it.

Connecting via bluetooth can be achieved with older phones because this connection does not need ineternet access for the Move. Saftey concerns for bluetooth are thus much less than when connected via wifi.

Concluding: you don't look before you buy. You do not read advice, are not willing to investigate the first time you run in to a problem and cannot differentiate between safety concerns surrounding a connection to a speaker via the internet vs. connecting via bluetooth.

You must concede that at least in part the problem lies with the way you approach things…….

@POO . The purpose of planned obsolescence is to force your customers to buy newer versions of your products.  You are perhaps unaware that Sonos does not manufacture or sell mobile phones?

Maybe you should contact Samsung and complain about the lack of updates to the S5 base operating system and especially the lack of a security update for the last few years.

Never had a problem with my Sonos equipment. Beam,Sub,2xPlay1s and 2 Play1s in dining room. But if I did have a problem that I couldn't fix for myself I would get in touch with Sonos Community. No point in ranting because your phone is old and obsulite. Get a cheap updated mobile.

Obsolescence is industry wide - not just to specific device types. Plenty of posts here for SONOS customers adding later devices to their systems and claiming to be unhappy at now being split between legacy S1 and S2 

The issue is the SONOS app and it’s lazy reliance on “calling” other code and routines in the underlaying OS that becomes redundant

If a 15-year old mobile - a second phone I keep an “attachment“ to - and not the later (but admittedly some still considered old) Galaxy S5 that I was to primality use with SONOS -  can be used only yesterday to download a current Internet radio app to stream and test the SONOS, as well as run GoPro camera control via in-built B.T., run a current SatNav app interfacing the inbuilt GPS as well as Trackday telemetry app via GPS - all successfully!?

How come the SONOS app can’t use the existing WiFi protocol stack to essentially “peer-to-peer” between what is in effect SONOS’s client app and the server app?

Plus, I can go to the effort of jail-breaking the Samsung to apply a later OS - but how long before an update of S2 so that becomes unsupported.

Don’t be fooled people into keep consuming. This is just lazy Development


Become none argument as will return.    


Take care!  Brush your hair!

Don’t be fooled people into keep consuming. This is just lazy Development 


I agree, and have complained about this before in other threads.

It’s lazy development, and it’s obvious that Sonos are simply choosing to cut their software maintenance costs because it is someone else (us, the consumers) that bears the cost of having to replace what can actually be quite recent mobile phones.

This is something that Sonos should (in my opinion) be better at - showing us that they take their responsibility to the environment seriously. It shouldn’t just be about what makes them maximum profit.

Attitudes are changing - people are starting to think about the “Right to Repair” rather than being forced to throw stuff away, and Sonos will (in my opinion) enhance their reputation if they are seen to be putting in some effort to prevent workable equipment from just being thrown away.