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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

How long do you guess it will take for the new app to be "good enough" to switch from version 16.1?  By "good enough," I mean as stable and fast as the old app, with core functionalities like playlist management, queue management, group volume, volume numbers, muting rooms, and searching for songs across services.  I’m sure I’m forgetting a few things because I don't have much experience with the new app and am currently running the old version on my devices.

I'm making plans for how to deal in the interim period, and those plans depend on whether it will be six weeks or six months.  My setup isn't complicated, just ten devices in six rooms.  I only use Spotify, Tidal, Apple, Amazon and Pandora and have just a handful of Sonos playlists/favorites.

Based on what I've read on the forum, it seems it can't be less than three months and could be as long as six.   I would be pleased if people told me why I was wrong and was being too pessimistic.

Thanks for your input!

Sonos app update last week has made my speaker a paper weight.  Been on the phone with Sonos help for a total of three and a half hours plus time on chat, to be able to play my music folder..... still no resolution. Had them remotecontrol and even they cannot fix I t, suggested I contact Microsoft to be able to add a user account for

Where do I get the old IOS version of the controller? The current version has way too many features and functions broken. 

Hi Ned, here’s where you need to get to:

OSX 14.4.1. Lost all access to my Music library. Error 913 when I try to add it. Removed the app and any data I could find in Library, and reinstalled the previous app from Time Machine. Still not luck getting connected to my Music library. For those who were able to get the previous app back - how did you get access to your music again? I’ve checked that sharing is enabled wherever I could find it in the system settings, but no luck.

You need to go here:

New android version of the app does not start on my phone - shows a black screen with only the logo and never starts. Got it to start once after a phone restart, but can’t repeat that despite multiple attempts. Once app has been opened, forcibly closing the app leaves the phone performing very badly - terrible memory leak perhaps?

I haven’t so far been able to experience the joys of actually using the app, though I’m not looking forward to it. Why don’t you just roll back to the earlier app and have another go once this one is actually finished?

Dave….Please take note previous responses to the same issue(s) you describe, where the temporary solution is clear!!!

First,, uninstall Sonos, then you need to go here:

TOTALLY AGREE this is so frustrating and agree we should be able to revert to the sonos gold app

C’est une vraie catastrophe cette nouvelle version !

Certes la bibliothèque musicale est de nouveau disponible mais les favoris enregistrés avant la mise en ligne sont toujours visibles en mode inactif et nous n’avons pas la main pour les enlever. Mais il y a pire : lorsque je lance l’appli de mon téléphone (Android OPPO) cela met plus de 2 minutes pour s’ouvrir sur le message “mise à jour nécessaire” avec le cycle infernal de “un problème est survenu”, débrancher et rebrancher le Play 5, le routeur, bref le cauchemar ! En revanche la version installée sur la tablette à l’air de tenir …

Je suis pénalisée dans l’utilisation d’un produit important dans mon environnement quotidien qui fonctionnait très bien avant cette mise à jour, et je suis très mécontente, voire choquée, de la façon dont cela a été traité. Aucun message, explication, excuse de la part de Sonos… et je me sens piégée car que faire du matériel (couteux) qui ne fonctionne qu’avec cette appli ? et si Sonos venait à disparaitre ? Serions nous obligés de ressortir nos vielles radios et chaînes stéréo de nos greniers ?


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-


This new version is a real disaster!

Certainly the music library is available again but the favorites recorded before uploading are still visible in inactive mode and we do not have the means to remove them. But it gets worse: when I launch the app on my phone (Android OPPO) it takes more than 2 minutes to open with the message “update required” with the infernal cycle of “a problem has occurred”, unplugging and reconnecting the Play 5, the router, in short, a nightmare! On the other hand, the version installed on the tablet seems to hold up...

I am being penalized for using an important product in my daily environment that worked very well before this update, and I am very unhappy, even shocked, at the way this has been handled. No message, explanation, apology from Sonos… and I feel trapped because what to do with (expensive) equipment that only works with this app? what if Sonos disappeared? Would we have to take our old radios and stereos out of our attics?

When i use the new app and select the radio channel i whant tot listen it goes to an other screen and that is get the message that something whent wrong 

I have noticed that in the new updated app, when I tag my list of albums fin Apple Music for adding to the Home Screen, only the first 100 albums appear. The list does update when accessing it through the Home Screen but only the first 100 entries.

i guess this will also apply to playlists, etc but I haven’t tried it as yet.

because the Home Screen list is large icons rather a list in a smaller font it is useful for me as I am partially sighted and need to use a magnifying glass on the smaller font.

Does anyone else have this problem?

Based on the casual disregard Sonos have shown for their customers by releasing an app which removed features without warning and then following up with a Q&A forum which failed to provide any reassurances or address the anger they have created amongst what would appear to be a large section of their customers, how can Sonos be held to account? As most are financially invested in Sonos and cannot just abandon thousands of £/$ worth of equipment, Sonos seem to have adopted a screw-you attitude. Would one possible measure be for as many people as possible to cancel the extra money Sonos receive by cancelling Sonos Radio subscriptions?

There is a new app update 80.00.08

You also need to update the speakers from 16.1.1 to 16.2. After that, you see the alarms.

OMG - have you guys ever looked into using a SDLC?

Right, so after the toe-curling lack of contrition or understanding shown by the Sonos team on the AMA last night, my view of the current situation is: -

  • The new controller app requires internet access so that our own equipment can be managed via a Sonos cloud solution.
  • No warning or even hint was given in the run up to the release of the app that this would be the case.
  • The release of the new version was done as a direct "upgrade" to the S2 app in the full knowledge that there would be no way back for iOS users and a manual roll back for Android devices.
  • The Sonos execs, DEV and product teams knew full well that despite previous promises that existing functionality would be retained and "enhanced" in the new version, this was simply not the case.
  • On the morning of the release, they pulled even more basic existing functionality yet still pushed a clearly ill thought out and immature app out to the Apple and Google app stores.
  • Despite the clamour from the community on this forum, Sonos have resolutely refused to allow users that are wary of the direction of travel towards a cloud based app to remain on the S2 version for the time being.

This all displays an astonishing level of hubris, arrogance and downright contempt for their existing user base, many of whom have spent thousands of $/£ on their products.

Ignoring the functionality that has gone MIA for the time being, my main concern with the current state of affairs is that our own equipment is now directly manageable via without any sort of multifactor authentication with no apparent opt out for this foolish "enhancement".  No details of the cloud service architecture and security have been provided.

Imagine this as a scenario: -

  • Many Sonos users will have set up their systems over the last few years using their standard email address and a recycled password used on every other platform and service they use.  My password is long, complex and unique to my Sonos account but this will not be the case for many other users.
  • If customers' Sonos kit can be accessed via the new web application portal, how long will it be before nefarious actors start to probe the new cloud service?
  • Without multi-factor web authentication, re-used email address and password combinations will make remote access to Sonos equipment a doddle.
  • As Sonos have recently shown, they are not the smartest of software developers so who knows what sort of security vulnerabilities are lurking in the public facing web services.
  • Any number of holes in security could allow miscreants to transfer unwanted spy/malware down to our equipment that has previously been relatively isolated on our own home/office networks.

Come on Sonos, not only is this unacceptable, it places us all at risk and you, as a company, in great peril from the pasting that you would get in the courts and from the EU/US regulators.

You really do need to give your customers a breather and allow them to remain on the S2 app and associated firmware for now until the roadmap and the new controller software moves beyond a ropey alpha version.

Please put the S2 app back in the stores and allow users to only receive S2 firmware updates for Sonos devices and speakers for the time being - something along the lines of what happened with the S1/S2 debacle a few years ago.

You desperately need to regain some trust from your customers and this would, at least be a start towards this.  You also need to start publishing a much more detailed change log for software and device firmware updates with open descriptions of exactly what changes are included rather than the usual general bug fixes/feature enhancement meaningless blandishments.

Please get a grip before this whole episode puts a serious and permanent dent in your future.  If this whole artificially rushed app release is inextricably wrapped around the pending launch of your headphone product line, do you really imaging that anyone is going to be buying them until you have regained the trust of your customers?

The whole update is an insult to the many thousands of users/consumers who probably the same as me have spent thousands building a system that is now a shambles. Can we have a response from developers, managers etc beyond the mundane fixes coming soon because you should be ashamed of yourselves releasing an incomplete not fit for purpose app.


WOW - Totally agree! I’m now actually embarrassed to have a Sonos System. I’m not thinking of selling it though… I’ll just chuck it in the bin as I wouldn’t want to pass this onto anyone else.

Doesn’t take much to imagine this scenario :

sonos user has a sonos system in their home office one capable of voice activation but with it turned off/disabled. Via new cloud system unauthorised access allows nefarious actors to set this up and add spyware sending recordings back to them. You now have a third party privy to private commercial information and all that that entails!!!!!!


it’s this simple :

  • I don’t want a cloud based system
  • I don’t want my local speakers going out to the external WAN on each operation
  • I want to be able to use a different WiFi channel for the sonos system (via boost)
  • I don’t want a subscription service
  • I want to play my music with my speakers
  • I want a simple controller not a changing system
  • I want what I purchased not what I am being forced into

And why would anyone need to be able to access their HOME speakers to play music when they are OUT IE. NOT HOME ????

Not like they are going to be able to hear it, is it ?even if the volume was on max 🤷‍♀️

it’s this simple :

  • I don’t want a cloud based system
  • I don’t want my local speakers going out to the external WAN on each operation
  • I want to be able to use a different WiFi channel for the sonos system (via boost)
  • I don’t want a subscription service
  • I want to play my music with my speakers
  • I want a simple controller not a changing system
  • I want what I purchased not what I am being forced into

THIS. All of this.

How did they not address queue management? Honestly I could care less about alarms but the queue? And Playlists?


These, plus the lack of contrition or respect for users are making me hate them. Two weeks ago I loved this brand and my speakers more than anything.


Now I’m more engaged and present in hating on them and trying to find a work around because they won’t offer a roll back.


99% of most people’s problems could be fixed by putting S2 back on the App Store. 

It is clear that Sonos management does not care about its reputation or about its users. There are alternative platforms out there, but most have been sued by Sonos. I want nothing more to do with this company. The hardware is great. But the company stinks. Bad combination. And I just upgraded to the Era line. This is a textbook case of how to destroy a company. Incomprehensible. I have my own software company. I heard a comment years ago, I think from one of the original Linus programmers. He said, “The best way to destroy a company is to do a complete rewrite of the core product.” Of course, Microsoft can do that because they have unlimited funds, and they do not generally beta test on users and one of the greatest strengths of Windows is backwards compatibility. Not so much Sonos. I am not interested in the direction in which they are moving.

Selecting a device to play on used to be easy. Now it is infuriating. When I select something to play, it is now defaulting to a device I rarely use. The old app used to default to the most recently played. Now, I have to select what I want to play, than open the menu at the bottom to try and change from “ben’s room” to “living room.” Sometimes it takes. Sometimes it does not. Even when it is playing on living room, the menu still shows it playing at Ben’s room. So irritating. 


I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app. The irritating behavior keeps happening. 

It’s complete crap. I truly believe Sonos doesn’t care about their customers. I’ve just factory reset all my speakers - many hours wasted and the app is to blame without a doubt anymore. Opens different rooms by itself, change volume or song and you are spending so much wasted time trying to get the garbage app to respond. It constantly turns other rooms on and lags so badly. I’m really starting to hate with a passion these overpriced speakers that worked fine before they continuously keep screwing them up with crappy app updates. A lot of money invested in this and just basically close to being useless now. If they truly cared about customers you would let us use a reliable working app until your beta test is complete. 

I have many of the same issues. Can’t use the system meanwhile the “engineers” are talking about music queues and settings?!??!??!. Complete lack of awareness

The recent up date is a catastrophic. The interface is not user friendly. If you have more than one sonos, the swich between choossing music for the different sonos is made more difficult. 

That is a redo

  1. Updated the app last night and this morning, the app could not find my system on the network.  Re-installed app and restarted my phone.  It found the system but all settings, EQ, TruePlay tuning was cleared out.
  2. All rooms remain as assigned; however, when attempting to do the TruePlay on my Era300 stereo pair (bedroom), the app only opens to the Living Room Play Five Stereo Pair.  When I select TruePlay Tuning, it will only play on the Living room and cannot get the Era300 pair to tune.  Restarted the speakers (all of them) and the issue persists.  This mismatch of the room selection versus speaker that triggers for TruePlay is consistent across rooms other than the room with the Sonos Move speakers. 
    • I do not have anything setup through Apple or Google Home type services, so there isn’t an override on the room assignments for the speakers (with regard to the TruePlay triggering in a different room.) 
  3. All new settings (EQ, Sound Height, etc.) are not saving if I close the application on my iPhone for those that I did adjust.
  4. Cannot verify whether or not the speakers are running the latest software/firmware. 
  5. Regardless of group or individual volume control, two rooms will not show on the volume bars to adjust. I can change the volume manually on the speaker but it cannot be done through the app (see screenshot). Toggling through various combinations or singular speaker selection does not adjust the volume adjustment issues within the app.
  6. Guests cannot join the system on my network.  I’m confirming that I’ve had similar issues at my partner’s house.  I cannot access the system on the network.  I’m prompted to turn on local network access, which is already on.  I’ve toggled it on/off but it is not solving the issues with respect to joining a system on another network (to which I’m connected).

I’m pretty comfortable with bug issues during major software releases but this has been notable frustrating.  I really do NOT want to have to delete the system and re-add pair everything but that’s maybe my next course. 
