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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

‘Cos headphones…

I have asked Mr Spence for a refund of the cost of a new Port because due to Sonos‘s own ill -considered attempt to install a new “improved“ App,   The Port is no longer fit for purpose.  I am not responsible for the component not working.  I the App issues are not resolved within the next two weeks and I have not received a refund,  I shall institute my own proceedings at the small claims court.  I advise everyone else who is suffering,   To do the same.


I have asked Which to take this up and if you are a member,  I suggest you do the same.

It may also be appropriate for a government department to investigate this because most Sonos customers have spent thousands of pounds on Sonos equipment.


Sonos is showing total contempt for its customers.

Good grief. 🙄

I have asked Mr Spence for a refund of the cost of a new Port because due to Sonos‘s own ill -considered attempt to install a new “improved“ App,   The Port is no longer fit for purpose.  I am not responsible for the component not working.  I the App issues are not resolved within the next two weeks and I have not received a refund,  I shall institute my own proceedings at the small claims court.  I advise everyone else who is suffering,   To do the same.


I have asked Which to take this up and if you are a member,  I suggest you do the same.

It may also be appropriate for a government department to investigate this because most Sonos customers have spent thousands of pounds on Sonos equipment.


Sonos is showing total contempt for its customers.

Have you ensured you have updated the app recently and run the system update? Fixes are being implemented all the while (albeit very slowly).

I doubt your port has become obsolete, you just need to wait for the further updates (unless you specify your port issue so others can try to help you).

You’ll get nowhere with the small claims court, FYI. 

Too bad there aren’t lemon laws for A/V. The new “update” let you search your local library but no way to specify the location or actually play the music file you have… 80.03.07 App. 79.1-54060 firmware. How does a Sonos programmer fix anything? Even clicking through every button on the app would find many bugs… oh they’re probably debugging using AI… and it never learned expected behaviors.. 🤣 so if it compiles.. success! that’s your new bug fix folks! Mr. Spence got the used car salesman down for sure.🙄

It's a take for ages till music plays, it says for a long time I have no devices….and only after I long while it sometimes works

I have just installed the latest update and… I still cannot play music from my iTunes library. This is intolerable - when will we see some response/apology from Sonos for trashing our expensive systems?


By some stroke of luck (and it can only be luck!)  I got into the App on my Iphone and I was able to access certain locations including Sonus Radio,   Audible,   BBC Sounds,   but NOT the stations I really wanted and to which I had easily accessed with the old App of blessed memory.   THEN the App disappeared from my Iphone.  I got it back by going through the existing syustem click.   It is back but I still am unable to locate the stations such as BR Klassik,   France Musique plus many other classical music stations.  I am now listening to Concert Hall via Sonus Radio.   Any helpful hints on how to access the other radio stations will be very gratefully received.

At this point it’s obvious that the only thing keeping users from enjoying the last stable version of 16 is your ego.


Android users can get it. It works great. No issues.  iPhone/iPad users that had updates turned off can use it, no problems.


Clearly you’re standing in the way of users making full use of their gear for NO reason other than your ego. You know it. We know it. Everyone knows it, even the people that are having zero issues with 80 can see with their own eyes that it’s awful for a chunk of your customers.


Heck, anyone that likes 80 can just keep using and beta testing your new vanity project.  Once it reaches parity with 16, fine, pull 16.


Time for a reality check.  You have the power to stop the insanity, Reddit fervor, everything. Everyone would have something useful until you get your act together.


Shoot. Installers would even have a stable method of rolling out your products for you with 16 available  


It’s insanity to watch what you’re doing.

Moderator edit: combined posts, moved to relevant thread

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.


SONOS has grown increasingly frustrating over the years, cutting out, lagging, pausing. Kept doing upgrades to make my network stronger, upgrading routers, speeds, etc and it didn’t seem to help much. I was having constant issues with my desktop app so I’d go to Spotify or to my mobile app. However, this new app is really, really terrible. There’s a 30 second lag, if you’re lucky enough for the feedback to actually go through but many times it takes a 2nd, 3rd time to try. It cuts out so much from different speakers, volume does what it wants, and songs skip around. It is incredibly frustrating - the systems worked better 10 years ago. Currently own 12 various SONOS products and as appealing as headphone are, I won’t be buying those or any other SONOS products until this is fixed. I’m starting to wonder what my options are to make a system switch if this goes on much longer. 

I hate the redesign Sonos app it is the most useless app I have ever used. I can not get any of my system to work. It was just fine till this stupid redesigned app. Nothing works and I’m pissed.

Software never was the strongest point of Sonos, but with the new software it is a disaster, they really f…. it up. Well done, I mean to create a disaster like this, you have to have a talent for it.


Just with 1 amp or 1 or 2 of the same speakers it seems to work fine, but downstairs (kitchen, dining room and lounge) I have a Move (to take outside sometimes) a Sonos3, and a cinema system with sub, playbar and 2 play1’s.

Terrible, unbelievable, what a total f…-up. Sonos should be ashamed. I can get it to work, but it takes 5 minutes and then changing something (music source, even volume, etc.) is drama.


Sonos is charging very high prices for good speakers and I accepted that, however get your software in order. It simply cannot cope with a divers system (all Sonos brand) like I have. Terrible. I have invested a lot of money, so I cannot and will not change overnight, but anybody asking me if I would recommend Sonos? No way, what a mess!

Two weeks ago I had my router / modem crater (NETGEAR).  I bought a a new one and of course was ready to reestablish my household.  All was fine until I came to Sonos.  Neither the S1 app nor new app would connect.  I spent several days trying.  Sonos Support never answered, Sonos Sales simply connected me to support to no avail (they did assign me a case number to help me feel better).  I found Patrick Spence’s private email address and he didn’t respond.  After being a 15 year, very happy customer I was ready to pitch the whole thing.  Then yesterday morning I deleted my versions of the app, did a deep reset of my iPhone, downloaded the latest app, and viola, I found a connection.  The app walked me thru the traditional setup routine and concluded each with a firmware update of my equipment.  So, it all works now.

Why wouldn’t Sonos have notified their customers.  We all established accounts.  We all registered our equipment.  They took our money.

This debacle has cost their stock to fall in half.

Glad it was fixable, but we’re all owed an explanation and apology from Patrick Spence before be bails from the board…





The new APP and whatever other changes Sonos made to their infrastructure has completed screwed up my system. I absolutely HATE it and I’m considering throwing away all my Sonos equipment which as of a 2.5 hours phone call (1 hour on hold, and 1.5 hours) resolved NOTHING!


The new app is slow to respond to commands, and has a mind of its own as far as, where it plays, skipping to the next song, or re-starting the current song. Additionally, volume changes, speakers cut in and out. It’s all fucked up and I don’t normally use language like that. The ABSOLUTE WORST change that has now rendered my system basically unplayable. 


FIX THIS OR LOSE CUSTOMERS. I’ve already started negative posting online. 

The new APP and whatever other changes Sonos made to their infrastructure has completed screwed up my system. I absolutely HATE it and I’m considering throwing away all my Sonos equipment which as of a 2.5 hours phone call (1 hour on hold, and 1.5 hours) resolved NOTHING!


The new app is slow to respond to commands, and has a mind of its own as far as, where it plays, skipping to the next song, or re-starting the current song. Additionally, volume changes, speakers cut in and out. It’s all fucked up and I don’t normally use language like that. The ABSOLUTE WORST change that has now rendered my system basically unplayable. 


FIX THIS OR LOSE CUSTOMERS. I’ve already started negative posting online. 

You haven’t said what’s wrong with your setup - the App itself is not a player, it’s a software ‘remote’ control for your speakers - once music is playing they should not be skipping to the next song no matter what remote App you’re using. It really sounds much more like you have a network issue with your speakers. Perhaps try things, without using the Sonos App. If the issues persist from the same audio source, direct to your speakers, then I would look closer at it being a potential network issue.

The new APP and whatever other changes Sonos made to their infrastructure has completed screwed up my system. I absolutely HATE it and I’m considering throwing away all my Sonos equipment which as of a 2.5 hours phone call (1 hour on hold, and 1.5 hours) resolved NOTHING!


The new app is slow to respond to commands, and has a mind of its own as far as, where it plays, skipping to the next song, or re-starting the current song. Additionally, volume changes, speakers cut in and out. It’s all fucked up and I don’t normally use language like that. The ABSOLUTE WORST change that has now rendered my system basically unplayable. 


FIX THIS OR LOSE CUSTOMERS. I’ve already started negative posting online. 

Yup The new app is garbage. Try switching to SonoPhone on iOS or revert back to 16.1 on Android. 

The new APP and whatever other changes Sonos made to their infrastructure has completed screwed up my system. I absolutely HATE it and I’m considering throwing away all my Sonos equipment which as of a 2.5 hours phone call (1 hour on hold, and 1.5 hours) resolved NOTHING!


The new app is slow to respond to commands, and has a mind of its own as far as, where it plays, skipping to the next song, or re-starting the current song. Additionally, volume changes, speakers cut in and out. It’s all fucked up and I don’t normally use language like that. The ABSOLUTE WORST change that has now rendered my system basically unplayable. 


FIX THIS OR LOSE CUSTOMERS. I’ve already started negative posting online. 

You haven’t said what’s wrong with your setup - the App itself is not a player, it’s a software ‘remote’ control for your speakers - once music is playing they should not be skipping to the next song no matter what remote App you’re using. It really sounds much more like you have a network issue with your speakers. Perhaps try things, without using the Sonos App. If the isdues persist from the same audio source direct to your speakers then I would look closer at it being a potential network issue.

I agree with both Ken and Hordi…

A) Hordi, is absolutely frustrated (WE ALL ARE) but should at a minimum not only enumerate the specific issues they are having, but also include which, if any, sources of support or what troubleshooting they have tried outside phone support. WHY? On the off chance that one of us community members has found or know a fix or workaround to the S2 hot mess mobile app and some of the features are not broken on the PC and Mac platforms desktop applications. 

For the most part, my experience with the windows application is still fairly SOLID even with the firmware updates.  But trying to do the EXACT SAME THING from a mobile app is an exercise in patience and more often futility leading to severe frustration.

B) Ken, please be aware that not all skipping and pausing is related to in-home network.  Sonos backend servers are involved with service selection setup (or at least it used to be that way) Yes, as a scapegoat, the home network gets the brunt of the blame, but this is only the new-age equivalent of "it compiles, ship it" mentality. Until companies that make network based equipment OWN their responsibility in helping the consumer use the equipment in their network setting, it will be a finger pointing contest.  Sonos has been seemingly slow, at least publicly, to acknowledge that not everyone has a cheap commodity router from Fry's, BestBuy, or Walmart.  Some of us in the community install Sonos in corporate networks and rather modest home networks and some of the network stack they use doesn't always play well in more advanced networks.

I have been lucky to buck the system and recommendations and use Sonos players successfully in my evolving and modest home network, but not without a lot of growing pains, troubleshooting and configuration considerations.

Besides, until this cluster ____ of an app was released like the second coming of the black plague upon us, every thing worked FLAWLESSLY, EFFORTLESSLY, AND IMMEDIATELY... volume, play, pause, service selection, station/playlists actions, un-/grouping, voice control,  alarms* (*most of the time, Amazon Music and Sonos alarm can't seem to get their act together and KEEP it together since the beginning, so some days I wake up to just the Sonos alarm chime playing instead of my selected station), favorites, local music, EVERYTHING just worked!  NOW nearly nothing works as expected or hoped in the app and the firmware on the players seems to behave differently yet somewhat better with the desktop application than they do with the new mobile controller app.

Seriously.    Adding songs to a playlist is an exercise in mouse clicks.   

No support to play from my NAS music via voice - Yes I am aware of the work around...see comment above.

No freaking widget in Android?  Are you serious?   Someone got their high school child programming it?  What the actual F***?

I have a serious issue with paying this much for speakers only to be railroaded into a pay service if I want voice control.    

This is supposed to be a premium system.  Don’t make me jump through hoops for basic shit.  Don’t try to get me to sign up for a music service.  They all suck.   

I have my music.  It should be #1 on the list of things I can easily play.

To say I am disappointed in my investment doesn’t even come close to describing how irate I am about this.

Clean your act up or I’m gone.



firmware on the players seems to behave differently yet somewhat better with the desktop application than they do with the new mobile controller app.

Desktop app keeps all commands local, the new app is sending to the cloud and using mdns protocol for device discovery which is new to Sonos. Two big changes which are likely the cause of some people’s issues. 

What DNS servers are people using on their routers..?

My system is working just fine, fast loading, generally responsive. I’m using Cloudflare DNS (primary and secondary 


Just wondering if there is a pattern, given some (all?) Sonos command and playback processing is going through the cloud now…

What DNS servers are people using on their routers..?

My system is working just fine, fast loading, generally responsive. I’m using Cloudflare DNS (primary and secondary 


Just wondering if there is a pattern, given some (all?) Sonos command and playback processing is going through the cloud now…

mdns stands for multicast dns which they are using instead of SSDP to find Sonos devices on your lan. It’s not the same as your external dns resolver- but you are right that the dns you use can impact how your Sonos works as well, for example if you are blocking the in app ads and data collection with a service like nextdns  the new features may not be enabled on app updates. 

The new app is slow to respond to commands, and has a mind of its own as far as, where it plays, skipping to the next song, or re-starting the current song. Additionally, volume changes, speakers cut in and out. It’s all fucked up and I don’t normally use language like that. The ABSOLUTE WORST change that has now rendered my system basically unplayable.

I agree with Ken, this seems like a problem in your network, not with the app itself. But it is also related to a flaw in the Sonos system

I have experienced skipping to the next song, or the song after that fairly frequently, long before the new app came around. Mainly in my bedroom, which is the most remote room in my flat. So it is not really surprising that there network drops occasionally. But Sonos’s reaction to the network drop is stupid. The correct reaction would be to pause and then continue when then connection comes back. But, no, Sonos moves on in the queue. Completely brain-dead!

As for the network problem, Sonos offers two setups: Wired and wireless. The wired setup is the classic one. You connect one player to your network with a cable, and then the players set up their own network. With the wireless set-up, no player is connected by cable, and all players use your local WiFi. Since I am a long-time Sonos user, I’m using the wired setup, but the wireless setup seems a lot better to me. You may need to add more WiFi routers to your household, but you have more insight in how the routers talk to each other, so you easily can resolve issues. I only learnt about the wireless setup the other day, and a switch requires a factory reset of many of my players, I didn’t find it worth the effort. As I’ve said elsewhere, I’m moving to Bluesound.

As for players cutting in and out, and volume control behaving funky, this is also something I have experienced with my Play:3. Again, long before the new app came out. What helped in that case was to unplug and re-plug. Then they would behave normally for a week or two.

What DNS servers are people using on their routers..?

My system is working just fine, fast loading, generally responsive. I’m using Cloudflare DNS (primary and secondary 


Just wondering if there is a pattern, given some (all?) Sonos command and playback processing is going through the cloud now…

mdns stands for multicast dns which they are using instead of SSDP to find Sonos devices on your lan. It’s not the same as your external dns resolver- but you are right that the dns you use can impact how your Sonos works as well, for example if you are blocking the in app ads and data collection with a service like nextdns  the new features may not be enabled on app updates. 

I had just been contemplating why some have issues while others don’t. So I was thinking ‘what can be so different across people’s networks/what can be changed manually that might be affecting things?’ and DNS sprung to mind.

Given different DNS providers allow or prohibit different information to get through (eg some don’t allow the ads and data collection as you say), I thought I’d see what people were using JUST IN CASE it might alleviate 10% of issues by discovering that, for example, Cloudflare DNS is worth trying.
Especially when people haven’t got anything to lose by trying a different DNS… I bet most are on Google 

Interesting. I wonder if that’s my apps sometimes still spin their wheels for a time, it’s pulling stuff from the internet.

Interesting. I wonder if that’s my apps sometimes still spin their wheels for a time, it’s pulling stuff from the internet.

