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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

I have ten lumps of metal around my house that are now unusable as a result of this terrible terrible update.

I log in and get “Something went wrong” then a series of grey boxes with nothing….. for minutes.

Sonos have done something like this before when they have unilaterally withdrawn support for products etc, but this is catastrophic. I feel such an idiot wasting thousands of £ over the years only to have the money wasted by this update.

If I were Sonos I’d be looking at a rollback while they fix this to make it even half-usable. It feels to me like in lab conditions this might have worked, but out here in the real world where we don’t have perfect wireless all the time

For me they have a week then if nothing’s changed and changed by an order of magnitude thats it for Sonos….. I’m actively looking at the alternatives… what a bloody shame

For android go to:

Do these idiots know the new app doesn’t work??? I need the old app immediately, not days, weeks or months from now but right now today! I cannot use my $3500 worth of speakers because of this terrible update! Do it NOW SONOS!!!

For android go to:

So how can I get back to my old version? That worked. 

For android go to:

The new app sucks and it’s even worse, the music library is gone 😤. Wish I did not update….

For android go to:

How do you add New library, or just edit the existing?!

The core functionality of local libraries (as with alarms) has NOT been removed from the underlying OS on the devices.  The app however appears to have been rushed and elements of the UI redesign are missing.  We have been told that these will return in a future update.  Currently the web app is the only way to adjust local library settings.

For android go to:

Three words - roll it back.

Nav is dire, loads of features are missing. I can't update my library, see album art, fast scroll through my library, shuffle songs... The list goes on.

The new layout is horrible. It's like you looked at Spotify, which sucks, and copied it. 

I hate it. Roll it back.

For android go to:

This new app is a disgrace and should not have been released until it was ready. No Sleep timer or Alarm completely changes the usability of my Sonos system in some rooms and has resorted to me listening on my phone!!!!
The lag when changing the volume is 3x the old app and changing the music is now a real pain. I cannot think of anything I actually prefer!!
Rather like the Sonos S1 app can I ask we have the S2 app whilst your sort out the latest disaster

Request for battery powered speakers:

Can you add battery percentage level as a number to the speakers/rooms/group list (i.e. next to the battery icon for these speakers).

As far as I can tell the only way to get the battery level as a number is to go to Settings > speaker name ] > ;product] > Battery level. This is too buried. I want this information at a glance.  

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.


Nouvelle application grosse daube impossible a mettre a jour erreur 1001 tout est lent a une vitesse d'escargots pas contente du tout


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-

New application big crap impossible to update error 1001 everything is slow at a snail's pace not happy at all


when wanting to play one of the Apple Music stations the app simply keeps shutting down. Say something went wrong. It seems to be stuck on previous music played days ago and won’t let me clear that. 
this is awful and un usable.

The battery percentage is now too far down in sub menus, can it be put back as it was before next to the battery icon. It seems overall the new app has gone for the smooth look over practicality, but I'm sure it can be refined.

Dear Sonos,

I am experiencing Crashes and Disconnects (system not found) in an environment that was stable and working nice before the latest app update.

Obviously you are becoming more 'corporate' and less 'audio minded'. This is clearly affecting the quality of the app. Normally if basic functionality stops working in an update. A roll back is initiated to guarantee business continuity. Providing a good and stable experience with your Sonos speakers using the Sonos App *is* your core business and this business is affected so..

Please roll back the app to stop dwindling trust with those people who are paying.




Depuis la mise à jour, les favoris Sonos et radios écoutées récemment ne s'affichent pas. Le système fait la recherche sans fin et affiche les bulles vides.


Il faut rechercher sa radio manuellement comme au premier jour dans la multitude de radios car la barre de recherche par nom ne fonctionne pas non plus !


Existe-t-il une manipulation à faire pour corriger ce problème important ?


Merci pour votre réponse.




Moderator edit:
Google Translate-


Good morning,

Since the update, Sonos favorites and recently listened to radio stations are not displayed. The system searches endlessly and displays empty bubbles.


You have to search for your radio manually like on the first day in the multitude of radios because the search bar by name does not work either!


Is there anything to do to correct this serious problem?


Thank you for your reply.



So with my system basically self sabotaged by Sonos and me on the verge of pulling the trigger on a new surround system for a new house, what other options are out there?  I had convinced the SO that $2K was a good investment for the new house, but now that her iPhone is basically locked out of our current system, she is now cold on Sonos.  Now she wants to know if we should jump ship.



OK, now that everyone has stated that the new Sonos app(Android) is not working, is there a date planned to fix it?  The app keeps indicating it can’t find my system and then a few seconds later it finds my system.  If you pop out of the app for a few minutes and go back in, the same thing happens again.




Under Support in website is a hyperlink to the CEO’s email (monitored by admins or a BOT, I assume).  I suggest you all send email after email flooding this account with emails demanding a fix to this problem. I did. Maybe that will be noticed rather then posting in a community site. 

The new app insists to play the first zone from the alphabetical order. I’ve found that sometimes, I select the 3rd from the list and it creates a group of zone 1+3. OMG.

It would be simple to add a device-based option to chose a default zone. For instance, if you have a wall-mounted tablet for home automation located in the kitchen, because Basement starts with B, the basement zone is ALWAYS selected as the default zone to play.

Before, this used to be the last zone played.


Has anyone tested this software before releasing it???


BTW, I can’t stand the “Recently played” = (!) Unable to lead content


After the update I can only see four of my 20+ Sonos playlists that my family and I built up over the years. Having lost all trust in Sonos I am now re-entering them in Spotify manually, which is a pain. I don't see any fix for this on the planned fixes list you published, so I am expect that I will not be able to use my system fully in the foreseeable future. I have been a big fan of Sonos the last 15 years, but this is a shambles and in no way the behaviour for a premium brand.


Having worked in IT myself I can see the appeal for leaving legacy behind and build something new and better from the ground up, but if you now rush functionality it is bound to introduce new bugs and issues and you will not even achieve a new clean code base. I can only echo what everyone says: make the old app available, take your time to solve the issues structurally and then come back. Maybe you can regain some trust from the user community that way.

I am not sure. But i think Sonos do not care

I’ve just asked Patrick Spence if he was familiar with the story of ‘Blackberry’, a bunch of nerds so far up their own arses on ego trips, they blew themselves out of the water completely!

Sonos OUGHT TO CARE!!!!!!!!!

Sonos has developed a new app. It is a disaster. it is puzzling why a new app absolutely has to be developed when it has worked perfectly in the past. if you absolutely want to develop a new app, the least you could ask for as a user was that the app was thoroughly tested. this does not seem to have been the case with this one

The new Sonos update somehow appeared on my Samsung phone, but my hubby’s Apple phone still has the old system. Now I have trouble getting our favs to we have to use his phone only. What gives?

New app issues:

volume sliders - may as well get up and manually change the volume on the physical device as the app is unresponsive either in group volume or changing one speaker. It doesn’t accept the change in the app and just puts the volume up to where it was previously. 

Multi room - speakers disappear/reappear randomly. Sometimes airplay will work when grouping, other times not, same with Amazon music  

era 100 seems to have the most issues with compatability with grouping other speaker/rooms  

Alarms  - serious issue not being able to modify any pre-existing alarms


Sonos seem to be tone deaf to the misery they have inflicted and the lack of acknowledgement is deafening. Instead we get another email telling us all how fantastic the new app is.  They are now at serious risk of losing their existing customer base for year's. I for one will think carefully when it comes to upgrading my equipment and now for the first time will look elsewhere.  

Updated app, now when I open it it says a software update is required for our Sonos devices to work properly.  When I click Start Update and login, I’m told that I have to be logged in as the System Owner, and to log out and have owner login.  I am the only person on this account.  So frustrating, system has been down for days.  Tried to factory reset, that did not work either.  

I can’t seem to find my playlists on the new mobile app format. What is the path to show them? Does anyone else have this issue?
