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Just downloaded the new app (June 2020) as requested by Sonos. Despite their email stating: “Just download the new app to your phone or tablet and delete the old one. All your services, favourites, and settings will be saved” I can’t even get the app to find and connect to my Sonos Beam. Anyone else having this issue?

Make sure you downloaded the correct app version. For Sonos systems of generation 1, use the S1 app, otherwise, use the S2 app. Sonos is hard to setup and use, both hardware and software.

The email the other day didn’t specify different generations. It just said it was the latest version of the app and that I should download it. Which I did. Now I can’t get my iPhone to recognise my Sonos speaker. It’s frustrating because the old app I had worked fine. Now it’s deleted (also recommended in the emailed instructions!)

Stuff like this should be seamless, not a big hassle for users.

I have the same issue, now I have a Move which is only good for using as a door stop 🤬

I have just received my new Arc which prompted the download of S2. Now S2 won’t find my Arc?!

Can’t restore the Arc as it wasn’t set up in the first place. Have tried restarting the router, the restarting the App devices, connecting to ethernet and still nothing.

To make matters worse the UK Sonos helpline says that it isn’t currently open and all I can do is complete the webform for a replacement which may take 2 weeks for a response. Seems like Sonos have created an issue that we are all paying for, literally.

Hi @Razza @Mike Ed @GavinHockley, sorry for the late response, thank you for reaching out and welcome to the community.


@Razza and @Mike Ed, I would like both of you to download the Sonos S1 app and try to reconnect to the Sonos system.

Once connected, take a diagnostic and reply with the confirmation number in this thread. So, I can take a closer look at the Sonos system.

If you’re unable to connect, private message me the email address; both of you used to register the Sonos products with and I’ll take a look.


@GavinHockley, I would like to know if there’s already a Sonos system set up prior to the Sonos Arc.

I would also like to know what color of the led light the Sonos arc has currently and your router’s model as well.

If we have an existing Sonos system prior to the Arc, I would also want you to take a diagnostic of your Sonos system.


Here’s how to take a diagnostic: Settings > Help & Tips > Submit Diagnostic.

If you have other concerns, feel free to reach out.


Similar issues… system worked fine w/ 3 Connects, Playbar, Play1 and Sub before the S1 app auto upgrade. Now, wifi connection issues - system won’t connect. Go through the steps to setup wireless by connecting the Play 1 to the router, everything works fine, entire Sonos system back on the network. Streaming fine to other devices i.e. player (not connected to router). As soon as I disconnect the Play 1 from the router, the same issue - system/app won’t connect to the wifi network.


C’mon guys… 

Hi everyone,  


unfortunately, I’m having the connectivity problem with S2.  I have a very simple setup.  I only have to connect to an Amp.  With S1 the connection always worked and I love having music throughout the house via Amp powering the system.  With S2 I constantly lose connection to the Amp.   The only way I can get S2 to connect is to depress the button on the back of the Amp to re-connect which means any time I want to listen to music I have to go through this.  After reading the S2 reviews in the App Store coupled with the concerns in this community, S2 is a train wreck. Any thoughts on what to do?

Same here. Using the S1 app because I have one old unsupported Play 5 in my house. Now the app sometimes finds the other devices, sometimes doesn’t. Right now, it can see the new Move and a newer Play5 but can’t find the Play1. Sometimes it does, it’ll play a bit and then drop.  Disappointing and frustrating.

Hi @Dan C., @DaytonData and @tsunamiGirl, thank you for reaching out and welcome to the community @Dan C. and @DaytonData.


@Dan C., since you’re able to connect via Ethernet connection. I would like you to reconnect the Play:1 to the router.

Once you're connected back to the System, take a diagnostic and save the confirmation number. Here’s how to: Settings > Help & Tips > Submit Diagnostic.

Afterward, we need to remove all known networks of the Sonos system then do a Wireless Setup.

Here’s how to remove known networks: Settings > System > Network > Networks > then remove all networks.  

Here’s how to do wireless setup: Settings > System > Network > Wireless Setup.

The Sonos app will ask for the Wifi name and password so have it handy.

Afterward, disconnect the Ethernet cable and wait for a few minutes for the system to connect to the Wifi, then take a diagnostic


@DaytonData, I would like to take a closer look at both states. Please take a diagnostic while disconnected then take another when you reconnect.

Reply with the confirmation numbers indicating each. Here’s how to: Settings > Help & Tips > Submit Diagnostic.


@tsunamiGirl, I will ask a few questions, Are you still using just the S1 app or both S1 and S2?

If you’re using both, please take a diagnostic on both Apps, So we can take a closer look.

Here’s how to: Settings > Help & Tips > Submit Diagnostic.


If you have other concerns, feel free to reach out.

@Kyle A I just have the S1 app. Everything was working great with the previous app. Since updating to the S1 app, there are lots of dropouts, skipped tracks especially with Spotify. Oddly, playing one of my radio stations through IHeartRadio has been fine. Other annoyance is players disappearing from the app, reappearing, unable sometimes to group players etc. Overall, just really buggy and poor performance.

@Kyle A completed steps and submitted diagnostics as instructed. 

Hi @tsunamiGirl and @Dan C., thanks for the update.

@tsunamiGirl, please get a diagnostic of your system so we can take a look.

Here’s how: Settings > Help & Tips > Submit Diagnostic.

@Dan C., can you please provide the diagnostic number. So we can check on our end.

Note: I forgot to mention to reply with the confirmation number, my bad.


@Kyle A I am trying. Using the iPhone App or my Mac Desktop app - trying to submit diagnostics just hangs for a while, After a few minutes, I get an error message saying “Your diagnostic information could be sent at this time. Click ‘Try again’ to try sending the information again or click ‘Done’ and try again later.  Fun times. 


While typing this I tried for the third time and it went through: Confirmation number: 205061094

@Kyle A Before Diag. #725331615 and After Diag. # 299504724. Thanks!

Hi @Razza @Mike Ed @GavinHockley, sorry for the late response, thank you for reaching out and welcome to the community.


@Razza and @Mike Ed, I would like both of you to download the Sonos S1 app and try to reconnect to the Sonos system.

Once connected, take a diagnostic and reply with the confirmation number in this thread. So, I can take a closer look at the Sonos system.

If you’re unable to connect, private message me the email address; both of you used to register the Sonos products with and I’ll take a look.


@GavinHockley, I would like to know if there’s already a Sonos system set up prior to the Sonos Arc.

I would also like to know what color of the led light the Sonos arc has currently and your router’s model as well.

If we have an existing Sonos system prior to the Arc, I would also want you to take a diagnostic of your Sonos system.


Here’s how to take a diagnostic: Settings > Help & Tips > Submit Diagnostic.

If you have other concerns, feel free to reach out.


 @Kyle A For the record I have 2 surround set ups (Play Bar, Sub and 2 Play1’s) plus 2 Play 1’s and a Move, all in separate rooms. The Arc just had a consistent, flashing white light and never anything else. My router is a UK Sky Q. I did send diagnostics when I submitted a replacement request.


Since then I have managed to contact Sonos support on the phone, they went through an attempted factory restore and have now already confirmed a faulty Arc and replaced it. Despite my initial frustration at the phone lines being down I now cannot fault the customer service of Sonos in replacing my faulty item within 7 days. And the replacement works just fine. 

Hi @GavinHockley, thank you for the update.

If you have other concerns, feel free to reach out.


Hi @tsunamiGirl and @Dan C., thank you for the update.

@tsunamiGirl, I checked your diagnostic. You’re using an Asus router, we have a known issue with RT series Asus routers.

Kindly check the model of your router. If you have an Asus RT series router. You can refer to this article. Asus RT Series compatibility.

If not, reply with the model of your router. So I can check for any known issue.

@Dan C., are you connected back to the system?  

The setup you have right now after unplugging the Play:3 is that the Sonos speakers named Loft are connected to each other with an Ethernet cable. correct me if I’m wrong.

The Sonos Connect named Danny is connected with an Ethernet to the network.  It’s acting as a hub for the others to connect through SonosNet.

SonosNet is established whenever a Sonos component or Speaker is connected to the network via an Ethernet connection.

It will be worth checking the Sonos Connect named Danny. 

Can you also get your router’s model?  So, I can check for any known issues.


You can also refer to this article whenever you’re getting disconnected. Unable to connect to Sonos.

Note: The player you wired into the router is actually a Play:3, not a Play:1.

If you have other concerns, feel free to reach out.


@Kyle A Yes, I’m using an Asus RT-AC86U router and have been for over a year. Never had an issue before and I haven’t changed any of the router settings probably since I installed it.  These issues have surfaced just recently after moving from the legacy Sonos app to the S1.  Anyway, Airtime Fairness is already turned off (as mentioned as the solution in the doc you referenced) so that other hardware in the house (specifically Big Ass fans) work correctly.

Hi @tsunamiGirl, thank you for the update and sorry for the late response.

I would like to confirm after doing the suggestion, are you still having issues connecting?

We have a known issue with the RT-series router from Asus, even before S2.

Troubleshooting other sources of interference first, so that we have a definitive bug report for the S2 app. 

If you have other concerns, feel free to reach out.

@Kyle A Not sure I understand. As I mentioned above, the router is already set up as detailed in the link you sent. It has been set that way since I’ve owned it (two years or so). The Sonos system has been fine until the latest update. So it’s still sucking. Really disappointing. 

Hi @tsunamiGirl, thank you for the update.

I was just checking if the issues went away after checking the router settings because routers also get firmware updates that have the potential to reset the router settings to default. 

Anyway, I would like to ask a few things.

Is the audio drop happens to all speakers or a few specific speakers?

Does it happen to all music services or a specific one?

Have you tried rebooting the network and the Sonos speakers? waiting for the router to boot up completely then unplug the Sonos speakers for 10 seconds before plugging it back in.

Also, I would like you to take another diagnostic.I would like to check if the Play:5 still has the wireless interference still persist.

@Kyle A The more recent speakers seem to perform the best - well, at least the Move does. The Play1 has been super bad but that’s relatively new. We have an old Play:5 that’s also been experiencing drop outs, disappearing from the app, unable to group with other speakers, etc. 

Yes, I’ve tried rebooting the network and the Sonos speakers as you suggested.  As I think I mentioned in a previous email, streaming from Spotify has been very problematic. Streaming from iHeartRadio was solid (this is assuming that the speakers were appearing in the app). 

Right now, things are working fine. But that’s been the pattern since the update - things work great and then they’re pretty horrible.  I submitted another diagnostic: 1047269784


Hi @tsunamiGirl, thanks for the update.

Upon checking the diagnostic, I see all of them connected to the network.

New software releases tend to have bugs at launch. The more people or the more data we have; the more our engineers can create patches to fix the bugs.

Please monitor the system and reach out if you encounter any more issues. 

If it happens again, you can refer to these articles.

Music service audio stops or skipsReduce wireless interference, or ask for assistance with a diagnostic number. 

In any case, just reach out.


@Kyle A   I had a 5-device Sonos system working just fine.  Updated all my phone apps today and suddenly I have the S1 app but it tells me that I have to use the S2 app because not all my devices work with S1. Even though every device has been working just fine for a few years now.  I do not have new devices.  I’m basically locked out of using the S1 app to control all of my speakers.  I installed the S2 controller, but it cannot seem to connect to my devices.  Multiple times I’ve tried using the “find missing products”, but the app is too slow and the orange light turns back to white before the “searching for your product” progress bar is done.  I’ve tried moving forward in the process both by clicking “I see an orange light” and by clicking “I don't see an orange light”  If I click “I see an orange light”, the app eventually tells me that the device created a SONOS wifi network that I need to join. But there is no SONOS wifi network. 


submitted diagnostics in S2 app  Confirmation number is 1948762120

in S1 app, I try to submit diagnostics, but three  times I got an error saying that my "diagnostic information could not be sent at this time” . finally got it to work.  conf number is 757542


Hi @gretchenC thank you for reaching out and welcome to the community.

I have checked both of the diagnostics, The Sonos speakers are now in S2 firmware. You can just use the S2 to connect.

However, I see two IP ranges; meaning, there are two routers giving out IP addresses in your network.

I would like to know how your network is set up. 

What is the model of the network devices? 

How they’re connected?  

So we can check for any known issue or make adjustments.

Also, have you tried to reboot the network and Sonos? rebooting the network and letting it boot up first then reboot the Sonos speakers.