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I visited my parents home. I updated their system to OS2 to be compatible with my app/my OS back at my own home. Suddenly as I tried to play on their (newly updated) OS2 I had to be logged in to their app account. Once I signed out of my, the app defaulted - without the chance to change - their email. As I tried to sign into mine I get “The email and password you entered did not match out records. Please try again.”

Yes - thank you Sonos. My email is not the email associated with this specific physical product in this home. But I have an account! Why must I log in to the account that “owns” my parents’ system and not access my own??

Have to say Sonos is one of the less if that the least user friendly systems I’ve ever come across...

Prior to adding this detail it was a little too easy for unwanted users to control or alter a system. For example, parents sometimes want the kids to have separate systems and prevent accidental control of the other system.

It is a little frustrating. I have several paid music services that my parents don’t but it auto detects only their accounts on Sonos. One way around this is to add a specific music service and log into that with your own info. Just log out and delete when done. Don’t know if that helps but it’s something.