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Songs being played from my iphone are cutting out and not being played in full. Its skips to the next song, plays part then skips again.
This could be caused by many different factors. Is your iPhone iOS updated to the current version? If not, be sure to update, go to settings, general, software update. After, go to the Sonos iPhone app, settings, online updates, and make sure your iOS app and speakers are updated to the current software. Are you using your Apple Music account to stream? I think it's just your iOS and speakers might need updating
Hi thanks for your response, my iphonex and sonos system both need updating to the latest versions, so I will try updating and see how it goes, however the problem has been going on for years. I thought it may have been related to our internet however we have just been upgraded to nbn and evrything else works fine. I dont have an apple music subsciption, I just play the music I have purchased outright from apple which is stored on my device.
Definitely update. In your speaker and internet setup, if you don’t already, is there a way you could connect one of your Sonos speakers to your router/modem using an Ethernet cable. This creates SonosNet which connects all your speakers to each other on their own separate network. Only one speaker needs to be connected to Ethernet, and the others remain wireless, but will change to the SonosNet, which might fix the audio issue which could be caused by some interference in your home. You may also want to look into purchasing a Boost, which sole purpose is to create SonosNet. That’s what I did, and although I never had audio issues, I have so many WiFi devices, it would have probably happened eventually. My router is in our office and I opted to use the Sonos Boost instead of plugging in a speaker to Ethernet since I didn’t have a speaker in my office. Hope this helps
Will definitely update. I have sonos boost connected by ethernet to an apple time machine downstairs (the internet modem is upstairs and an ethernet connection runs downstairs to the time machine). I may need to play around with these connections (not very tech savvy unfortunately).
I'm having the same issue...

My setup is: iOS 11.4, Sonos v9.0 (App and connect:amp)

So far i have been able to narrow this to being just an issue with steaming music that is stored on the iphone (streaming from Pandora/Amazon I don't have any issues). My WiFi is a 5ghz connection with 100mb down internet.
When directly streaming from a wireless mobile device, the wireless environment needs to be exceptionally clear. In most cases, if you are looking to store music for Sonos to access on a regular basis you would likely get a better connection if the source of the music was already wired to the network through a NAS drive or shared music folder.

Have you ever tried watching a video on YouTube and it sits there buffering before the video starts? Sometimes these videos have different stream qualities and in turn, different connection requirements. Similarly, if Sonos is unable to get the content from the server fast enough from the wireless source, you're likely to run into audio drops and server disconnect errors. These types of errors point us to the source of the file not being able to maintain a strong enough wireless connection with the network to maintain playback (
Thanks Keith, I have an apple time capsule. Can this be used as a shared music folder or NAS? If so how do I get the music from my iphone onto it? I have a mac which I only use for work. It also has my itunes library on it. Is there any way I can get my itunes music library onto the apple TC (wirelesly/easily) rather than streaming directly from my iphone (I would continue to use the iphone app as a controller). Your assistance is appreciated.
This issue is super frustrating. When Sonos first came out, I was concerned about music cutting out because of the reviews for other devices. But, I gave Sonos a try and it work, and I was impressed year after year. Until now, when it seems to cut out and there is no clear response or fix. Some websites blame this as a network issue, so I went through the instructions folks offered, but with no result. This is deeply disappointing. In general, Sonos has been a good brand for reliability as far as I'm concerned, but Sonos has really dropped the ball on this one.

Worse, one of the problems that I anticipate is that after years of having a better controlled environment, users start to try and fix their systems with any number of remedies that spread, which in turn creates a more heterogenous environment with more diverse settings, and even more variations in the problems that users are experiencing. It's a bit of a vicious circle that can be hard to recover from in terms of reliability if Sonos doesn't take care of this quick.
There's certainly a couple of potentials around this issue, including one that is with Sonos, who has stated on many threads that they're trying to track down an issue with iOS devices when the lock screen is invoked.

You might want to work more directly with Sonos by submitting a diagnostic, and posting the number here. Given the many potentials that could cause the symptoms you're describing, giving them some direct information might help them assist you.
Ok thanks, diagnostic no: 409061968 and 428595544 and 161190888. Similar to psh comments (above) the sonos system used to work fine (years ago) however recently the problem has gotten worse. The main reason I am hearing is interference however my set up has not changed. I recently (a couple of years) ago purchased sonos boost wrongly believing it may alleviate the issue which has not happened. Very frustrating.
I have the same issue, and it seems to have occured when ios11 came out. I have changed the Wi-Fi box at a cost of £150 as i thought it may be that my Wi-Fi was dropping, that did not fix it. The only thing I can think of is the operating system upgrade is causing the issue - I read somewhere it is Airplay 2 that is causing the issue but no one has advised how to fix it.... it is so annoying to have songs skip halfway through or stop fully.... anyone have any advice, much appreciated. Thx
Hi folks,

If you're having audio cut outs while streaming from your iOS device's storage, you may be running into an issue we're investigating where this happens when the iOS device goes to sleep, or into auto lock. We'll update the thread when we have more to share, but for now you can disable auto lock in your iOS device's settings menu under Display & Brightness, or disable AirPlay on non-Sonos devices on your network.
We have been experiencing this also and have been in discussion with Sonos over the past few days. We have multiple Sonos products throughout the house and set up a boost system to improve reliability. When using anything other than the music on our iOS devices, it works fine, it is when streaming songs direct from our device that the system packs up.

Initially it starts fine, then it appears to stop for no reason, sometimes when the lock screen happens, and sometimes not. Then it plays the first 30 seconds or so of a track and skips to the next.

Recent suggestions by Sonos have been to disable Airplay on our Apple TV, close all open apps on the device and disconnect Bluetooth. None of which have made any difference.

We have submitted numerous diagnostics to Sonos, who do appear to be working on the issue, although there may be a bit of straw clutching going on!
Same issue with iPhone stored songs only. Not with streaming services (pandora, sirius) Submitted diagnostics ref# 22522017.
Hi folks,

We released version 9.1 today which should help out with issues streaming from iOS devices. Please update your systems and test things out. You can read more here.
Hi Jeff, I have updated the app - no change - still skipping and cutting out non stop. So annoying that the system used to work fine and it no longer does... please keep us posted on the next fix, as unfortunately this one has not worked for me.... thanks
ICEv, scanning back through this thread, I don't see that you have submitted a system diagnostic. That might be a great first step in providing Sonos with more information about your system, which is clearly not experiencing the same issue that they fixed with 9.1, despite having similar symptoms. Run that, and post the number here, it will help people like Jeff (or even Jeff himself) look at what might be happening on your system.
Hi Jeff, I have updated the app - no change - still skipping and cutting out non stop. So annoying that the system used to work fine and it no longer does... please keep us posted on the next fix, as unfortunately this one has not worked for me.... thanks

Hi ICEv,

The update had a fix for a rather specific issue, so there may be something else going on with your system. Airgetlam's suggestion of sending in a diagnostic report is a good one. If you reply here with a diagnostic confirmation number I can take a look for you.
Hey guys, I’m having the same or similar issue. I have a sonos one in my kitchen and some bose outdoor speakers hooked up through a connect:amp. All run through a Sonos Bridge.

Suddenly, music played via my iPhone music library skips in the middle of songs. Doesn’t happen on any music services (amazon, Sirius) played through same device. System had worked fine with no issues before a few months ago.

Can anyone help?
Hi Jeff,

We're having the same problem - have been using Sonos for several years without any problem and now can't play anything. Systems diagnostic reference is 373873344. Can you have a look?

Hi Jeff,

I to have been having the same problem all speakers are up to date(9.1) and so is my Iphone8 this only started happening since the lats update the one before 9.1.

diagnostic number is 1142854352
Hi Jeff, I have now wired the Sonos speaker into the router... same problems occurring. Cut outs and stops playing. The diagnosis number I have just run is: 1401965219 - I hope you can work out the problem and resolution. Thanks in advance Jeff. Cheers
Hi Jeff, I’m having similar issues to ICEv. The issues for me have been creeping up after a recent iOS update. My diagnostic number is 1648308008. Thank you in advance for any help.
Updated to iOS 12 and updated Sonos and suddenly started having this problem, sometimes when goes to sleep, and others when it is awake.
I always have this problem when my phone goes to sleep. I push play then jump in the shower. My sonos will keep cutting out and skipping while i’m in the shower. When i get back and wake my phone the songs stop skipping and cutting out. * iPhone XS Max 12.1 - Sonos latest OS *