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The lowest volume is too high. I'd like to make use of the sleep-function of the play 3. Works flawlessly, but the lowest volume is still too high. Please set the lowest volume to be less loud, so i can fall asleep peacefully with some music.
What music source are you listening to?
The lowest volume can easily be obtained by sliding to zero and tapping the slider once. Unless you have bats for neighbours they won't hear it
What music source are you listening to?

Spotify for music, optical cable from TV for movies
The lowest volume can easily be obtained by sliding to zero and tapping the slider once. Unless you have bats for neighbours they won't hear it

Great tip, thanks. Maybe neighbors aren't really hearing, but I don't like the feeling playing too loud by night. With the lowest available volume I can still hear movie explosions or music crescendos in the next room. As someone mentioned above, the lowest volume should be a whisper.
Have you tried turning down treble and bass sliders. Make sure loudness turned off.
Have you tried turning down treble and bass sliders. Make sure loudness turned off.

Yes, but that - like turning off loudness - takes away the depth and warmth of the sound. Besides, I don't want to change a bunch of settings each time I need to play really low (and then have to change everything back the next day).
So you want depth but you want it whisper quiet?
So you want depth but you want it whisper quiet?

One of the things I appreciate with Sonos is the deep, warm sound even on low volume. Still, I want to be able to listen to techno or watch an action movie by night without the feeling that I might disturb the neighbors.

Today, I do indeed change eq / loudness settings and disable the sub when I want to go really quiet (just as you suggest) - even though after that, I think it is still too loud. Question is if changing settings back and forth is preferable? Is it good UX? Or is it something that Sonos could easily solve by allowing lower lows?
I'd ask the neighbours if they are ever bothered about it if I were you rather than worrying about. Maybe after you've watched a shooty film at a volume YOU enjoyed

I did the same with my neighbours as I do like loud(ish) music from time to time and they said they never heard me but they were terrified their 2 young girls being children would have disturbed me - they hadn't
You could use program like sonosequencr to make night mode and normal mode buttons. Then 1 click of night mode turns down equalizer and sub level for you. Then a normal button to reset all to your day preferences.

That would save you going in and out all the time setting up.
Headphones? That isn't meant to be facetious. Sonos is not the right answer for every use case.
You guys are missing the point here. This is not about me having a problem with my €2500 sound system that can be solved by a) using headphones instead, b) fiddle around with advanced settings, c) talk to my neighbors, or d) install third party apps and setup automation schemes. There is nothing wrong about any of these suggestions, but the context of this thread is that Sonos lowest volume is too high, something that hundreds of other customers seems to agree with me on.
No I get that., although dozens on here, not hundreds. But of course many who don't post. I do think it is legitimate to suggest that achieving whisper quiet action movie or techno music sound is not an aim Sonos should be prioritising.
I do understand that this is an issue for a number of users and I hope that Sonos are able to meet this request. I am a bit surprised the max volume solution did not affect the minimum volume, but things are never as simple as they seem. Maybe soon?
John, so listening to classical music or watching the news at 100% volume is a priority? Because that is totally possible today.

How much listening time do you spend with the volume on the lower half (0-50%) compared to the upper half (50-100%)? I might be the odd bird here, but every Sonos owner I know (including myself) seldom use the upper half at all. (Not saying I don't enjoy pumping it up from time to time - I do, and I love the sound).

But just because you buy a sports car and like to be able to go at 350km/h on occasion, it doesn't mean that 350km/h is anywhere near your average speed in total or that there isn't a usecase for being able to drive at lower speeds.

Is the ability to lower your volume further something that would inflict any inconvenience at all from your part as a customer? If not - why are you arguing with me?
It is a perfectly reasonable thing to request, it is clearly wanted by some users and I hope you get your wish. I find the minimum volume almost inaudible and never play anything at that level, but I realise others feel differently.
What music source are you listening to?

Spotify for music, optical cable from TV for movies

OK, I don't use either of them, Napster, Amazon, iHeart, TuneIn and my music library all will play at levels I have to have my ear on my Play 1, 3 or 5 speakers to hear.

Do you have the same too-loud issues using any of these other music sources?
The lowest volume is too loud. There should be more fine grained steps between current lowest volume and mute.

Playbase, play1's any input.