Lost alphabetical list of Pandora stations

  • 16 November 2017
  • 69 replies

Userlevel 3
Upgraded to 8.2 yesterday, and my Pandora stations are suddenly listed by date added, rather than alphabetically. I can see no way to change the sorting method back to alphabetical. This makes it rather inconvenient to browse my stations. If there is a way to re-sort, I would appreciate the tip. If not, it would be helpful for Sonos to make both sort methods available, rather than eliminating one in favor of another.

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69 replies

Userlevel 1
Same problem, why would they take the alpha sort order out?? Terribly painful to use the Pandora part of this app now.
I just got off a remote session with Sonos--they have no clue how to fix this. They actually told e to use the Pandora app--I told them how crazy an idea this
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
Hi, the Pandora stations are now sorted by most recently played. There isn't currently a way to change up the order, but we'll share the request with the team. This sorting is the same as you'd find within the Pandora apps by default. Though they do have the option to toggle between the views which isn't available on Sonos at this time.
Userlevel 2
This SUCKS! Constantly having to look for stations. FIX IT PLEASE SONOS!
Userlevel 2
Hi, the Pandora stations are now sorted by most recently played. There isn't currently a way to change up the order, but we'll share the request with the team. This sorting is the same as you'd find within the Pandora apps by default. Though they do have the option to toggle between the views which isn't available on Sonos at this time.
Userlevel 2
What were you thinking? The default was alpha order and now it's not even an option? You need to fix this very quickly. The My Stations experience is terrible for anyone with more than a few stations and variable listening preferences.
Userlevel 1
Just like the app interface overhaul, why fix something that isnt broken. Something bad is happening with quality control, UI feedback/testing, etc. Not in line whatsoever with loyal customers expectations....
Userlevel 1
This is a mess.
Userlevel 2
So annyoying. Every time they update, something else goes wrong. I need my Pandora list in A-Z order please!
Userlevel 1
This improvement isn't an improvement. I'm supposed to scan through hundreds of stations and try to remember the last date I listened to one of them??? What were you thinking? Please give the alpha sort option back!
Userlevel 1
Bad move Sonos
Userlevel 1
I have loved Sonos. Not today though. Taking the alpha listing of Pandora stations away is just stupid! Do your programmers not use Sonos and Pandora? Does no one at Sonos use Sonos and Pandora? I'll feel a little better if you at least admit it was a bone headed mistake and you're working as fast as possible to fix it. You're SONOS. I thought you were awesome.
Userlevel 2
This is unbelievable!! Why would you update to take something away, that has been there for a very long time. My Pandora.com web interface still shows alpha sorting. Pandora has now become unusable on Sonos, so much so that I am bringing my inferior Squeezebox Boom back out of storage just for Pandora and the basics of Alpha sorting. As a Sonos partner, Pandora should be really upset with you at the loss of listening hours as a result of your "improvements".

I should have learned by now to stop applying new updates.
Userlevel 2
Thank you ASoft! Every time I add Sonos update, more issues arise. Pandora is a CONSTANT in my life and now it's very unstable as you said. Also, I spend so much time looking for my stations. I don't get it. Everything was fine before....why do this?
Userlevel 2
I use my MAC desktop Sonos controller for Pandora stations. Since the latest update, not only is the A-Z order missing, I cannot delete stations or add variety (on desktop)! Have to use the phone controller for all adjustments. This entire update is a giant cluster F@*K if you ask me. Hate it! PLEASE fix it ya'll!!!!!
Userlevel 1
Totally agree here. This is a big usability flaw. Not having alphabetical listing is a huge pain. Please provide the option at least to list alphabetically.
Userlevel 5
Badge +9
I just logged into Pandora online and sent an email stating my displeasure. I let them know i will cancel if this continues longer than a month.
Userlevel 1
Joining my voice with those who have already commented here. Removing the alpha sort was a TERRIBLE idea. Please re-install this feature asap! Thanks!!
I also got the response to just use the Pandora app. This is not only clumsy but unreliable. How can something so simple actually be a problem to implement? Since first installing Sonos, I've always been quick to recommend it to friends. I can no longer do that until they fix this problem.
Userlevel 1
A few problems, as a Sonos installer I am getting many complaints from the clients I work for. The app is only getting more confusing. The swipe up and down is not obvious, the menu bar at the bottom should always be there no matter what you are doing, Pandora is completly different and thats what most people use. Cant even just add a new station the same why. Why change what people are used to. And too many updates. People just want to pick up their device and use it. Last update forced you to update app, then it doesnt work, so you have to delete the app and reinstall it. Lastly the “Create a Sonos Account” is the biggest pain. Atleast give the option not to and move on. Noone remebers their itunes password and now we have another just to listen to music! Goal is make less complicated not more complicated. Im good with the old blue screen layout thats still on the computer. Everything is there on one page. Easy!
Please go back to Alpha sort or provide the option! Now Pandora is as bad as the Amazon sort that does not seem to have a method at all!
Userlevel 2
Your latest update has absolutely ruined my pandora experience. I have listened to Pandora 24/7 for years. With the latest update, I spend more time looking for my stations; cannot add variety; some of the stations disappeared. PLEASE PLEASE FIX IT! IT's HORRIBLE!
I must be taking crazy pills! Shouldn't upgrades make an app better? What sort of asinine move takes away an option? Is there a way to uninstall Sonos and reinstall with the 8.1 upgrade? This upgrade was not thought out at all-clearly not tested. Maybe it is better to play it directly through the Pandora alphabetical list. The less Sonos, the better.
Userlevel 2
Thank you AEK123. I was also wondering if I could uninstall Sonos and reinstall with 8.1. Hopefully, we will get an answer. All I know is that my entire Sonos/Pandora listening experience is hideous now. COME ON SONOS! DO SOMETHING!
It's been almost two weeks and still no movement on this serious problem? There was another update today (at least I got mine today) and I was expecting it to contain the fix. For some ridiculous reason, it didn't. I'm seriously considering ditching my paid Pandora account.