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Hi! I would like to know if there is any support for Linux as OS on laptops. Could you provide a howto to get Sonos running under Linux? Thanks!
Hello Florian, Sonos controller is not supported on Linux OS. We do have a post about this. Here is the link: The best would be to show your support as Sonos always open to new ideas for our users. Thank you Max
I have shown my support by spending £3000 on a Sonos system for my house, can we have a Linux controller now or do I have to fund that?
I use Linux 100% of the time, and would love to be able to control sonos using my linux machine. To be honest, even an open, documented API would suffice - plenty of Linux developers would happily integrate sonos with other open source tools.
Hello Florian, Sonos controller is not supported on Linux OS. We do have a post about this. Here is the link: The best would be to show your support as Sonos always open to new ideas for our users. Thank you Max

Max, then please build at least a web interface that can be used with any OS.

I can't believe that you strategy is to ignore all Linux users. We are the 99 percent!!
I have moved to Linux.  Do I have to throw away my Sonos equipment?
Yes this is rather lame. After moving some computers at home I now use my linux machine more than Windows. I've managed to get everything else I need running under linux but not Sonos! Please at least release the API.
Furthermore, there must be a lot of users that are keeping their collection of MP3's on a linux server. A linux controller will be able to index and serve the collection to the SONOS system.

I'd buy Sonos if there was Linux support. Please hurry!
Please address this situation. Your speakers are great. why force us to use to use a specific OS to enjoy them?
Most likely because of the cost of maintaining a code base used by a very small group of people in the mass market that they're trying to sell to. i.e the return on investment isn't there.
Linux option: