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So this might be just me and my OCD but, I’d really like a (mostly pointless) feature within the controller apps to be able to click a button (double-tap or something, I’m not saying _how_ it should be done) and have all the volume levels lined up across all grouped speakers.

When the family all leave the house and it's just me home, I like to crank up the volume across all speakers but the thing that I find annoying (it really is trivial) is having the volume levels not quite all the same.  Forget the relative volume of each speaker, I just want to have the levels all lined up.


How will it help if the relative levels are all over the place as is always the case when all sliders are at the same place? Unless you have the same speaker model in the group and are listening equidistant from all...

How will it help - it’ll look right :)

(Plus, in the case I have, they are all Play 1’s or Play Bar)

Sweep the master volume slider down to zero and remove your finger.

Sweep the master volume slider up to the desired position. The individual room sliders will be aligned. 


If a persistent volume offset is desired between semi-permanently grouped rooms, use the Volume Limit feature in room settings.

The volume offset thing looks worth exploring; my groups always have a connect amp and play 1 units that could use this. 

Cool new learning, so thanks to both of you...the OP for the thread.

Listening is the way to check this, but for now if I set volume limit to 70 percent, in a group that speaker set at 50 percent will effectively be at 35 percent of its 100 percent volume?

Listening is the way to check this, but for now if I set volume limit to 70 percent, in a group that speaker set at 50 percent will effectively be at 35 percent of its 100 percent volume?


The “Volume Limit” sets the output for when the slider is at maximum. It’s basically a scaling factor.

Sweep the master volume slider down to zero and remove your finger.

Sweep the master volume slider up to the desired position. The individual room sliders will be aligned. 


If a persistent volume offset is desired between semi-permanently grouped rooms, use the Volume Limit feature in room settings.

You’re a legend!!  Thanks for this, my OCD can rest :D


+1 to the legend bit.

And from one ocd afflicted to will find a replacement subject to o over very soon:-).

The volume offset worked perfect right away with all play 1 units limited to 70 percent, leaving the Connect Amp at 100. 

Great new find for grouped play.