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Hi all, just wanted to say I am selling my Sonos devices.

After the death of my 2nd CR200 I found neither the iOS nor the Android app are appropriate replacements.

For me it's (most of) all about convenience.

And after a few weeks with another (officially long dead) music system I now decided I found a good replacement (but only because there is this Android app which is, in its simplicity, similar to the CR200!)
Thank you for sharing.
Yes, thanks for sharing, ‘cos these are open forums for everyone to share their views and opinions.

Thomas can you tell which system you finally chose ? I don’t think I’m quite ready to rip out my system just yet, but it always pays to have an open mind. Sonos where the only game in town when I bought into it, but nobody would deny that this is no longer the case

Don't get me wrong, I really liked my Sonos!

The only tasks I used it for were:

-playing from my local library

-playing the Sonos favourites, which consisted only of my favourite radio stations.

Whatever was added to the software over the years did not have any impact on me.

Having said this, my new system consist of a Logitech Squeezeserver running on my NAS, a used Squeezebox Touch, a DIY Squeezeplayer (Raspberry PI based) and the Orange Squeeze app running on a cheap Android phone.

Fits my humble needs perfectly, was cheap and is very reliable so far.
With a new note 8 and ANOTHER sonos update..... my marrage to sonos my be headed for devorce court.

Dont know who to blame BUT..... their NOT speaking to each other.

AND....of couse they decided to fight just befor my dinner party. Over this relationship. By the way....that new update suckzzzzz....
Such a shame the amazing hardware has been badly let down with the latest app.

I'm too far in ££ wise now so have to just suck it and see, hopefully Sonos can redeem themselves to some extent with the next update ..
Such a shame the amazing hardware has been badly let down with the latest app.

I'm too far in ££ wise now so have to just suck it and see, hopefully Sonos can redeem themselves to some extent with the next update ..

What's your issue(s) with the new app?
Just Deleated sosos app and reinstalled. It connected....set music... THEN no more control, Can't even change the volumn.

hear we go again. And I invested in 6 play 3 and 5.Plus a bridge to a nicer sound system. I believe in serious music. Sonos.....what have you done. Now considering bailing out BUT MY INVESTMENT?
... and I never had any serious issues at all!

Only once there was an update which degraded the sound quality of mp3 radio streams.

But this was fixed within some days.
Such a shame the amazing hardware has been badly let down with the latest app.

I'm too far in ££ wise now so have to just suck it and see, hopefully Sonos can redeem themselves to some extent with the next update ..

What's your issue(s) with the new app?

All of it, poor use of screen space, none intuitive (for me compared to 7.4), more swipes/ presses/ scrolling to get to the same point, sometimes I find myself looking at it trying to work out the sequence where as before it would have already been done.

Trying to work out what I was doing wrong with quick grouping today, I realised it was unpredictable/ broken.

Trying to look like a faux iPhone app has done it no favours at all.

Sonos have basically rolled out an unfinished app with no nod to any feedback from beta testing (if there was any which is doubtful).

I'm not stupid, use multi make vehicle diagnostic tools daily etc but Sonos 8.0 is not a joy to use, which it should be.

It should showcase my £2000 investment not make it a fight to use, which it feels like at a moment..

Trying to work out what I was doing wrong with quick grouping today, I realised it was unpredictable/ broken.

Trying to look like a faux iPhone app has done it no favours at all.

Many of the reported symptoms surface for updates even where there is no UI change. They relate to IP address conflicts exposed by the update. Research fixing these issues and fix them. They will arise in future also, if left unfixed.

The problem is that a UI refresh has to necessarily involve an update and the system can then appear to be broken for two reasons, compounding the problem. A large part of which is fixable by users by doing some research.
Also, anyone doing what Thomas has done needs to be lot more savvy about these devices in general than they need to be to use Sonos. He is savvy enough to do what he has done, as evidenced by his earlier conversations here.
Also, anyone doing what Thomas has done needs to be lot more savvy...

That's right.

Or, like me, desperate enough and prepared to learn.

Back then when I bought my Sonos, I also had a look at the Logitech solution.

But I didn't want something that needed a server running all the time.

Sonos just worked with a harddisk attached to my router, and it came with a wonderful controller.

So easy!
Oh c'mon Thomas, are you saying that your Raspberry based solution is easier for most laymen to manage compared to Sonos? I don't dare venture near the Raspberry!
Sonos just worked with a harddisk attached to my router, and it came with a wonderful controller.

So easy!

That's indeed what sonos used to stand for, straightforward, simple and easy.

I still remember my delight when setting up,my first Sonos speaker. Prepared for an hour long ordeal, I was happily surprised to be up and running within 5 minutes.

This is also why people are so upset with the new app imho. Instead of simple and easy, it's inefficient and cumbersome.
Oh c'mon Thomas, are you saying that your Raspberry based solution is easier for most laymen to manage compared to Sonos?

Hi Kumar, what makes you think I said such rubbish?

Of course Sonos always was - and still is - much easier and I never said anything else.

So easy, that's what I called it.
I trust that this whole thread is sarcasm Thomas. Because I cannot see the sense in moving from Sonos to that replacement system.

Trying to work out what I was doing wrong with quick grouping today, I realised it was unpredictable/ broken.

Trying to look like a faux iPhone app has done it no favours at all.

Many of the reported symptoms surface for updates even where there is no UI change. They relate to IP address conflicts exposed by the update. Research fixing these issues and fix them. They will arise in future also, if left unfixed.

The problem is that a UI refresh has to necessarily involve an update and the system can then appear to be broken for two reasons, compounding the problem. A large part of which is fixable by users by doing some research.

I have no IP conflicts and no amount of research can roll back my firmware and App to 7.4 unfortunately..
hopefully Sonos can redeem themselves to some extent with the next update ..

I know you will be different, but I am sure that you also know that going by the history of updates here for many years, many users will get used to this one and complain bitterly when the next one shows up - one that is as much a change from this one as this one is from its forbears.

My apologies for thinking you may have IP conflicts.
I trust that this whole thread is sarcasm Thomas. Because I cannot see the sense in moving from Sonos to that replacement system.

Apologies if I’m talking out of turn or for Thomas but if I’ve understood him correctly I think he’s is saying not that the system as a whole is better, but that the interface he has now found for Squuezebox is better than Sonos’s current offering — now that his CR200 has died.

I must confress I miss my old CR200, it was — in my opinion — a triumph of design and usability.

After this recent update, I can't seem to figure out how do I choose the line in on my Sonos P90 connect...

Where in this new Android app is the option for me to tap on and listen the sound that goes in the P90 line in on my living room so I can listen to the music on my bedroom?
After this recent update, I can't seem to figure out how do I choose the line in on my Sonos P90 connect...

Where in this new Android app is the option for me to tap on and listen the sound that goes in the P90 line in on my living room so I can listen to the music on my bedroom?

1. Bottom Tab Bar | Rooms | Choose 'Bedroom'

2. Bottom Tab Bar | Browse | Line In | Choose 'ZP-90'

You're done.
After this recent update, I can't seem to figure out how do I choose the line in on my Sonos P90 connect...

Where in this new Android app is the option for me to tap on and listen the sound that goes in the P90 line in on my living room so I can listen to the music on my bedroom?

Most of the functionality that was on the sources page is now on the Browse page. In what I think is one of the better moves of the new interface, other functions like settings, alarms, voice control, etc, are not stuffed in with the sources and are instead on their own page under the "More . . ." tab.
I trust that this whole thread is sarcasm Thomas. Because I cannot see the sense in moving from Sonos to that replacement system.

Hi Burt,

Andrews has got it right.

No sarcasm at all!

The controller was the reason why I bought Sonos in the first place.

Now that it's gone I looked around again and found that replacement.

The system as a whole is not as easy to set up as Sonos, not as good looking as Sonos, agreed.

But I only had to set it up once and that ugly Raspberry is hidden behind the speakers anyway.

And this Android app is just great, at least for me.

And this Android app is just great, at least for me.

Which Android app are you referring to?
I was referring to the Orange Squeeze app, which enables me to control the Squeezeboxes just as easy as the CR200 allowed me to control my Zoneplayers.

Without this app I wouldn't have jumped ship!