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Laptop app - two annoying attributes.

  • 31 October 2022
  • 6 replies

First & foremost Im no techy, so a big bear (or is bare ?) with, please.

Have had my Sonos set up for at least 8 years (currently running version 14.18 (is that what I’m ‘sposed to say ?!)

I have 4 x original SL’s (none of this Alexa malarkey) and a beam of one form or another.

My issue is more about the app which I now run off an ASUS laptop (Zenbook, if it helps)

So, two points that have been bugging me forever and frankly should have got off my chest years ago - but only now found the time...

1...The app slide bars are so sometimes is just so difficult to see the the slider when looking at what’s on my Queue….and almost impossible to see the top and bottom up/down arrows.

I've tried adjusting the lap top screen settings - to no avail and to be honest this has been the case wiith previous p/s’c I've used anyway, so I dont think this is a hardware issue.   

So any answers - has this been addressed before...surely it cant be too difficult and wont affect the cosmetics of the display to brighten them up ?

2...When interrupting a playlist...e.g. switching to a Sonos Favourites radio station...and then reverting back to the playlist, Sonos never remembers the last toon played on the list is infuriating to scroll through (when I can actually see the scroll bar - as above !) to then try and find the last track you (hopefully) remember playing .

Is it me or can Sonos really not return you to the last track played on the playlist...which is still showing in the Queue box ?

Thanks in advance for reading and any response.

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6 replies

I’m not seeing either of these issues.

I use a 3rd party monitor calibration scheme. Unfortunately, this requires purchasing a gizmo that measures screen output. On my monitor the scroll bar is easily visible, but not boldly obvious. You may need to fuss with the screen adjustments in more detail. I’m sorry that I don’t have a good way of explaining the details (which can differ from system to system). Let’s say the programs send brightness levels to the video system as numbers from 0-100. Unfortunately, many video systems don’t differentiate much between the lower numbers, say 0-10. While this will yield nice blacks, there is very little detail near black. A black business suit will be nicely black, but there is no detail. On my system the 0-100 are remapped and I’ll be able to see folds in the back suit. Simply increasing brightness will usually not help the smashed blacks in that 0-10 range.

I insert tracks into the Queue and the Queue position is held if I play something from Sonos Favorites. I do have a minor complaint that, If I scroll the Queue with the mouse scroll wheel, the background stripes for the current Queue track and the highlighted scrolled to track are identical.

An added challenge is that, beyond bug fixes, Sonos isn’t making changes at this point to either of the desktop controllers. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Thanks both.  

Buzz...thats a very detailed reply, thank you for your time.  As I say I'm not a techy...but will try my best with looking at the video (?) settings.

I perhaps should have clarified that when I switch back from radio to the queue it's always back to the beginning of the Queue.

Airgetlam, disappointing on the lack of action on changes for the desktop/laptop I assume that includes the "greyed out" volume controls on the laptop controller ?

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

No, that’s something Sonos is working on.


Can you post a screenprint of what you’re experiencing on your Asus?

The volume controls issue is a bug, introduced with the last release, and as @106rallye indicates, they’ve stated they’re working on it. I’d expect in a few weeks, there will be a new release that fixes it. 

As an aside, I don’t currently use the Windows version of the desktop controller, but I do use the Mac version every weekday (it’s running in front of me as I type this), and there’s certainly not an issue from my perspective. While the slider bars are indeed grey against a black background, they’re certainly distinguishable for me. There’s a strongly perceptible difference between the “grey” and the “black” background, as well as the “white” of the active part of the slider. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

There are other Sonos apps you can try on your PC. Some support both light and dark themes, so you should be able to try for something more usable.