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"keine Auswahl verfügbar" "no selections available" S2 PC and iPad

Out of a sudden no Genres, Titles etc. anymore. On Win 10 PC as well as on iPad. The NAS is still seen by my Win 10 PC and a playlist plays.

Seems like the whole index is lost. No idea why, as I had changed nothing, no tracks added or deleted, no nothing. Also in the PC controller I can’t select a new indexing, as it is greyed out.

Solution: deinstalled S2 completely, downloaded and installed it again, as admin and allowing firewall configuration (which I most probably had done the last time before also). Then I was allowed to index and after this was finished, Tataaa! Works. Question is for how long, because a few weeks ago I probably went through this already, as  downloaded S2 install exe’s date tells me. This time I made a record of this.

Hi @watt-is 

Thanks for your post!

I’m glad you found a solution - and shared it! - but if this happens again I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

I suspect there may be some intermittent network issues, but this is only a guess which is why I advised the above.

Forgot to mention: the solution steps were performed on the Win 10 PC. Had done nothing on the iPad which afterwards also worked again. It does not matter which device managed to trigger an index renewal, one is enough.

Hi @watt-is 

On second thoughts, it sounds more like your “SonosLibraryServer.exe” service wasn’t running - a reinstall usually fixes this, and it would indeed have affected your entire Sonos system regardless of which controller you were using. The service assists speakers connecting to your computer to play music files stored on it.

Hopefully, you won’t need to take these steps again - it’s not a common issue. If you do ever see this issue again, however, please check Task Manager for “SonosLibraryServer.exe” running - if it is not running, you will know exactly what the issue is, and another uninstall and reinstall of the Sonos app will fix it.

I hope this helps.

Had it again. Fix worked again. Unfortunately I had not looked in Task Manager Services (only in Processes). SonosLibraryService belongs to Services. Now shown, albeit as Stopped. Next time I will look for it before I Uninstall/Reinstall. I don’t know if it is relevant, I have some ten Sonos Connect here. It is a vacation home with half oft hem in an IT rack and those I switch off when I’m not there. The other are buried in closets (because of subwoofers) and those run 24/7.