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Issues adding music services

  • 23 December 2017
  • 24 replies

Just got a Play 1 and finally got it connected. I thought I was able to successfully add both Amazon and Pandora. However, when I try to play through Sonos I get an error message that says unable to play music check your Sonos app. I'm confused because they appear in the app but don't seem to want to play through the speaker. Any suggestions?
Are you using the Sonos app, or the Pandora/Amazon apps? Please supply the exact wording of the error message, and which platform you are using.
I am using the Sonos app from my Android phone. When I added rhe services to My Sonos I got these messages:

- Unable to add Amazon Music account.

- Unable to add Pandora Music acount.

When I try to use the services within the app, I get this message:

- An error occurred while adding songs to the Queue (701)
appear to be having some kind of network issue. What happens if you plug Ethernet cord from router into speaker?
I had to use the ethernet connection in order to download updates to even get started. I'll try it again and let you know if it works.
It works perfectly when connected via Ethernet. Now, if I disconnect it and relocated, putting it back on wireless, will it still work?
Ok. I put it back on Wireless, and it does not work. It seems I can only access Amazon and Pandora when connected via Ethernet. This is not Optimum as the router is not located in the same room as the desired location for the speaker. Open to more suggestions.
Connected via Ethernet and working you should have access to all your services. Make sure everything is working properly with Ethernet connection and report back what isn't working. Lets get everything working properly wired and then we can focus on getting the wireless to work.
also - what is your router brand/model?
Everything seem to be working when connected to ethernet. I could hear the music through the speaker from both Amazon and Pandora.
Nevermind your saying it does work properly when connected to router.

Still would be good to get your router brand/model.

But hook it back up to your router. While hooked to router and working lets run back through wifi setup.

Go to Sonos settings...advanced .... wifi setup while connected via cable to router. Once completed it will tell you that you can unplug and move it to room you want.

Unplug and take to the correct room and plug in. Give it about 5 minutes to adjust before trying anything again.
Cisco Linksys E3000
Still no go. With amazon I get "- An error occurred while adding songs to the Queue (701)". With Pandora I get "unable to play" - unable ro connect to service.
I think your router is the problem - it is segregating parts of network. Hold on I'm doing some reading about the router.
just making sure - you don't have a guest network setup on the router your connecting to do you?
You may also want to make sure router has most up to date firmware
Yes, I have a guest network which is the wireless network the speaker is connected to.
It looks like by default your router keeps traffic on the 2.4ghz and 5.0ghz networks separated. I think your Sonos units are connecting on the 2.4ghz and your controller on the 5.0ghz network. Go into your router settings and disable the 5.0ghz and see what happens (force all devices on to same network).

go into router wireless>Basic Wireless settings>configuration view manual 5ghz network ... disable
may want to try updating firmware first though to see if the firmware fixes the isolation issue.
also check under router wireless>Advanced that the option for AP Isolation is set to disabled.
Unfortunately, unable at the moment. Will have to try later. Thank you and I will let you know if this works.
and in all seriousness - I would probably look at a new good router. That one is pushing 7 years old and they have come a long way with wifi compatibility since then.
Will do. Happy Holidays!
if your in for more of a challenge your router can be flashed with a better operating system
oh wow - yes you definitely don't want the speaker on your guest network. That could be the trouble to begin with. You may have a good firmware on your router and using the guest network is your problem.

Plug the speaker back into your router. This time go to settings...advanced...wifi setup. This time don't give it your guest network give it your primary network.

And make sure your controller device is using primary network as well not guest network.

The guess network is probably keeping them all from properly communicating. It is meant to block cross network traffic.

Happy Holidays to you!

Hew - I could keep you busy until after new years with all these posts 🙂