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New user here (sorry!). I create a group of Living Room, Patio, and Bedroom. They will all play the same source. However, the volume is likely to get turned up/down in the Living Room, but I want the Patio and Bedroom to remain at the previous setting. So far, it seems that the grouped rooms are slaved to the primary room both for source and volume. I understand after I change one room's volume, I can THEN go change the slave rooms, but I simply want all rooms to be independent volume control. Can anyone help? thanks!
Just tap the volume bar and it gives you separate controls

I’m not sure I fully understand your post, but does this help...

You can use the hardware volume buttons on each speaker to change the volume of just the one room... or in the app go 'into' the group volume slider and adjust each room independently. See screenshot.
Thanks Ken,

I am able to do that, but changing one of them up/down, causes all others to go up/down by a ratiometric amount (it changes the group volume up/down as well). Not sure if this applies only to changing the "primary room", I guess I'll have to experiment. Would REALLY LIKE to have a checkbox that says, "volume changes follow" that could be simply turned off.
Disregard my ratiometric comment.. experimented again, and it does change just one volume, but for some reason changing any item within the group also changes the group’s volume setting (slider, at least)
The group volume display is an average of all the others. Increase one room and you increase the average.
NOW makes perfect sense, thank you
Glad this is resolved. It was well explained by jgatie.

I have, in the past, seen one recurring minor issue with the group volume slider on iOS devices and that is, it can sometimes unmute a Room in the group as you raise just the main group volume. I have previously reported the matter to Sonos. Not sure at the moment if that occurs on other types of controllers?