Following THIS POST which is now closed for comment:
I’m in a similar place with old S1 kit and v10.3 of the android app on my Nexus7 mkII tablets, which keeps me going just fine.
I’ve got a couple of Windows 10 64-bit machines that could do with a Windows Sonos controller on-board
- but I still need to avoid any system updates that would make my Nexus 7mkII controllers useless.
Do I need an old Windows version to prevent updates ?
If so, which version and where can I download it to install?
For info:
On this desktop, I am still running the Windows controller v 10.3
The laptop has no Sonos software.
I can see the Sonos site has an S1 Windows download (currently SonosDesktopController1126.exe)
I also have
files available.