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I had just been getting a few iPod gen 2s specifically to use as Sonos controllers. I'd got two of them in, and installed the old app before the new App came out yesterday. Unfortunately I hadn't yet downloaded the old app to the third before it was updated yesterday. The new app reports as not compatible with my third Gen2. How can I get the old one & install it?
Try updating your iOS. The new app has no problem with the iPad hardware.
I take it you have an iPod touch - the iOS on the second gen iPod touch can't be upgraded past 4.2.1 as you probably know. You won't be able to get the old version from the iTunes store. There may be a couple of things you can try though. 1. Try backing up your purchases from one of the iPods that does have the working version...... In iTunes, go to your library, look under apps and see if there is a version of the app there already - you can right click on it and then choose get info - the version number is in the second panel on the top right. If the version is the one you need for the touch, then just connect the touch and drag and drop the app onto it. If it's the current version of the app then delete it from the library. Go to files -> Devices -> transfer purchases from (name of device here) When they've transferred then go into your app library and if you can see the original Sonos app then check the version number again. If it's the one you want then disconnect the iPod, add the one that doesn't have the app and then drag and drop the app onto it from the library..... 2. You could try backing up one of the touches with the app you need on it and then applying that backup to the touch without the app. Obviously this would wipe the touch without the app. Connect the device that does have the app. In iTunes, go into your device and under the summary tag you'll see Backup - choose "this computer" and then "backup now". When the backup finishes then disconnect the touch. Connect the one you want to put the app on, then again, go into the device and under the summary tag click on restore in the top right box. When the restore has finished, as part of the setup it should ask if you want to restore from a backup - select the one you've just made. Both these methods are a bit of a Hail Mary, and I can't guarantee it will work but you can give it a go.
I take it you have an iPod touch - the iOS on the second gen iPod touch can't be upgraded past 4.2.1 as you probably know. You won't be able to get the old version from the iTunes store. There may be a couple of things you can try though. 1. Try backing up your purchases from one of the iPods that does have the working version...... In iTunes, go to your library, look under apps and see if there is a version of the app there already - you can right click on it and then choose get info - the version number is in the second panel on the top right. If the version is the one you need for the touch, then just connect the touch and drag and drop the app onto it. If it's the current version of the app then delete it from the library. Go to files -> Devices -> transfer purchases from (name of device here) When they've transferred then go into your app library and if you can see the original Sonos app then check the version number again. If it's the one you want then disconnect the iPod, add the one that doesn't have the app and then drag and drop the app onto it from the library..... 2. You could try backing up one of the touches with the app you need on it and then applying that backup to the touch without the app. Obviously this would wipe the touch without the app. Connect the device that does have the app. In iTunes, go into your device and under the summary tag you'll see Backup - choose "this computer" and then "backup now". When the backup finishes then disconnect the touch. Connect the one you want to put the app on, then again, go into the device and under the summary tag click on restore in the top right box. When the restore has finished, as part of the setup it should ask if you want to restore from a backup - select the one you've just made. Both these methods are a bit of a Hail Mary, and I can't guarantee it will work but you can give it a go.

Thanks for helpful reply, Mark.

I'll post a reply for "how to" next, but your responses/help got me 80% of the way there 🙂
It can be done ! :

When Mark said "iTunes" he means iTunes on the desktop (PC in my case), not iTunes on the Ipod Touch2.

Also, to understand his instructions, you need to turn on the menu bar! (My new iTunes install had it turned off - right-click on "two rectangles", top left, select "show menu bar" to get the "File" option plus others)

Then go to edit-prefrence-advanced and un-check "check for new updates automatically", otherwise it keeps on over-writing your old, compatible apps with new, unusable ones!

The "library" is viewable by the labelled button, top right.

For an iPod Touch Gen2, you need Sonos V4.3, NOT 5.  Don't be afraid to delete your library one, it won't delete the one on your iPod (a concern when it's your only existing copy!)

Then as Mark said:

"Go to files -> Devices -> transfer purchases from (name of device here)"

Provided the auto updates are turned off, you'll get the OLD, useful one in your library.

(Also transfers any others here at this time eg OLD Google Earth, in my case, IF you've deleted New, incompatible ones first)

Then you can do a Full backup of the ipod WITH the wanted version on it.

Finally, I then restored that backup to the iPod I wanted to get the software on (as for me, a full clone was be ideal).

 Bingo, a dupe with the old app running.

If you don't want to clone it, though, I was stumped - as I couldn't understand the second bit of Mark's first option:

"add the one that doesn't have the app and then drag and drop the app onto it from the library....."

the (ipod device name without Sonos 4.3) doesn't appear anywhere on my screen to drag & drop it to - so perhaps Mark could elaborate.

But thanks, Mark.

Why don't Sonos keep the old version available? As say "Sonos for iOs 4.2, UNSUPPORTED", or some some such.  Ipod Touch Gen 2's were a good, cheap alternative as a quick-and-dirty controller for general use - but are now shut out unless you already have a copy of the app to hand.
"add the one that doesn't have the app and then drag and drop the app onto it from the library....." I meant disconnect the iPod touch that you've transferred the purchases from, then connect the iPod touch that you want to put the app onto and drag and drop the app from the library to that iPod in the bar on the left of iTunes. Regardless, am glad I could help even if only a little bit as I wasn't sure if it would even work.
Thanks for the detailed directions, those are going to work for getting the 4.3 app installed which will work with the current version 5.0 of Sonos. 

Another way to download the app is to go to your App Store on the iPad and click Purchased. Then scroll through the listing and you'll see Sonos Controller for iPad (with the blue icon). You can install that and you'll have the 4.3 software. 

Later this year, we'll be releasing another update where the older version of the app, pre-5.0, will no longer function with Sonos. Until then, you'll be able to use the iPad first generation and other iOS devices running Sonos Version 4.3.

We always encourage using the latest version of the software as they include new features, updates, and other improvements.
The old version will not work anymore. As soon as I launch it , it states an update is required.
"add the one that doesn't have the app and then drag and drop the app onto it from the library....." I meant disconnect the iPod touch that you've transferred the purchases from, then connect the iPod touch that you want to put the app onto and drag and drop the app from the library to that iPod in the bar on the left of iTunes. Regardless, am glad I could help even if only a little bit as I wasn't sure if it would even work.

Thanks Mark

For info, my Vista32 iTunes V11.1.5.5 doesn't have a bar on the left ... 

...(perhaps I misunderstand)

...unless you mean a button on the toolbar, which is labelled "ipod" with an up-arrow beside it - on the right in my installation
Not this time.. V5.0 didn't offer any improvements whatsoever. You have ruined the controller. Let me roll back to v4.3 or refund my equipment.
"Another way to download the app is to go to your App Store on the iPad and click Purchased".

This on IPOD (Touch Gen2), not an IPAD.  I don't see anywhere to click "purchased".

"We always encourage using the latest version of the software as they include new features, updates, and other improvements"

That's fine if it doesn't disable a whole raft of perfectly good hardware from achieving a useful job.  Not having V4.3 for an iPOD (gen2) available for download means that no-ne can make use of those devices on a SONOS system if they have them or can get them.  

I can understand not SUPPORTING the old versions, but removing access to the old app does positive harm to the perception of SONOS green/sustainability credentials.
Has anyone got this to work on an ipad with iOS 7 ??

I followed instructions on my iPhone 5, put the old 4.3 app back on via iTunes, launched it, and it complains that I need to upgrade it (presumably to 5.0).  So this method did not work for me.

You state 4.3 works with 5.0 on the ZPs, correct?  Why is this not working for me then?

On the ipad I have both version working currently because I never deleted the old one. but on the iPhone , which is what I use constantly, I'm stuck with 5.0 which I don't want to use for a variety of reasons that i won't bore you with.

EDIT:  Looks like 4.2 is what I installed.   Doesn't work.   Can someone post a link to the "Sonos 4.3.ipa" file please?  PLEASE, I'M BEGGING NOW.
The old version will not work anymore. As soon as I launch it , it states an update is required.

Has anyone tried the 'Android trick' on iPad? That is

- install v4.3 app

- disable WiFi

- launch the app

- once it's complained that it can't connect to the network, reenable WiFi

- click Next (or whatever appears at that point)

My apologies if it's already known that this doesn't work.
Ryan, your instructions don't work since Sonos removed the "Sonos Controller for iPad" from the app store and unless they would bring it back, everyone that didn't update to version 4.3 of the iPad controller before updating the Sonos system is now unable to use that iPad1. 😞
Hi Sebastian,

You're correct, you need to have gotten version 4.3 previously through the app store in order to find it in your purchases. If you did, that version will work with 5.0 but there is an update coming which 4.3 will no longer be compatible with.

I followed instructions on my iPhone 5, put the old 4.3 app back on via iTunes, launched it, and it complains that I need to upgrade it (presumably to 5.0).  So this method did not work for me.

You state 4.3 works with 5.0 on the ZPs, correct?  Why is this not working for me then?

On the ipad I have both version working currently because I never deleted the old one. but on the iPhone , which is what I use constantly, I'm stuck with 5.0 which I don't want to use for a variety of reasons that i won't bore you with.

EDIT:  Looks like 4.2 is what I installed.   Doesn't work.   Can someone post a link to the "Sonos 4.3.ipa" file please?  PLEASE, I'M BEGGING NOW.

@ Christian: did you get 4.3? Did you get anything running ?
Thanks for the detailed directions, those are going to work for getting the 4.3 app installed which will work with the current version 5.0 of Sonos. 

Another way to download the app is to go to your App Store on the iPad and click Purchased. Then scroll through the listing and you'll see Sonos Controller for iPad (with the blue icon). You can install that and you'll have the 4.3 software. 

Later this year, we'll be releasing another update where the older version of the app, pre-5.0, will no longer function with Sonos. Until then, you'll be able to use the iPad first generation and other iOS devices running Sonos Version 4.3.

We always encourage using the latest version of the software as they include new features, updates, and other improvements.


It's not acceptable to me that the Sonos iPad controller app was removed from the app store leaving people like me stranded with no option to continue using Sonos on our iPad1.

Please pass this on to management and whoever was in charge of the decision to remove the app.

I really hope that you'll re-evaluate this and bring back the 4.3 iPad app to allow users like me to continue using the iPad1.

The iPad1 is the device I use throughout the evening when my computers are off and I don't plan on replacing it any time soon.

If Sonos insists on standing their ground in this regard, that only leaves me to vote with my wallet and to not spend any more money on your products and to advise others to take a critical look at how Sonos is treating loyal customers without reasonable resolution to the issue created by your way of handling the latest update.
Thanks for the detailed directions, those are going to work for getting the 4.3 app installed which will work with the current version 5.0 of Sonos. 

Another way to download the app is to go to your App Store on the iPad and click Purchased. Then scroll through the listing and you'll see Sonos Controller for iPad (with the blue icon). You can install that and you'll have the 4.3 software. 

Later this year, we'll be releasing another update where the older version of the app, pre-5.0, will no longer function with Sonos. Until then, you'll be able to use the iPad first generation and other iOS devices running Sonos Version 4.3.

We always encourage using the latest version of the software as they include new features, updates, and other improvements.

What's also unacceptable is that you are still selling your overpriced paperweights without any mention of this!!!!

I bought a sonos system (bridge, Play 3, Play 1) for my grandparents since they already had an ipad (1)

and the store rep was eagerly promoting sonos for being green, easy access, ...

Now I'm fearing the day when they accidentally press the update sonos button (or a mandatory update is out!

Support basically told me to control it with some other device    >:(

Just release a "sonos classic" app, with just the basics, controls and stuff.  

You can even leave the old design and control,

..since..... well, most of your customer base seems to hate it!

so yea, thanks for the overpriced paperweights!!!
My complaint has been rolled into this thread. I have a recent IOS device so the new version "works". However, it's design is extremely poor. This is not just a matter of taste, nor not taking time to get used to change. I have a large classical collection with many peices of music sharing the same cover art (over 20 in some cases). On my iphone I now cannot tell which of these is which as the text appears identical due to truncation (e.g. Brandenburg Concert..). This clearly was not taken into consideration during the initial design process. Sonos have not replied to my emailed request for advice. So this is not just people with older kit losing out (but their circumstances are worse and draws attention to the problem of companies like Sonos making people dependent upon other companies' hardware). A roll back must be enabled, followed by a more carefully considered design come 5.1
My complaint has been rolled into this thread. I have a recent IOS device so the new version "works". However, it's design is extremely poor. This is not just a matter of taste, nor not taking time to get used to change. I have a large classical collection with many peices of music sharing the same cover art (over 20 in some cases). On my iphone I now cannot tell which of these is which as the text appears identical due to truncation (e.g. Brandenburg Concert..). This clearly was not taken into consideration during the initial design process. Sonos have not replied to my emailed request for advice. So this is not just people with older kit losing out (but their circumstances are worse and draws attention to the problem of companies like Sonos making people dependent upon other companies' hardware). A roll back must be enabled, followed by a more carefully considered design come 5.1

this is just one of the many gripes mentioned in  please click this link and 'me too' the request.
My complaint has been rolled into this thread. I have a recent IOS device so the new version "works". However, it's design is extremely poor. This is not just a matter of taste, nor not taking time to get used to change. I have a large classical collection with many peices of music sharing the same cover art (over 20 in some cases). On my iphone I now cannot tell which of these is which as the text appears identical due to truncation (e.g. Brandenburg Concert..). This clearly was not taken into consideration during the initial design process. Sonos have not replied to my emailed request for advice. So this is not just people with older kit losing out (but their circumstances are worse and draws attention to the problem of companies like Sonos making people dependent upon other companies' hardware). A roll back must be enabled, followed by a more carefully considered design come 5.1

As you'll see (assuming you read all the content of this thread!) you' re not alone in this. How any interface designer (at least one who understood what the interface had to do) could replace a sensible small icon + full text description with a HUGE icon and not enough text to be useful is utterly beyond me. The new interface is, apparently, 'intuitive'. Presumably us box-set users now just have to use our intuition to work out which album is which, because the app certainly doesn't give us a clue.

Come on Sonos. Either sort it out or have the guts to tell those of us who don't fit your target demographic that it's time for us to go.
My complaint has been rolled into this thread. I have a recent IOS device so the new version "works". However, it's design is extremely poor. This is not just a matter of taste, nor not taking time to get used to change. I have a large classical collection with many peices of music sharing the same cover art (over 20 in some cases). On my iphone I now cannot tell which of these is which as the text appears identical due to truncation (e.g. Brandenburg Concert..). This clearly was not taken into consideration during the initial design process. Sonos have not replied to my emailed request for advice. So this is not just people with older kit losing out (but their circumstances are worse and draws attention to the problem of companies like Sonos making people dependent upon other companies' hardware). A roll back must be enabled, followed by a more carefully considered design come 5.1

I should clarify that my comment above concerning the problems of truncation ought to have reffered to the iPad, not the iPhone. The small iPhone screen might reasonably have this problem. The iPad one doesn't with the older version and simply shouldn't with the new.
Sonos is strangly unresponsive to this consolidated thread of reported issues even though someone has obviously taken the the time and effort to do so.  My specific reported issue with no longer being able to use my IPAD 1 to control Sonos (after deleting 4.3 from it) was two weeks ago.  Sure would like to get it back in the game.
I just bought an app called Sonopad which works with ios5. It seems to be a well written app.