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This topic thread should be used to discuss how you are replacing your CR100. Please post concrete methods. This thread should not be for Griping/complaining about the decision to depreciate the CR100.
I wanted to share my use case for the CR100 and how I am replacing it. I am a foster parent of teenagers. Some stay a while and some do not. I need to strongly control the internet and "device" usage in the home as some kids are *very* inappropriate. The CR100 was perfect because I could disable my wifi and still have a CR100 in each of the kids rooms. Now having to get some kind of "device" to replace the CR100 opens up an opportunity for that "*very* inappropriate" stuff.

Here is what I have come up with:

I purchased an inexpensive android phone, docking cradle and protective case for the bedside. I purchased the Motorola Moto E (4th generation) from an ebay vendor for $70 each.

On top of the stock android distribution I have installed an app called "Fully Kiosk Browser & App Lock down"

I disable almost all of the other android and google apps that came pre-installed

I installed the Sonos app.

I allowed the app to connect via SonosNet

Once I was connected to the SonosNet I had the device "forget" my primary network (so it now only connects via SonosNet)

Using the "Fully" I enable "Kiosk mode" so the only app that is available is Sonos and that app auto launches on boot. I also disabled (in "Fully") access to the Notification bar and settings.

Other than a few tweaks within "Fully" and the android OS this solution provides for all of my use cases.

I also applied the above to my old Google Nexus 4 and Google Nexus 5 phones and now have a Sonos Controller in locations that I did not have before.

I tried the Pinning method that Sonos suggests but unless you set the password protection on Android the kids can disable that quickly and easily. With password protection enabled I need to unlock the device all the time. This did not work for me.

I tried several other "app locking" applications but the kids were still able to get to the Settings menu and screw things up. If I ever left the Play Store available I would be totally screwed as they install VPN software to bypass the DNS filters I have in place.

I looked at several "Kiosk" packages and that was the way to go - but the cost of most of them were $50 per year per device. The "Fully" app was ~$7.50 per device, one time fee. Using "Fully" you can still disable the Kiosk mode and return the device to full usability - you just need to know the special gesture and the password. Should someone try and fail the device returns to its locked down Kiosk mode.

I hope that this helps some of you who have seniors in your life that can screw up any device they touch as well as kids you need to manage.

If anyone has a question please feel free to reach out.
