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An odd problem I cannot solve. Kitchen and office speakers both have morning alarms set for 06:45 to play radio with no time limit. They randomly ungroup so this best way, but when I come down they are not synchronized so I group them manually, have my breakfast in the kitchen then go into my office next door to work. However, at exactly 11:00 every morning the speakers ungroup and turn off the radio. Neither of the alarms, as I say, have a time limit. What is so special about 11:00am? Phil

Ungrouping can be caused by spelers restarting. Is there something in your electrical network that could cause a restart of (one of) your speakers? A heavy appliance starting, a signal going over the electric network?

Hi, and thanks for your query. The answer is, not that I know of, and its only started doing it recently - I think. Signal to kitchen speakers is known to be weak but why at 11:00 exactly? I use Tunein for the radio. Perhaps there is a four and a quarter hour limit on how long you can stream from it for?

A time limit wouldn’t account for the speakers ungrouping. I’ve known alarm records to get corrupted. I suggest you delete and recreate the ones you wish to use.

By the way the “randomly ungroup” behaviour of the speakers suggests something is amiss with your network, perhaps intermittent wireless disruption. Sonos players should remain grouped. A system diagnostic would enable Sonos Support to advise.

Thanks your contribution. Virgin media is currently investigating internet connection which varies from 304Mbs down to 9 more frequently than not. I have a decent Netgear 3rd party router and the Virgin technical checked and said that my low Mbs was not due to my systems, although he up dated a few inline connections and splitters. I’ve tried adding the bedroom speaker, which is on the good side of the house, in Wifi terms, but that gets Ungrouped as well.

Like I said, try deleting your alarms and setting them up again.

If you want to investigate the state of your wireless network in more detail, submit a Sonos diagnostic, note the number, and call their Tech Support.

OK, reset alarm for office, close to router, and grouped speakers, but not set alarm in kitchen. See how that goes.Cheers.

I deleted all alarms and reset them. Been away for a week, when all the speakers were switched off. Back working from home now and low and behold the grouped kitchen and office speakers just went off at exactly 11:00am and ungrouped. Although I had the Virginmedia guy in over two weeks ago now and he said the green box outside the house is ‘stuffed’ and he would raise an engineering request about it the internet is still slow, 36 - 90 Mbs instead of 300 (equipment dependant), and patchy, but I don’t notice anything else happening at 11:00am. I’ll send a diagnostic to Sonos now.

It will be interesting and helpful to hear what the outcome of the diagnostic is, if you would be kind enough to post back

I can’t help thinking that there must be an external cause for this, some leftover routine from Yonomi, or IFTTT or Alexa / GA.  But hopefully the diagnostic will help.

Sonos tech guy has asked me to plug the office speaker directly into the router, delete and reset the alarm ready for tomorrow with the option ‘include grouped speakers’ set (as it was anyway). Just need to remember to check the speakers are still grouped when I go to bed. He’s asked for a diagnostic just before 11:00 and then again after 11:00 if the same happens again. All currently working fine again. Will be interesting to see what transpires.

Problem update. The problem has not repeated this morning. Speakers still grouped and playing radio just after 11:00 with Office speaker plugged into router. I will now unplug from router and revert to wifi with speaker in original position and see what happens tomorrow since I don’t know whether it was plugging the speaker in that solved the problem or deleting and resetting the alarm (again) or restarting the kitchen speakers (which tech guy asked me to do after I’d plugged the office speaker into the router).