Fire HD 8 6th Gen. (2016) not supported in controller update 9.0?

  • 12 July 2018
  • 3 replies

I've been using a 2016 Amazon Fire HD 8 tablet to control my Sonos system without any issues. I was prompted to install the 9.0 update but cannot do so. Amazon says Sonos 9.0 is incompatible with this previous generation Fire HD 8, as well as a Fire 7 that I had purchased several months before. Is this true? Thanks in advance for all replies

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9
Ditto, exact same issue here. Is this specific to 'older' Kindle Fires, or general to ALL models?
I wonder if your answer is here:
I wonder if your answer is here:

It is. Thanks Airgetlam.