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The latest Synology DSM updates disables NTLMv1 because it is not secure!

Is it possible to get Sonos S1 to use NTLMv2 for better security?

Or some other server protocol?

Thx, Dave

Yes, my understanding is for direct access to NAS shares you need the SMBv1 Protocol - Sonos have said they will be changing this, as briefly mentioned here:

In the meantime, you could perhaps use Plex Server, if you are actually worried by the security issue, or use a shared library via a MAC, or PC controller, which appears to use the https protocol. 

Although in my own limited personal experience, it seems a number of home NAS boxes tend to enable ‘anonymous’ and/or ‘everyone’ sharing of folders on the local network anyway by default …and so there’s probably just as much (or more) risk there anyway, from misconfigured NAS shares, as there is from being affected by the wannacry issue.

I’ve just chosen to carry on with SMB v1 shares for my music library, but use SMB v3.1.2 (Netgear OS 6) for other shares and will personally just wait for Sonos to introduce their SMB update. 

I prefer one of two ways to do this, put my music on a dedicated SMB v1 server with nothing else on it or cheaper and easier establish a NAS to SMB v1 gateway. I did it using Raspberry Pi computers but most Linux systems are able to use the same basic configuration.

Thanks guys. I don’t like Plex and do have restricted sharing. Since I’m stuck on S1 for the near future it seems unlikely Sonos would address SMB there anyway, so I’ll deal with this using the firewall.