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How do you disable your daily Sonos alarm when you're away from your home?
You want to disable the alarm while not connected to your system? Unfortunately, it can't be done. You would have to disable the alarm before you leave home.
What if you have an Apple TV?
Why would that make any difference? You're still not connected with your device to the network that the Sonos is on.
I'm just curious because I can do it with my lights or anything connected on my wifi. Like I can turn my automated plugs, and lights on when i'm at work. I just didn't know if I was missing something.
Ah, I see. No, there's no "normal" ability to do that at this point. Your controller has to be on the same SSID as the Sonos devices. It protects you from someone (like me) randomly controlling what music and volume you're listening to at home.

There's ways around that, of course. For instance, a VPN to your system might do it, although Sonos doesn't like VPNs, generally speaking. Or you could throw security completely to the winds and do port forwarding on your system to allow yourself access while away. And then end up being one of the people talked about in the press about how unintelligent that practice is, and how they're setting themselves up for some sort of potential issue. There was an article last week, talking about around 5,000 Sonos devices that were "open" on the internet, and how bad an idea that was.

I've never investigated any of these for true feasibility, so your milage may vary. But it sounded like you were away from home, and hadn't previously set up any of these, and were trying to figure out a way to do it.

I suppose that at some point, if Sonos were to invest in a bunch of servers to support cloud services (like voice control for NAS, which would require somewhere to store the data), there might potentially be a way for this kind of thing to occur. But I certainly won't be holding my breath. 🙂