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My dad has had a sonos system for many years, but his CR200 controller has stopped connecting. It asks him to press buttons on a sonos device to connect, but the CR200 then doesn’t find any devices.

He has 3 speakers set up in his bedroom that connect wirelessly to a sonos bridge. The bridge is connected to the router via wired connection.

He’s stumped as to why it won’t connect so asked me for help. From what I’ve read online it could be to do with whether the system is using sonosnet or not and needs one component to be wired to the internet. As the bridge is already wired, this doesn’t seem like it’s the problem. On the sonos app on his phone in settings it says sonosnet using channel 6, so I presume this is active as well.

If there’s any solution to get it connected, would really appreciate it!

Hi @Jepjap.

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the community! Let me see what I can do to help you.

If you have a wired unit (required in using the CONTROL), and it still doesn’t connect, you may try pulling out the battery for about 10 seconds or so before putting it back in. Place it into its cradle and once back online, test if it will connect.

If that doesn’t help, kindly submit a diagnostic report through the Sonos app (using another device or controller that can connect) while the issue occurs, and reply with the confirmation number so I can review your system,  it will help in identifying what's possibly causing the issue.


Alternatively, you may also give us a call so we can discuss it with you in real-time and work with a technician live, they'll start by checking your system health and go from there. They have resources available for advanced troubleshooting, and the tools our agents can use would be very useful in this case, there can be an advantage if they need to remote into the controller to see what's going on.


If you have any questions,  feel free to reach out.

Thanks a lot for the reply. Tried taking out battery and putting back in cradle, then using, but no joy.

Submitted a diagnostics while trying to connect - confirmation number: 133543991.

If you could have a look, that would be great. Thanks a lot for your help.

Hi @Jepjap.

Thanks for your response and effort in submitting the diagnostic.

Upon checking the diagnostic report, the CONTROL (CR200) has no cloud connection and symptoms indicative of interference have been detected on one or more Sonos components running SonosNet in the household/system. You may try following the suggestions in this article will help you reduce wireless interference around your Sonos products. 

If that doesn’t help, then it would be best to reach out to Sonos Support, so we can take a closer look into this in real-time and expedite the process. 


If you have any questions,  feel free to reach out.


I have The same problem my cr200 device can not connect any more , I suspect it is related to an update of my s1 sw ?

I realised the problem with that there only was 1 red wireless bar on the cr200 and no connection with my Sonos.

despite the below setup I am still running s1 because it I then can use the CR200 and thus avoid using the phone and the shift of focus it gives.

- Beam (wired) with two play:1 in surround setup

— new amp (wired) with passive speakers and sub 

- two moves 

-two play:5 

i have tried restarting and also resetting the controlller but that did not help 

first problem was which buttons to push on a new amp when connecting the CR200 ??

To solve that problem I connected my sons play:5 , which has not been connected to my Sonos system for a while.

a first the cr200 connected nicely (all wireless bars visible in cr200) but it was only able to see that play:5 on the cr200 !?

then Sonos asked me to update that play:5 after that then the the cr200 cannot be connected at all. 
 I click the two buttons on the play:5 and it is blinking orange for some sec, but then back to normal constant white without any changes (connection made) on the cr200 !?

br Poul 

ps diagnostics sent #1808106040

Pps please make a remote for the s2 system so we do not need the phone always , those days of app fever are over.


I’m experiencing the same issue with my CR 200.It has been connected to my Sonos system for many years, but just recently, within the past month, it is unable to connect. I remove the battery, I reset the controller, I try to push the buttons on the other Sonos components to get the remote to connect… But nothing works. 

my diagnostic report  number is: 1515522020.


sonos, please advise.