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Controller constantly wants to update

  • 23 January 2018
  • 40 replies

I have v 8.3 Sonos Controller on my iPhone. When I go into it, it tells me there is an update. In the past, it would just then update, but now it sends me over to the App Store, where the App Store tells me that I'm up to date and was last updated 3h ago. However, every time I go into the Sonos Controller it says "Sonos update available" with an "Update Now" button that takes me back to the App Store.

How do I get beyond this? Do I have to just ignore it until the next update? Not thrilled with it now wanting to force me to the App Store yet not know if it is updated or not.
Never ceases to amaze me that every time there is an update, I come in here because I am havingproblems and it turns out that hundreds of other people are also having problems.

It's no more amazing than going to a hospital and seeing people needing medical attention. It's a support site, people come here for support.
Hi there, gadfly_hatesthis. Are you still having problems updating? If so, please submit a diagnostic report and reply with the confirmation number it gives at the end. I'll be happy to take a look and advise.

I did submit a diagnostic and a ticket, and I was told there was no way to go back to 8.1, which really seems preposterous. I can't think of another technology system, common devices you would find in the consumer's home, where you can't go back to an earlier version of software.
If you don't want updates then you don't have to do them unless you want any of the new functionality. The go back feature is partly due to apple store limitations but also due to the way Sonos updates are made across each speaker so it's not just a simple case of updating the controller. Maybe not ideal but neither is having numerous supported versions of software supported, especially for a smallish company.
I see no reason anyone would ever want 8.1 on their device. 8.3 is a whole lot better.
The 2 million without problems don't come here in general.

You're assuming the logical fallacy that everyone with a Sonos has the same setup I have, uses it the same way, uses technology in their daily lives the same way I do and has the same view of support and usability that I do. You're also proposing that there are two millions Sonos users without problems --- I'd like to know where you get that number. All you're really doing is trolling.

I'm going to assume that most people with a Sonos, from what I've read and considering the price point and market for the Sonos, have no more than a couple speakers at home and no more than a couple controllers to manage. You also have to assume that there are a fair number of people who either don't complain because they don't have time, or they do get rid of their systems and return them.

I have several years and over $1500 invested in the speakers I have, so forgive me for putting in my $0.02. The way Sonos pushes updates and prevents you from settling on a particular release for your whole system, the way they prevent you from making decisions about the SYSTEM YOU OWN and the disruptions it causes to the end user is quite literally ABSURD. Never mind the GUI updates or the feature updates everyone wants, but the inability for me to decide that I want 8.1 on my system and not get locked into 8.3 by accident because I don't care about the new GUI or the new features is entirely counter productive and counter intuitive.
Why don’t you just stop it from updating in future then. Certainly your right but over the years you have not turned off auto update so must not have been priority for you.
Sonos speakers still demand a very high price on ebay, i know as i have been after a cheap Play 3 but they don't go for much less than RRP. That normally indicates that customers are not ditching Sonos is droves and the product remains attractive.

You don't have to accept updates, as stated above. That option has always been there, but by far the biggest complaint on this forum is people asking for the next update or complaining that it has not appeared, they too threaten to ditch their kit.

It's annoying when updates get messy (this is still the excpetion rather than the rules though), but as Chris says above, 8.3 is the best app version for quite some time. Once update issues are resolved you should have a stable system with a better, albeit not perfect, UI.
I actually say 8.3 is the best version ever (except for the queue overriding which has been around for some time and not a version 8 issue)
Why don’t you just stop it from updating in future then. Certainly your right but over the years you have not turned off auto update so must not have been priority for you.

You completely missed the meat of the argument.

Stopping updates is something I have done. But add a new controller or a new speaker to the network, and it won't join the network unless you use the latest update. Once you do that, the rest of your network is held hostage until you update EVERYTHING.

Looking at the roadmap for the last few updates, I don't need most of those things. Everything was just the way I wanted it. Why can't I have controllers on different versions of the same release? It makes no sense and it mars an otherwise very god system.
So very frustrating! Every time we go to use the speaker it wants an is to the point that we don't use them anymore.
So just go into settings and turn off auto updates. They have been rolling a lot out. We used to only get a couple updates a year ... and of course then people here would complain About lack of updates. Case of never make everyone happy.
Is there an App in the app store for Mac? I have searched on the iMac, but nothing turns up and now my system will not work from the iMac.
I see no app.
The MAC OS Sonos software can be found here:-
Thank you, it seems that this is not acceptable for the vervain of my Mac being 10.9 and I have to load more updates to it to accept the Sonos download - more space used !!!!!! I did call sons and they do not have the previous download available, something to do with smart wi-fi?