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This is more me being a bit of a neat-freak, but I have been using Sonos for a pretty long time and where I was able to trade in most of my systems my old Controller 100 keeps being listed as being an part of my current setup. I understand I cannot trade it in probably due to it’s age. But is there a way to get it out of ones system (I cannot fire it up anymore, it truly is dead, not even sure where I stored it).

This obviously is something only in my Sonos account on the Sonos website. So it’s like the most minor thing ever. But if I can clean it up :)


Both of my CR100s still show on he account page. I think the only way to clean it up would be to call Support.

I have numerous expired devices littering the pages of my various accounts. I rarely visit them, so it’s of no consequence.

Note that the data there is more of a ‘this is what has been registered’ than it is a ‘this is what is in active use’ list. 

When I occasionally login to Sonos, I quite like being reminded of my old CR100’s and when they were first used.

When I occasionally login to Sonos, I quite like being reminded of my old CR100’s and when they were first used.

Well there you go. A trip down memory lane...

Yeah, I know it doesn’t impact anything. I also don’t mind a history of what I once owned. But with Sonos having split the systems in new and old ‘deprecated’ S1, it would just be nice to trow this one in with the old stuff :P

It’s the reason I almost never go look there, with all the detritus of BRIDGES, traded in speakers, etc. if I want to see what I’m using, the ‘About My System’ is a much better solution, for me. But I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’d love the ability to edit that data myself.