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Who else is getting sick and tired of constant requirement to reconfig and update Sonos Controller SW. Im a LONG TIME Sonos use, love the simplicity, but the bugginess/constant need to upgrade every time I use my Sonos is ruining my experience. Yes I've maybe 10+ devices connected but still. Who's with me?
I am; not because I find it to be a big nuisance, but because I think it is an unnecessary waste of Sonos resources that ought to have more useful things to do. There is too much of first world problem solving going on these days in these updates.
Constant updates? Am I missing something? They don't appear to be that frequent, do they?
Apart from the odd patch release, updates are not that frequent. Perhaps every few months. Of course if the user has enrolled in a beta test then new builds tend to appear every week or three, and this is to be expected. One can always leave a beta program if it becomes irksome.

I don't know what the OP's problem is. Updates are for me painless. And "bugginess"? For what it is and the complexity of making it work, Sonos is extremely stable.
I'd be willing to bet that the issue is a problem in the OPs network, which is exposed when an update reboots the speakers. I wish that Sonos would (as an option) recommend reserved IP addresses in their instructions. Of course, I suspect the number of issues we see here is high, but actual issues across all users is extremely low.
We use the app and have for years but the past 3 months dealing with updates is driving me nuts as well. Every time I want to turn it on to listen the radio (daily/weekly) I am prompted to do some sort of update on either the cell phone or PC. I have noticed I use it less and less because of this hurdle. It's easier to just connect my BT device and go on my way. For the thousands spent on this system, I would not buy it now if I knew of all of the snags. In addition to updates, half of the time my playlists aren't available. So while sharing is a great idea, it really does not run smoothly. I asked the hubby for a system to run throughout the house so I could listen to the same music in all of the rooms. I can honestly say this pricey ($3000) "gift" is one I would not recommend. Great product in theory but does deliver in reality; it's a mediocre system at best.
I'm with you. My irritation is not about the frequency, but the constant change in UI. The updates are not improving the existing sw, it's only changing. I'm constantly afraid for new updates; too often I need to learn and 'get used to' a new UI. That's really not why I started buying Sonos equipment 10 years ago...
I am having the same issue. It's extremely frustrating. Now, when I have an app update the system won't play unless I reconnect each speaker. With 2 amps, an amp connect, a playbar/ surrounds, and more... it's not an insignificant amount of time. Furthermore, 80% of the time lately when I push the buttons simultaneously on the device the app doesn't recognize anything happening, so I end up having to power them off and on (also frustrating as some of these plugs are not tucked away). Sonos is driving me crazy. To make matters worse, after finally deciding to call and troubleshoot - I've been on hold for 12 minutes. Arg.
What's even MORE frustrating is the fact that when you run into "issues", I'm hearing more and more to just "uninstall the software and reinstall it." That seems to be Sonos' "fix". I hate my three thousand dollar investment more and more, everyday. We all know how awful the new UI is, so I won't get into THAT part of the incredible amount of problems with Sonos has, today.
Even with reserved IP addresses and the update process itself sorted at my end, I agree about the annoying part. And these days they seems like a knee jerk response, where one update to fix something in the existing version screws up something else, calling for another update. And so it goes.

Apparently the larger market gets bored of looking at the same app too often and since hardware changes are unwieldy and expensive, this is how the product is made to look new. Curse of the age we live in, if that be the case, this need for constant titillation. I doubt Sonos is alone in this nonsense, so there is little to be gained by migrating.
i am also sick of the constant updates! It seems like there is one every month, if not every week. I have a few different devices that i use to control it, and it feels like every time I pick one up, it needs an update. Some have limited memory so I need to clear photos, apps, etc just to play some music in my house.


I promise not to bitch about update frequency as long as Sonos doesn't break or remove important functions that I use. Things like the dark background mode come to mind.
Me. I'm sick of it as well. I especially dislike the fact that I'm unable to use my system while the update is pending. There is nothing so critical that it can't wait until after I'm done. Yes, it only takes a few minutes, but it's an interruption I don't need.
Me. I'm sick of it as well. I especially dislike the fact that I'm unable to use my system while the update is pending. There is nothing so critical that it can't wait until after I'm done. Yes, it only takes a few minutes, but it's an interruption I don't need.

Then you mustn't update the Sonos App first, because in that case the system insists on being updated as well.
I m sick of it too. The updates are way too frequent; we are essentially production-testing their future capabilities because most of these updates don't add functionality for my current usage and I have no interest in the focus towards streaming and voice control where sonos seems to be heading. I just want to use the system as I intended when I purchased.

And I also don't appreciate having to filter out the "thousand-reply club" (people like ratty and Airgetlam) trying to convince users like me who are agitated with the stability of the platform that we are imagining things by implication. I don't care if your system is stable, good for you, but sonos-support is not a hobby of mine so I don't have the time and focus you do, I just want the thing to work reliably without visiting support forums, and it hasn't for some time now.
[...] And I also don't appreciate having to filter out the "thousand-reply club" (people like ratty and Airgetlam) trying to convince users like me who are agitated with the stability of the platform that we are imagining things by implication. I don't care if your system is stable, good for you, but sonos-support is not a hobby of mine so I don't have the time and focus you do, I just want the thing to work reliably without visiting support forums, and it hasn't for some time now.

As an problem-solving approach, restart you router followed by the Sonos units. In case you have any Wifi extenders, disconnect those during the procedure.
I just want the thing to work reliably without visiting support forums, and it hasn't for some time now.

Submit a diagnostic and call Sonos Support then. That's what they're there for.
I'm starting to get annoyed by the constant updates. I've got about 5 controller devices including my phone, tablet, laptop etc... Sonos needs to make the updates more transparent eg like how the most popular web browser does them.
Who else is getting sick and tired of constant requirement to reconfig and update Sonos Controller SW. Im a LONG TIME Sonos use, love the simplicity, but the bugginess/constant need to upgrade every time I use my Sonos is ruining my experience. Yes I've maybe 10+ devices connected but still. Who's with me?

I'd give a million thumbs up to the original post, if I could. I"ve posted my own thread about how annoying the constant updates are. My guess is the programmers for Sonos are 20-somethings that have no idea how to orchestrate a software platform for long-term use. It's just "well, we found a tiny bug that will affect 1 out 300 million users, so let's force an update to bring everyone up to speed. I'd bet the underlying code is buggy and patchy and that's why it needs constant attention. Stable, professionally-created software does not need to be updated every other week, and it certainly doesn't create the headaches that EVERY update causes in the Sonos environment. There's nothing more wonderful than having to run around the office, reconnecting all of the speakers that seemingly disappear after every update. And no, I don't feel like restarting routers, resetting speakers, and assigning new IP addresses ever time Sonos decides I need to have the controller updated to include Swahili.

Please - LISTEN TO YOUR USERS - and just reduce the frequency of your updates. I'm about ready to sell off all of the equipment and start over with another company. Sonos is killing itself with this nonsense.
My guess is the programmers for Sonos are 20-somethings that have no idea how to orchestrate a software platform for long-term use. It's just "well, we found a tiny bug that will affect 1 out 300 million users, so let's force an update to bring everyone up to speed. I'd bet the underlying code is buggy and patchy and that's why it needs constant attention. Stable, professionally-created software does not need to be updated every other week, and it certainly doesn't create the headaches that EVERY update causes in the Sonos environment. There's nothing more wonderful than having to run around the office, reconnecting all of the speakers that seemingly disappear after every update. And no, I don't feel like restarting routers, resetting speakers, and assigning new IP addresses ever time Sonos decides I need to have the controller updated to include Swahili.

My guess is the programmers for Sonos are 20-somethings that have no idea how to orchestrate a software platform for long-term use. It's just "well, we found a tiny bug that will affect 1 out 300 million users, so let's force an update to bring everyone up to speed................


Yep, Total drivel.

Andrew S.

Yep, Total drivel.

Would either of you care to back that up with some facts? Anything other than "drivel?" The system forces updates every couple of weeks. That's ridiculous. If you don't see that, well, no one can help you. Perhaps you should start your own wireless music system and create software that requires daily updates, that way you could "out-update" Sonos and be king of the mountain.
As stated, best to submit a diagnostic report immediately after noticing any error(s) with your Sonos system.

That's not to say complications are a figment of your imagination, as anything great also comes with sacrifice. But if we're to look at this purely from a desired results standpoint, complaining in a forum and choosing not to follow it with an action plan to actually correct your issue is not only a waste of your time, but also everyone else's.

I have no way of knowing whether or not you've contacted support directly, so please dismiss without prejudice if you've also done that legwork to no avail. It's perfectly acceptable to voice concerns, as that's one part of what this forum offers, but more often than not those complaints are empty and those expressing them have done nothing to actually help themselves.

My hope, personally, is that you do not fall into this aforementioned segment of Sonos users.

Would either of you care to back that up with some facts? Anything other than "drivel?" The system forces updates every couple of weeks. That's ridiculous.

You made numerous assertions without any supporting evidence. The onus is on you. We could start with your statement that there are system updates 'every couple of weeks'.
Would either of you care to back that up with some facts? Anything other than "drivel?" The system forces updates every couple of weeks. That's ridiculous.

You made numerous assertions without any supporting evidence. The onus is on you. We could start with your assertion that there are system updates 'every couple of weeks'.

My assertions are the evidence, and they correlate with others posting the same issues. I've contacted support and they've told me the update frequency is normal, and that sometimes the connections will have to be reestablished. Therein lies the problem =>> too many updates. I'd have less frustration with the issue of connectivity, if the updates took place quarterly, but when they come in twice in a two week period - that's ridiculous.

No onus on my end.
My assertions are the evidence

Ah, right. Gotcha.