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Why so complicated - your customers just want to listen to their music on their speakers.

Nonsense.  They average an update every 3 or 4 months.  If you only play music every 3 or 4 months, then music isn't important enough for your complaint.

Go celebrate a holiday, troll.

Me thinks you’re the troll - 2 updates in the last few week, then today forced to use a complete new sonos app

I have 8 sonos devices - used to be much simpler

Me thinks you’re the troll - 2 updates in the last few week, then today forced to use a complete new sonos app

I have 8 sonos devices - used to be much simpler


Again, nonsense.  There is no brand new app. Do you actually believe Sonos did a release of a new app on freaking Christmas?  Just stop.  Go jingle some bells.

The last release was on Dec 7th. 


You need to drop down on your knees and thank the Sonos gods for the updates you receive. LOL

Seriously, you obviously don’t understand the reasoning behind updates especially ones that are incremental. Until Sonos releases a new product or feature the updates are typically to ensure your Sonos doesn’t crash either because of a discovered bug or the release of an update by a Sonos partner that require a Sonos adjustment.

So chill out, stop complaining about nothing and enjoy your Sonos.  

He has a point. I just wish it would actually - display the imbedded artwork - actually show the track playing. As a long term Sonos user with my own library the controller has systematically got worse and worse at doing the basics. It may well play Spotify et Al ok with artwork but not own library stuff anymore. I have 10 units and have been a Sonos fan but loosing my patience now. I recently had the choice of buying a Sonos Arc with Sub and decided instead on the Sony HT-A9 plus SW-SA5 subwoofer as I have lost confidence in Sonos.

Wow. At least 4 televisions with Sonos HT systems. Joined forum today.



Are you lost? Best Answer to what? I like feeding the TROLLS like you. Great to have some good laughs on Christmas? Got any more..bring ‘em! 

Actually, all the Sonos products I use for my TVs (3 beams, 1 soundbar/bass/surrounds) work quite well. It’s only when I want to listen to music off my iPhone, (Apple, Deezer), that I have to do so much updating.

Yes, it’s probably my ignorance, but still… it was once so simple to listen to music on a quiet Sunday morning... and now it’s not.

Frustrating for me.

There is no reason why that should require updates. What you now say you own condradicts your profile..

I shall suspend disbelief  for a moment and ask if you are using the Sonoa app to play or Airplay? 

I suspect these are Apple and Deezer updates and nothing to do with Sonos. 


Are you lost? Best Answer to what? I like feeding the TROLLS like you. Great to have some good laughs on Christmas? Got any more..bring ‘em! 

What are you on about "feeding the Trolls like you" ?


This is supposed to be a Forum about the day to day use of Sonos. I guarantee you I have had my set up longer than you. 

The day to day use of Sonos for original users who keep their library on NAS, computer or hard disc attached to router using SMB has deteriorated over the last few years because Sonos has concentrated on the more lucrative market of streaming music.

Read the thread about "album art not showing on controller" and keep your keyboard warrior skills to yourself.

The day to day use of Sonos for original users who keep their library on NAS, computer or hard disc attached to router using SMB has deteriorated over the last few years because Sonos has concentrated on the more lucrative market of streaming music.

Read the thread about "album art not showing on controller" and keep your keyboard warrior skills to yourself.

I come into that group and I don’t see any deterioration in this aspect.  i don’t see much improvement either, and it is clear Sonos don’t plan much enhancement in this area.  They do see the future as streaming, yes, but the Sonos Music Library still works fine for me.  The fact that SMB2 / SMB3 took so long to implement shows that this is not a high priority for Sonos.  The fact that SMB2/3 has happened proves that they haven’t abandoned the local Music Library.


I shall suspend disbelief  for a moment and ask if you are using the Sonoa app to play or Airplay? 

You just lost jgatie’s respect for spelling Sonos wrong.  Most would get called out for this.

You guys are a trip - sorry for airing my frustrations

btw- I use my iPhone and Apple Music via wifi to connect and listen to music

God knows I don’t want to lose jgatie’s respect


Signing off now

I should have followed my instincts.  Don't feed the troll.