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Compressed vs uncompressed setting via Sonos desktop app?

  • 1 September 2017
  • 8 replies

My apologies if this thread is already posted somewhere, I searched but did not find what I need.

I use Sonos Connect and Sonos 5 speakers, Sonos 1's and I leverage the Dezzer music service which is all about uncompressed music. I found this setting in Advanced configuration on my sonos desktop app and was wondering if anyone could give me insights on this setting, what works best and if it would benfit a music service such as Deezer?
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8 replies

Hi. The compression setting relates to line in and has no effect on Deezer.
And just for completeness, Deezer Elite streams lossless but I doubt it is uncompressed. Lossless compression does not degrade sound quality.
Thanks John, so unless I am plugging an audio source(DVD, Turntable...) directly into my Sonus Control unit there is no advantage to using uncompressed? Just getting started with Sonus and this community so my apologies for the novice questions.
Hi. No worries. I don't think you mean Sonos Control unit, but the Connect and P:5 both have a line in.
Aghhh, Yes. I mean my Connect. Is there a general advantage/disadvantage to either setting? does uncompressed cause music delays. I have the Connect, connected to my pre-amp so I can shoot music to my main home theatre listening room as well as to my Play 5 and Paly 1's. I am now worried that in uncompressed mode I may find a delay between my Main speakers and the Sonos 5 & 1's during paly back. Does that question make sense, not sure I am asking things correctly. your direction is very welcome John.
I think it is doubtful you would notice much or any difference between uncompressed and compressed. The link below will explain things better than I could.
Perfect, That helped very Much! Enjoy the music this weekend John!!
Hey you too