
Compilation Tracks not searchable by Artist

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28 replies

Please can someone find a way of getting this escalated. It is so frustrating, the artist is in the metadata, therefore it should be searchable!
I have spent literally weeks going through every compilation album I have adding the artist name into the track name

for example

Artist: U2
Song: With or without you
Album Artist: Various Artists

now becomes

Artist: U2
Song: U2 - With or without you
Album Artist: Various Artists

Then when I search by song or artist the song shows up, however I dont have countless artist tags cluttering up my music library.

Would be SO much easier for sonos just to update this. I've been amending ID3 tags for 2 weeks non stop. I'm about half way through.:@
Userlevel 1
Badge +1
Same here.
Sonos does not support compilation albums :(

Every track that is on a compilation album will not be found by the Search functionality