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How do I clear all the paused stations on each player?

I was woken in the night by one speaker suddenly deciding to un pause.

You can clear the Queue on each speaker/room by following the process here

However, for the music suddenly starting unexpectedly, I would perhaps submit a diagnostic if it happens again, then contact Sonos Support. They should be able to confirm what action started the playback.

There is no queue as I am listening to a station.

How did you manage to flag your post as the best answer?  I thought it was my topic? 😂

I did submit a diagnostic but support replied once and said they could not ‘see’ the affected speaker.

There is no queue as I am listening to a station.

How did you manage to flag your post as the best answer?  I thought it was my topic? 😂

I did submit a diagnostic but support replied once and said they could not ‘see’ the affected speaker.

I personally didn’t mark it as a best answer. That was actioned by a moderator.

If you switch from the station to queued music, you can clear the queue so there is no music is selected on the speaker.

Another option would be to reboot the player in question once you paused the station, but that would be tedious. If the speaker randomly started following a rogue voice command, clearing the station/queue may not resolve your issue anyway. You still ideally want to establish what caused the speaker to start playing randomly.

My speakers don’t have voice control and I don’t use any voice assistants.  I’m hoping Sonos will get back to me as they have the diagnostic taken shortly after the speaker woke me up.

I wish the mod hadn’t marked this as solved, because he misread my post.  I accept that I could do what you say to clear a queue, but it’s a bit of a faff as we never know when we have finished listening.

I was hoping there would be a simple cure-all.

I wonder if Sonos reset my system as every room says ‘no music selected’ the very status I want when we go to bed!

Spotify Connect, perchance?

My speakers don’t have voice control and I don’t use any voice assistants.  I’m hoping Sonos will get back to me as they have the diagnostic taken shortly after the speaker woke me up

You did call Sonos about the diagnostic? They get a bunch of them sent in but without a user contact they are rarely examined by the Sonos support staff.

Another possible ‘solution’ would be to set a nightly music daily alarm across all your speakers, with volume set at 0.

Indeed… and it could be an alarm set on a variety of ‘systems’, from Sonos directly, to various control systems like HomeKit, Amazon, or Google. That’s why submitting that diagnostic can help, if they can tell you where the command to start the alarm came from. But as @Stanley_4 suggests, you do need to contact them, they won’t automatically look at your diagnostic and contact you. 

I did contact them.  I have had three replies, all from different agents.  I’m waiting to see if I hear back from them today, after the weekend.

Hi @godfree 

Many people receive a working answer and then never come back to the thread to update it. Once a thread’s activity has died down, we’ll go through and pick the Best Answer. If the original poster of the thread has not replied, this is usually the last post that suggests something likely to fix the issue.

Note that our “Best Answer” isn’t “Solved” like it is on many other forums - in many cases, the Best Answer is to contact technical support, as that’s the best way to find out what the speakers themselves say about what’s going on.

I’ve unmarked the Best Answer on this thread.

Thanks, and I’m grateful for all responses.  I only posted three days ago, so were quite hasty in marking it solved! 😁 .  I will revert if and when Sonos CS replies again.

I have just been talking to Sonos and they could not read my diagnostic report as it was corrupted.  So we decided to do a factory reset and hope it never occurs again.

A factory reset of the speaker seems a bit pointless given the circumstances.

One last thought, if you mute all speakers when you go to bed, any speaker that begins to randomly play will not be heard.

 The factory reset seems the only solution after Sonos said the diagnostic report was corrupted! What else was there?  Muting all the speakers would work but one night I will forget.  Setting an alarm with zero volume only affects one speaker.  I suppose I could keep all speakers grouped but sometimes my wife and I are listening to different channels.


I just hoped for a one-click solution.

A corrupted diagnostic just means there was an issue with your system running/sending the diagnostic. You never mentioned any issue with the speaker since it once randomly started playing, Therefore, I see no need for the reset.

There is no one click solution to your query as people generally want the last music played on each speaker/zone to resume at a click of a button. I can’t see a big demand to clear the previously played station, although you have give a valid reason for such a feature. You could raise it as a feature request for Sonos to consider implementing.

Mr T, the factory reset was the suggestion from Sonos technical support!  It would do no harm, so I agreed,

Mr T, the factory reset was the suggestion from Sonos technical support!  It would do no harm, so I agreed,

I know. You said. Still doesn’t change my mind that it was pointless.