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Hi, I'm a real Sonos fan, I like the service very much.

But unfortunately I think there's one very basic feature missing that would make our life so much easier.

I had this situation time and again, I wanna watch a video from my pc or phone, I wanna stream a youtube video or a movie on my pc or phone, or even listen to my voice notes, and I wanna stream it to my Sonos speaker in whatever room I am now.

I was looking for solutions here on the community, and while there is some complicated solutions to solve this problem for a computer it's not easy, and I didn't found yet a solution for a phone/tablet.

the best solution would be Sonos should add in the desktop and mobile app version a feature:

broadcast your device sound

to stream all sound from this device to the Sonos speaker of the room you choose, just like a bluetooth speaker.

It's ironic actually, that Sonos is investing so much effort to add all streaming services to fit the need of everyone, when this solution will automatically solve all this problems letting everyone stream from their favorite streaming service, especially today when a lot of people have separate tablets for their smart home control so their incoming calls/messages wouldn't interfere with the music playing.

Do you think you would enjoy this feature?

Raise your voice
This would, as I understand it, require an entire rework of the way Sonos works, from a fundamental basis.

Sonos is designed as a multi-room system, for playing music. As such, my understanding is that it builds in a buffer for all inputs in order to be able to play them in sync across as many "rooms" / speakers that are grouped.

What you're asking for is a change to remove that buffer, which would restrict the ability to play across all rooms in sync, the basis of the Sonos design.

Wouldn't it be better to chose another solution, such as normal computer speakers, rather than expect Sonos to rewrite the foundation of their code base, which may not even be feasible? I can easily see that you can have one feature, or the other, but not both.
I don't see why it's harder to take input from your device sound card and sync it to the speakers, rather than taking input from files from your device, streaming services, NAS, etc.
I don't see why it's harder to take input from your device sound card and sync it to the speakers, rather than taking input from files from your device, streaming services, NAS, etc.

Because in the former, Sonos is being pushed the information from the device. Sonos was not designed as a pushed to device, instead it actually goes out and pulls from a source. Hence why becoming a pushed to device would require a complete redesign.
I don't see why it's harder to take input from your device sound card and sync it to the speakers, rather than taking input from files from your device, streaming services, NAS, etc.

Have you ever written code against the audio stack on Windows or Macintosh? Apart from the general pain of doing so, some content is specifically protected by the operating system from being intercepted.

Also this would be a PC/Mac-only feature, and Sonos are actively trying to deprecate those platforms, not add features to them.
I’m able to “broadcast” sound from my phone when watching YouTube or a movie to my Sonos... I’m not sure I understand why the OP can’t?