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I added an additional Sonos 1 to my "TV room" and accidentally assigned it to "family room." How do I fix that so it's part of the "Living room"? Also, i have two Sonos ones in there already set as stereo. Do I add the third Sonos 1 as an independent source? What's best? Thanks for your help!
Not as an independent source exactly, just assign it another room name (which is just a label). Call it anything you want, but 'Living Room 2' seems logical. You can rename it in Room Settings. If you want it to play in sync with the stereo pair, just group Living Room and Living Room 2. (I am assuming stereo pair is identified as 'Living Room', but not sure if that is what you are saying). If separated, what are your stereo pair called?
You rename it by going settings... room settings. Pick the room then click on label and change.
Thanks John B. In the "Living Room" I have a TV with a sound bar, a sub woofer, and two sonos ones (set as stereo) to give surround sound. Adding the new (third) sonos one speaker (I'll label this as Living Room 2) may not be the right thing to do?
Hi. If they are set as a stereo pair they are not giving you surround sound. Please clarify if you have added these as surround speakers or have them as a stereo pair.
So "Living Room" is Playbar/Sub/ 2 x Play 1s with the Play 1s set as surrounds/ - This is 1 Room

You cannot name another speaker, or stereo pair, or 5.1 Setup as "Living Room" otherwise how would Sonos know which one you meant when you selected it?

You can name it "Living room 2" if you like or "Runt Play 1" or "Ken Bruce is a Gimp" just that you cannot name it "Living Room"
Why do you want to put the third in living room.
John B: They are set as a stereo pair (I think).
John B: They are set as a stereo pair (I think).We, and more importantly you, need to know for sure! In the room settings for the Playbar, does it say just +Sub, or also +LS+RS?
I am curious at what he is trying to accomplish by adding the extra speaker to room that already has a full set.
It says "(+SUB+LS+RS)
OK. That is a proper surround set up, which I imagine is what you want. So... what do you want this extra speaker for? Your surround set up is complete and you cannot and need not add another speaker to it. How and where do you want to use the new speaker?
Thanks. I was thinking adding another speaker might be good good the odd shape of the room. Thanks for helping with this. I'll look to use it elsewhere.
Probably best idea. The surround sound would probably have been spoiled to some degree, and for TV sound the sync would not have been perfect.
Do make sure you have the rears set as FULL for when listening to music so they play full stereo when you play music from the Sonos app and don't acts a surrounds with very little sound.
Thanks everyone.