Please, PLEASE sort the album search results by release date in Apple Music, like every other service, and like any sane feature would work. The current unorganized list of albums displayed for any particular artist is borderline unusable. You know this.
I know this question has been asked before, but it’s been over SIX YEARS. I know it’s supposedly an Apple problem, but I just don’t buy it. Unless your engineering team is married to some REALLY obtuse implementation, this should be about 4 lines of code. If it’s NOT easy, please ask yourselves how sorting a list of results, a question you’d ask of any engineering intern in an interview, turned into an insurmountable issue that customers have had to beg for over a six year period.
And if it’s really an Apple issue, tell us why, specifically, so we can go yell at them about it.
But c’mon... Sort the stupid list already.