Allow Sonos in the iOS widget/notifications area

  • 5 November 2014
  • 3 replies

Allow iOS to add Sonos transport controls to the Notifications swipe down/widget area.

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3 replies

I think this is a non-starter. As good an idea as this is, Sonos have deemed such integration isn't in their long-term development plans.
Userlevel 1
I've read statements to this effect from Sonos in the past, but there comes a point where intentionally crippling the functionality of your product because of your "long-term development plans" is just irrational. If Sonos wanted to avoid integrating with other ecosystems, it shouldn't have switched to soft controllers on devices it doesn't create. Of course, it would've lost most of its customers if it hadn't done this so, instead, it's chosen this absurd, half-baked policy, resulting in half-baked products. Apart from making it much less of a hassle to control Sonos gear, an iOS widget would also permit a solution to another idiotic Sonos feature: the lack of a snooze function for the alarm. The widget could have a snooze button, which would be accessible even when the phone is locked.
SonoControls does exactly this:

Disclaimer: I'm the developer of SonoControls.