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Hi. I'm probably missing something simple here so apologies in advance but im trying to link Amazon Music to my Sonos System but can't find it listed in "Add Music Services". This is not an Amazon prime streaming account but the basic music that I've bought and downloaded. The Amazon music app is installed and working fine. I'm going to around in circles trying to use the online guides so any assistance great fully received.
I am not an Amazon Music user so I wouldn't rely on this too much! But if this music has been bought outright and downloaded to your phone (?), then I'd expect it to be found under "on this mobile device" or "on this iPhone", depending on type of phone. Where have you downloaded to?
Hi John. Thanks for the reply. Not sure which repository the downloaded music is stored as I access it through the the app both on the iPhone and Android tablet. My understanding is that Amazon music is accessed the same way as a service like Spotify by adding it to Sonos as a music service but it's not listed. Having said that as my music has been downloaded to my local device and I don't rely on the c!oud then I would expect to see it available as a source "on this device" which I don't either. Curious.
Just for completeness I'm running Sonos v7.1 on Android and iPhone and the issue is the same on both devices.
Are you sure it isn't listed in available services? They aren't in alphabetical order. Or rather, any existing services you have are listed first so might be hiding it.
Just had a look on the tablet as I might have missed that one but my services are listed alphabetically and they start with Anghami, Apple Music, through to Stitcher Smart Radio and Trouble of noise !
That should be Tribe of Noise!
Sorry I amended my post re alphabetics. In which country do you live?
This link gives country availability for Amazon Music through Sonos
UK. Scotland to be precise although we are still part of the UK for now
Then I'm totally baffled! It's there on my Android phone.
Good link thanks for that.

I'm in the UK and have option 3, Amazon Music Library.

The issue i have is the instructions:

"Sonos Controller App for iOS or Android

From the Sonos music menu, select Add Music Services.

Select Amazon Music from the list.

Select I already have an account.

Head over to the displayed link.

After logging in, enter the code that is provided to complete setting up your Amazon Music account on Sonos."

There is no Amazon Music to select even though the app is installed and works well standalone.
Is there any way your location settings could be an issue, or do you have anything like a VPN running to disguise public IP location? I would expect that to affect more than Amazon Music though.
Thanks for your efforts John. Much appreciafed. Is there anyone else out there that can help please ?
There is always the old favourites - reboot router and entire network. Or uninstall and reinstall controllers - but the fact that Android and iPhone affected suggests a system issue not a controller issue.
Sorry I couldn't help. If nobody else has any ideas best just to call Sonos Support.
Is there any way your location settings could be an issue, or do you have anything like a VPN running to disguise public IP location? I would expect that to affect more than Amazon Music though.

I'll have a dig around in this area. I used to work in the middle East and had to use cyberghost to access anything meaningful. I don't use the service now and have uninstalled the app but I suppose it could be a legacy issue. Good shout. I'll have a poke about under the hood and see if I can turn anything up. I wonder if it's worth submitting a diagnostic report to Sonos support as they should be able to pick that up?
Certainly no harm in doing so, I'd do that while you dig. I also have 7Digital listed as a service and you didn't mention them, so maybe it isn't just Amazon?
Is there any way your location settings could be an issue, or do you have anything like a VPN running to disguise public IP location? I would expect that to affect more than Amazon Music though.

Spot on John !

Just off the phone to tech support and after a quick scan of my diagnostics they picked up that my locale was UAE not UK. Not sure how that happened as I don't think I ever amended my profile for the time I was there. However all sorted now and working like a dream again. One happy camper. Thanks to you and tech support
That's good news. Pleased to have helped.

I seem to be having a similar problem. I’m not as tech savvy so I just wanted to know if you could share what you expressed to the tech support? Was it sonos tech support you called to get this resolved?

Thanks so much,
