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Sonos app recognizes just one name but Alexa App calls same device Scott's Sonos One as well as Living Room. When asked a question Alexa responds that Living room is not online. Alexa App shows Scott's Sonos One is on line
Hello there, scottarbough. Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community. Normally when there are problems with Alexa there are a few steps to go through to get things sorted. Check out this helpful write-up Edward R. posted on this topic.

In this case, the Sonos One is expected to be listed twice in the settings of the Alexa app. There is one entry for the Sonos speaker part of the product, and another listing for the Alexa-enabled microphones. However, they both should be listed as online, so those steps above should help clear that up. Each have slightly different settings, and the differences may widen in the future too.

Let me know if there is anything I can help clarify. Thanks!
Keith how do you figure out which is which? I have 5 Alexa enabled Sonos Ones...I need to rename them, but there is literally no way to distinguish which is which.
Hey, Tim! That may be best done in real time on a phone call with our support technicians. They are able to set up a remote session and help walk through the setup through a remote session.
This is pretty lame since Alexa speakers don't require two entries and work fine as speakers as well as Alexa devices.
This is pretty lame since Alexa speakers don't require two entries and work fine as speakers as well as Alexa devices.

Uh, an acknowledged expert. There is no Alexa speaker. One entry is Alexa, the other is the actual Sonos speaker.
Why would anyone care how many device entries there are? I understand wondering why they are there, but actually caring enough to call it "lame" after it is explained? :?