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Hi guys,

I have just invested in a couple of Sonos speakers and have set up my iPhone and my wife's iPhone as controllers.

I was wondering, would we be able to have separate favourites on our My Sonos pages? or do we have to share the space. At the moment it is just full of my favourite albums on both iPhones and my wife would like her own stuff on there.


Since all the data actually lives on the speakers, rather than in your phones, no, you can't have separate favorites. You can add multiple accounts to the streaming services, though, so you can have different accounts set up there. But not for favorites.
The sonos favorites are he same but I think the customized categories stick. Example. You add your favorites from your Spotify account as a category in Sonos favorites and move to top. Will remember hose for your controller only as far as what l can tell
Since all the data actually lives on the speakers, rather than in your phones, no, you can't have separate favorites. You can add multiple accounts to the streaming services, though, so you can have different accounts set up there. But not for favorites. Living in the speaker means that it's living in a memory bank. Why can't that memory bank have one more level of folders? My Sonos is just a folder itself. It should be set up where you can add one more level of folders; example, click on My Sonos, then click on Dad, Mom, Kids and then it goes one more level to the stations. Seems very easy and not sure why someone as dumb as me can figure this out. What am I missing here?
The sonos favorites are he same but I think the customized categories stick. Example. You add your favorites from your Spotify account as a category in Sonos favorites and move to top. Will remember hose for your controller only as far as what l can tell Not sure what you mean here. Are you saying to change the station's names so that they sort themselves in a way that is best for you?
I’m saying use Spotify favorites not Sonos favorites and add the Spotify favorites to your my Sonos screen
Seems very easy and not sure why someone as dumb as me can figure this out. What am I missing here?

My imagination, not having full knowledge, is that it's an issue with the amount of memory available, which most likely varies depending on when the particular device was released. I don't believe that there have been multiple versions with different levels of memory of any device, other than potentially the PLAY:5 with gen 1 and gen 2. But it seems to me that in order to keep all of the early ZP products viable, they've not done too much to stress the amount of local memory on those devices.

I suppose they could take another tack, and require all of us to purchase new hardware every time they release new software. Yes, I'm exaggerating for effect. But I think ultimately, that's where you suggestion leads to. Currently, Sonos has continued to do as much as possible to maintain compatibility for all of their devices. But if you've seen the "Save the CR100" thread, imagine that times 1K if they were to obsolete some number of older ZonePlayers.

At least, that's my perspective on it.
But folders do not take up memory. They are just dividers. If I store 20 favorites in My Sonos, what's the difference in storing 10 favorites in My Sonos/Dad and 10 in My Sonos/Mom? Same memory.
Unfortunately, folders need to be described. Hence they occupy memory. The difference is the length of the file name, which would need to include extra characters to describe the folder structure. Yes, not a lot, but we don't really know how restricted the memory is on all the devices.