Hi @Alonzo Mosley,
It’s possible that you’ve accidentally clicked the Best Answer button when replying to the thread.
Only the original poster of the topic or Sonos Staff can mark threads as resolved.
I’ve gone ahead and unmarked that thread as solved for you.
Thanks. Don’t know that it makes much difference in the greater scheme of things, but it sure adds to the frustration.
I noticed I can’t mark YOURS as the answer…?
You didn’t create it as a question. So it can’t be “answered”.
And I realize that’s not as “clear” an answer as it could be. When you open a topic, you choose what kind of topic it was. Only the ones opened as “questions” can have a marked answer. This one wasn’t (although for the life of me, I can’t see what it is….but it’s not a question (yea, I’m ignoring the question mark in the title, just like the software tells me to do….I’m a robot….:) )
No, that makes perfect sense.
It seems a little… obtuse… that the system is that finicky, but I get your answer 110 percent. Thanks
What, the software created by inSided is obtuse? Heresy, I tell you!
And yes, I completely agree. Very odd.
The primary reason for the whole ‘answer’ feature is so that people can search for answers to their questions, without having to read the entire threads to find the answer. While Sonos does want to encourage users for answer questions, that’s kind of a secondary goal. I don’t think seeing that a question thread has been marked as answered has ever stopped anyone from giving their thoughts on a questions...sometimes months later. It certainly doesn’t cause the thread to close or anything like that.
I get that, @melvimbe - I spend a lot of time lurking in Excel and VBA forums, and there’s lots of bad information to sift through.
OTOH, marking an answer as an “Answer” when it isn’t also propogates bad info.
And again, if I’m the guilty party, shame on me - it probably happened when I was dangling an element of my Sonos system of my 25th floor balcony. (My wife tells me it’s illegal to throw it, but won’t tell me if it’s a misdemeanor or a felony.)
I get that, @melvimbe - I spend a lot of time lurking in Excel and VBA forums, and there’s lots of bad information to sift through.
OTOH, marking an answer as an “Answer” when it isn’t also propogates bad info.
I haven’t asked a question in a long time, but there needs to be an ‘unmark as answer’ that an OP has access to, which should help with that. Unless OP is actively trying to propagate bad info.
I know I’ve accidentally marked questions I’ve posted as “answered”, and then needed to get a moderator involved….when necessary. But as @melvimbe points out, for the majority of the folks who provide appropriate answers, a question marked as answered makes no difference. We’re a verbose lot, especially when we think others haven’t hit the point appropriately My bet is we’ve all done it. As Danny suggests, an ‘unmark as answered’ feature would be good….but I think those people who Sonos buys this software from has other issues that have higher priority.
Unless OP is actively trying to propagate bad info.
What did I say that indicated that?
Think it is their confusion over who marked the answer, it is supposed to be limited to the original poster.
Given the forum software that “supposed” is really weak.
I think the OP was a generic, for topic starter, not directed at you. If you look at the whole post in that light you might feel the same.
Yeah, ordinarily I’d agree, but I’ve noticed a general side-ways level of snark has increased by about threefold on “help” sites...