Why does my Sonos system turn itself on, playing a random song!?

kind of spooky...

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What is the source of the music it's playing? It could be someone who connected via Spotify at one point who is playing to your Sonos system. Or, it could be that someone set an alarm on your system, and it's going off.

Why don't you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of having it happen, and contact Sonos to discuss it. There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.
We had Sonos wake the two of us in the middle of the night June 28th, playing some genre we do not listen to, and a song we had never heard before - loudly, and more loudly than we play on our Sonos devices. We do not use Spotify. We do have access to Pandora and Amazon Music and others.

Any ideas what could possibly have happened to cause this randomly in the middle of our sleeping time? No one else was in the house.
Did you submit the diagnostic as I mentioned? If so, post the number here, so Sonos can look at the data from your system. Or check your alarm settings, as I also suggested.
Sorry. No coherent thought when getting awakened in the middle of the night. No Diagnostics were acquired.

And we have never intentionally used Sonos alarms for anything. Ever.

Any other ideas at this late date?
Well, the only other possibility that I can think of off hand is if someone has at some point connected their Spotify account to your Sonos speakers, and then failed to remove the connection. The next time they tried to play on their phone, it would start up on your system, unless you cleared it out, I think.

And I completely understand the not doing the diagnostic when awoken. I certainly wouldn't be able to do so if it happened to me, but I guess if it happens again, perhaps you'll be more inclined to remember to do so. I'll hope it doesn't happen again, though. I generally say within 10 minutes, but I think in truth there's actually 15 minutes of data stored in what is sent when you submit a diagnostic. What I don't know is if it's 15 minutes from the last Sonos command, or 15 minutes of use...so if it happens again, I'd say doing it while you're cursing would be wise.

But those are the only things I can think of that would cause music to play. Oh, random thought, if you have a pet, like a cat, it's feasible that they are on top of a speaker and actuate one of the buttons that start playback. I had that occur once, so I was happy to turn off all of the buttons on my speakers in the controller app.
Userlevel 7
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This has happened to us twice, just happened! I have submitted a diagnostic 1820645923 whats causing it?!
This is not OK. Just happened to me last night. Is there no solution to this from Sonos? Surely people have sent in diagnostics. I'm just not that keen of waiting for mine to start playing on full at 04.30 again just to send in a report.
All previous reports, anecdotally, as I’ve not kept specific track, have turned out to be either alarms set by not the people who were writing in complaining, or external things like people who were connected to the Sonos with the Spotify app which has he ability to start play again while no longer being part of the same Wi-Fi. In the 3 or 4 years I’ve been a regular reader, there’s never been anything other than that.
Also, the cats. Don't forget the cats stepping in the play button.
Ah, yes, good point.

But so far, there’s been no confirmed case of it being an issue with the Sonos system itself.

Note that I said confirmed, it may have happened, but if it did, no one has come back to these boards to confirm it.
Yeah, I hope it doesn't happen again. I've had my system on the same setup for a couple of years and nothing has ever happened before. I hope Sonos takes this seriously though? It isn't just me. Even if it turns up to be the alarm, I didn't set it. Somebody else did.
Yeah, I hope it doesn't happen again. I've had my system on the same setup for a couple of years and nothing has ever happened before. I hope Sonos takes this seriously though? It isn't just me. Even if it turns up to be the alarm, I didn't set it. Somebody else did.
And this setup isn't a (full) wired one with wireless cards disabled by any chance?
The only cable is power. The rest is wireless.
This is happening to me too!!! And with songs that are totally applicable to my life right now!
What on earth??????
Hi, yeah it sucks. It happened to me again and this time I did a diagnos. The answer I got is that the sonos can only be controlled through the WIFI. So I changed password on the WIFI & router. BUT through Spotify you don’t have to be on the same WIFI. Therefor I can start a song at a friends house from my apartment... But the songs playing was not played by a friend of mine, there must be some kind of malware that does this (my own opinion). The solution was to log out of all devices through Sporifys website and then change password in Spotify. It hasn’t happened again since, hope it stays like that. Next time (IF) I’ll sell the speaker. Good luck!
Hi, yeah it sucks. It happened to me again and this time I did a diagnos. The answer I got is that the sonos can only be controlled through the WIFI. So I changed password on the WIFI & router. BUT through Spotify you don’t have to be on the same WIFI. Therefor I can start a song at a friends house from my apartment... But the songs playing was not played by a friend of mine, there must be some kind of malware that does this (my own opinion). The solution was to log out of all devices through Sporifys website and then change password in Spotify. It hasn’t happened again since, hope it stays like that. Next time (IF) I’ll sell the speaker. Good luck!
... And don't purchase any Spotify Connect-enabled speaker again – ever.

So it’s the same like 15-20 songs playing. I don’t think it’s from my Spotify. My husband said it could possibly be from his but he is 1.5 hours away with his phone and our laptop is shut down.
So I just need to change Spotify password?
So it’s the same like 15-20 songs playing. I don’t think it’s from my Spotify. My husband said it could possibly be from his but he is 1.5 hours away with his phone and our laptop is shut down.
So I just need to change Spotify password?

See here. Finally make sure that you and your husband have logged out everywhere.
Same issue. Happened twice just now on our Play1’s. Started two weeks ago and at that time it was in the middle of the night. We use Spotify and checked that no alarm is set in Sonos.

Same issue happened to me in the middle of the night.
Really creepy.

Userlevel 7
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Hi spottihamdi, I'm seeing several play commands coming from a Spotify app. If you've had any friends connected to your system playing Spotify from their app, make sure you play from another service after they leave to disconnect them. This is a good thing to do even if it was just your phone to prevent any accidental plays. Also, it could be something pressing the play button, as I see a few triggers coming from there. If possible, can you send a diagnostic within a few minutes of this happening? That way we know which time stamp to look for.
Hey Ryan,

Only my Spotify account is connected to my system so if this was from Spotify it should be coming from my account.

I don't have any pets or anything so it's less likely that the play button on the speaker was pressed unless if a fly can do it.

The diagnostic above was a few minutes after the incident and I was sleeping during that time. So any play action you may have seen in the last one hour period is suspicious. I have manually paused it from my phone when I woke up so that last action is to be expected.

Only my Spotify account is connected to my system .
This is in fact irrelevant. If anyone in your household has allowed anyone else to connect to your wifi and play from their Spotify app using Spotify Connect, then what Ryan describes is possible. It does not involve your Spotify account at all. I have no way of knowing if that has actually happened, obviously
I am quite certain that noone else in my wifi has ever used this speaker. I wonder if you can point me to log files. I might make sense out of different play triggers and timestamps.