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About 3 weeks ago, when I introduced a Gen 3 Sub to my setup, I am finding that when I adjust the volume of a group or when listening through just one speaker, it will jump up or down outside of my actions. 

This morning I have to keep turning the volume up as when I open Spotify or the Sonos app the volume reduces. 

What’s going on, and can it be fixed? Diagnostic report - 1211388327


I’m controlling Sonos on an iPhone 11, iOS 16.03

Hi @teamcooperau 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

All the volume commands I can see are coming from an iPhone via the Spotify app - those going up as well as down. There are two iPhones, so perhaps it’s the one you’re not using? It looks to me like they are both iPhone 12s though -  I’m not sure why that is.

I recommend you make sure that the device’s case isn’t pinching the volume controls on the phone, or that the buttons aren’t stuck in some way. It may help to reboot the iPhone.

I hope this helps. If it doesn’t help, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team for some real-time troubleshooting.