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I am a pretty new user and I am astounded at how buggy the S2 app is.  There’s a different problem every time I open the app.  It’s so flaky it’s barely usable, and since I have a standard configuration many people must be having the same problems, no?”

Problems I often have:

  1. can’t change speakers… when I click or unclick, the music stops, then I find that whatever was clicked or was unclicked did not change… and until I reboot it doesn’t work
  2. music on app not reflective of what’s playing, out of sync.. but I can stop and start music so it is communicating with the devices

like I said, every time I stop and start I get a variant of the problems above.  I use the android S2 app with a One, Amp, and a Port via wireless network… 

How does anyone use this stuff?  

Sounds like you’re having significant network issues, I have none of that on my S2 system. I’d recommend that you review the wifi interference FAQ, and also perform a simple network refresh, by unplugging all the Sonos devices from power. While they are unplugged, reboot your router. Once the router comes back up, go ahead and plug back your Sonos devices.

If neither of those resolve the problem, I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, there are more options available beyond just the diagnostic analysis. 

Bruce - thanks for your response and thoughts.  Yes, I would assume many people would have this problem, so at first I thought for sure it was my network (even though the signal is strong, I stream movies no problem, etc), but I used a friend’s apple device on my network and it did not seem to have similar problems -- so to me it seems like it’s the android app, which doesn’t have the robustness checks like most apps do (probably a bunch fewer users).  So, while you could be right it’s my network, my suspicion remains the android app.

As a software engineer myself, it just seems like the app does not re-sync if it drops a connection even briefly… a common rookie problem when building a network app.  So even if my network is not perfect, it should be able to deal with it more graceful as my network is not bad.

But I will call them as you suggest - thanks again

I use the Android app and have done so without issues for 10 years. Sonos has millions of users using the Android app. If it was buggy there would be thousands of posts on here about it.

You are wrong. 

Deleted - posted in error.

Yes, I recognize that many people use the android app without trouble, so it is odd that only some of us (I am not alone here) experience this.  But the facts lead me to some issue with the app.. why do I say this?

  • sonos music streams (from radio/services) without interruption (as do movies from other providers).. implying a stable streaming network
  • problem seems to happen when mostly when my android sleeps (though not always), suggesting the app does not recover from intermittency properly
  • the stop/start button almost always works, suggesting that when it initiates a request, it succeeds
  • It seems to work better using the iOS client, though my tests there were not thorough enough to say that with confidence

All this points to a client side issue in failing to recover from some intermittency issue on the APP side, not a network stability issue.  

Also, to Bruce’s post (which I appreciate), I have reset routers, devices, etc many times and the problem comes back.

Yet, John, you are confident I am wrong - can you tell me why, other than you/others use it with no problem?

You might want to ask the Sonos folks to look at the internal date that neither you or we can see.

Wait for an issue, submit a diagnostic and pass the number given to Sonos along with a description of what happened. By phone is best, here works too.