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Lots of closed threads with incomplete information about UPnP support.

I see two options in the Sonos app for Media Servers:


Show Media Servers (toggle)

Show UPnP Servers (toggle)


UPnP is a pretty long standing solution.  There is a lot of confusion about whether Sonos supports DLNA.  DLNA is a superset of UPnP and Sonos does NOT support DLNA.  So if you have a DLNA server, Sonos won’t see it, unless it is ALSO a UPnP server?  This seems backwards.  UPnP is the older standard.  DLNA is supposed to be UPnP plus additional useful stuff.  Apparently, this additional useful stuff may be preventing Sonos from seeing it?

My confusion is further exacerbated by the other toggle, Media Servers, in the Sonons controller app.  Which media servers are those?  Is there a list?

For that matter, are the any UPnP servers that Sonos does NOT support?

Asset UPNP works fine.  But JRiver Media Center, which supports both UPnP and the larger DLNA protocol, is not recognized.

Since I cannot find an documentation about these options in the controller app, I’m hoping to find an answer via the forum. 


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